(Team C, Ch1) Presentation
(Team C, Ch1) Presentation
(Team C, Ch1) Presentation
Team C
6 Conclusion
What is the real problem?
Making Gasoline from Coal
The Situation The wrong problem The real problem
An oil company was planning to produce The manager gave instructions to The real problem was that the coal
petroleum products from coal to reduce his group to solve the problem of particles and the solvent interacted
dependence on foreign oil. The company clogged pipes. At first, they thought together. This problem was solved
designed a system that grinds the coal
that the problem was the quality of by increasing the speed through the
particles and mixes them with the solvent
and hydrogen,Theand then the solvent, but after a year and a coal pipe, and this speed was
caseit is passed through
the furnace heater to a reactor that converts half, they discovered that it was not achieved by using a small pipe
the coal into gasoline. The process was not the real problem.
working properly due to carbon
deposits on the tubes
Decreasing Profits
The Situation The wrong problem The real problem
In the 1980s, a government-operated The instructions are given by the When student engineers searched into
factory in a developing country was government to solve the perceived the situation, they discovered that the
inefficiency of operation caused by the
taking material from a refinery and problem, “Close the plant because
plant's three to four weekly power
using it to make fertilizer the price of the fertilizer is too low outages, not the price of fertilizer, was
and we can no longer afford to the real issue.Restarting the station after
The case
operate it” each power outage was a huge waste of
time and resources. If the station had
had backup generators, the blackouts
might have been avoided and a large
profit could have been made
Better Printing Inks
The Situation The wrong problem The real problem
Destruction of the Nypro factory in When the middle unit is removed The pipe then burst and released steam,
Flixborough, UK, June 1, 1974, June 28 for maintenance, use a temporary which ignited and caused an explosion.
Someone died when a cloud of replacement pipe to connect the first Unfortunately, the chalk drawings on the
cyclohexane vapor, a flammable chemical, factory floor were only temporary
and third units. The increased
ignited. The facility's three units are plumbing design considerations. The
connected in series, each on a different pressure and flow between the units impact of this displacement is clearly
The case causes deformation of the elbow.
level. This The central unit does not not fully considered, and certainly not
work efficiently. The quality of the pipe was not that the pressure that ultimately leads to
efficient enough to make the gas leakage. This example illustrates the
flow quickly and easily, which lead dangers of careless first aid. Use the
to this type of hazard. Kepner-Tregoe Potential Problem
Analysis Technique (KTPPA) to
prevent this disaster.
Thank you Dr. Mohammed Aman