Group 2 Project Rubric
Group 2 Project Rubric
Group 2 Project Rubric
Use this rubric as a guide when creating your game. We will use this rubric when grading your game.
Category 4 3 2 1 0
Creativity It is evident that you used It is evident that you used It is evident that you used It is evident that you used It is evident that you did
creativity to create the creativity to create the some creativity to create the little creativity to create the not use creativity to
game. Evidence includes an game. Evidence includes an game. Evidence includes a game. Evidence includes a create the game.
interesting presentation and interesting presentation and somewhat interesting neat presentation. No new Presentation is boring
new rules added to some new rules added presentation and no new rules are created. and no new rules were
x7 traditional games. created.
to traditional games. rules are created
Collaborative, It is evident that excellent It is evident that good effort It is evident that some effort It is evident that little effort It is evident that no effort
effort was put into creating was put into creating the was put into creating the was put into creating the was put into creating the
Cooperative Effort the game. Evidence includes game. Evidence includes a game. Evidence includes a game. Evidence includes a game. No evidence is
a neat presentation, neat presentation, neat presentation, most neat presentation, and included.
complete detailed complete information, and information, and fulfillment
x7 fulfillment of some
information, and fulfillment fulfillment of most of some requirements. requirements.
of all requirements. requirements.
Accuracy Answer key is accurate and Answer key is accurate and Answer key is mostly Answer key is somewhat Answer key is inaccurate
complete. All rules are complete. All rules are accurate and complete. accurate, and may be and incomplete. No rules
outlined clearly and all outlined clearly and most Most rules are outlined incomplete. Some rules are are outlined and no game
necessary game pieces are necessary game pieces are clearly and most necessary outlined clearly and few pieces are included.
included. included. game pieces are included. game pieces are included.
Peer Assessment See Peer Assessment form See Peer Assessment form See Peer Assessment form See Peer Assessment form See Peer Assessment
Team Contribution See Team Contribution See Team Contribution See Team Contribution See Team Contribution See Team Contribution
form form form form form
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
On a scale of 1-4, give yourself a rating for how well you think you contributed to your group.
Circle the rating that best describes your team member’s contribution to the project.
4 3 2 1 0
They contributed They contributed They contributed some They contributed little They did not
equally in creating the equally in creating the in creating the game. in creating the game. contribute in creating
game. They fulfilled game. They fulfilled They fulfilled some of They fulfilled little of the game. They did
all of their part of the most of their part of their part of the their part of the not fulfill their part of
project. the project project. project. the project.
Peer Assessment Form
On a scale of 1-4, rate the following 4 categories for the game you played.
(add up the 4 scores and divide by 4)