Abaruray Pe2
Abaruray Pe2
Abaruray Pe2
“Abaruray" is a contraction of
the words "Aba" and "Ruray".
"Aba!" is an exclamation which
is equivalent to "Hey!", "Hi!",
or "Hail!" in English. "Ruray"
is a nickname for Aurora. This
dance is known in the
Philippines be several names,
such as "Hapayan", "Tagayan",
"Pandango sa Baso", and This wine offering is a signal
"Abaroray". In any social for the beginning of folk
gathering in the remote dancing and singing. The
"barrios" of the Philippines, it musicians play the introduction
is customary to offer wine to of "Abaruray" music
the visitors.
The name was derived from a
sort of a 'spectacular' or
daring dance piece, there are
however, equally beautiful
versions of the Abaruray less
the wine-glass balancing act.
The most popular among which
is the Abaruray de Catanauan
from Catanauan, Quezon
Province. The version is
popular among Southern
Tagalog festivities like
baptisms, town or barrio
fiestas and similar festive
occassions. The dance is
unique with a remarkable
called binanog believed to
have been introduced by the
Partners stand opposite each
The girl goes around with
other about eight feet
the glass of wine in her
apart. The girl stands at
right hand looking for a
her partner right side when
partner. She moves freely
facing the audience. A few
around using walking steps,
boys and girls may take part
close, and waltz steps
in this dance to represent
alternately. She pauses once
the townsfolk attending a
in a while as she looks for
social gathering. The girls
a suitable partner. She
are dressed like the dancer.
offers a drink to a chosen
The boys are dressed in
one. He accepts the wine,
"barong tagalog" or "camisa
stands up after drinking,
de chino" and long trousers.
and follows the girl to the
They clap hands in time with
middle of the room. (the boy
the music. stands at the left side of
the girl)
b. Takes waltz steps forward right
FORMATION and backward left (2 M). One waltz
turn-right in place (two waltz
steps) (2 M). Transfers the glass
Girl's Part: to the left hand. Bends the right
I. arm forward and holds the elbow in
a. The girl waltzes around in front at shoulder- level. Places
any direction, holding the the glass on the crook of the
glass with her right hand. right elbow
Places the left hand on the
waist. The boy follows the girl c. Repeats the same steps as in
closely and he executes the (a) starting with the L foot.
same steps. Places hands on Holds the glass in left hand and
waist.16 M moves it sideward L and R
II. alternately..................4 M
a. The girl faces the audience.
She takes four waltz steps d. Repeats (b) starting with L
sideward R and L alternately. foot. Transfers the glass on the
Holding the glass in her right right hand and places it on the
hand she moves it sideward R crook of the left
and L alternately elbow.........................4 M
Girl's Part:
Boy's Part: She stands in place while doing the
As the girl is doing the above following hand movements:
steps, the boys simultaneously a. The girl takes the glass from
executes the following steps her left elbow and holds
around the girl. it in palm of her right hand.
Starting with the R hand down in
a. Two waltz steps forward front, she turns her head counter
(R,L).....................2 M clockwise, raising it slowly and
b. One waltz-turn right in place gradually upward to the top of the
(two waltz step). Arms in lateral head. The glass is still in the
position moving sideward R and L palm of the hand.4 M
alternately.2 M b. She takes the glass from her
c. Repeats (a) and (b) three head and turns the hand clockwise
times more going counter bringing it slowly and gradually
clockwise around the down to the
girl.....................2 M Starting position.............4 M
c. Repeat (a)..........4 M
d. Places the glass of wine firmly
on the head......4 M