Basics of Industrial Management
Basics of Industrial Management
Basics of Industrial Management
Industrial Management
# Industry
Organization involves with input, processing & output and transform a
specific material into a finished product.
# Management
A set of activities (planning, organizing, leading, and controlling) directed
at an organization’s resources (human, financial, physical, and
information) to achieve organizational goals in an efficient and effective
# Industrial Management
Industrial Management is the managerial process conducting in the
Industrial Management
• Effectiveness:
Means doing the right things; goal attainment.
Making the right decisions and successfully implementing
Effectiveness and Efficiency in Management
• Organization is an entity, such as a company, an
institution or an association, that has a collective
goal and is linked to an external environment.
Types: Corporation
Government Organizations
Non-govt Organizations
Industrial Organizations
Charitable Organizations
International Organizations
Organizational Resources
Human resources
• Managerial talent and labor
Financial resources
• Capital investments to support ongoing and long-term
Physical Assets
• Raw materials, office and production facilities and
• Usable data, information linkages
Figure : Management
in Organizations
Management Functions
• Someone whose primary responsibility is to carry
out the management process.
• Someone who plans and makes decisions,
organizes, leads, and controls human, financial,
physical, and information resources.
The Manager’s Job
• Plan:
‒ A manager cannot operate effectively unless he or she
has long range plans.
• Organize
‒ When there is more than one employee needed to carry
out a plan, then organization is needed.
• Control
‒ Develop a method to know how well employees are
performing to determine what has been and what still
must be done.
Kinds of Managers by Level
• Top Managers
-are the small group of executives who manage the overall
organization. They create the organization’s goals, overall
strategy, and operating policies.
• Middle Managers
-are primarily responsible for implementing the policies
and plans of top managers. They also supervise and
coordinate the activities of lower level managers.
• First-Line Managers
-supervise and coordinate the activities of operating
Managerial Levels
Kinds of Managers by Area
Marketing Managers
• work in areas related to getting consumers and clients to
buy the organization’s products or services—new
product development, promotion, and distribution.
Financial Managers
• deal primarily with an organization’s financial resources
—accounting, cash management, and investments.
Operations Managers
• are involved with systems that create products and
services—production control, inventory, quality control,
plant layout, site selection.
Kinds of Managers by Area (cont’d)
Human Resource Managers
• are involved in human resource activities.
Administrative Managers
• are generalists familiar with all functional areas of
management and are not associated with any particular
management specialty.
Other Kinds of Managers
• hold specialized managerial positions (e.g., public
relations managers) directly related to the needs of the
Figure : Kinds of Managers by
Level and Area
Why Study Management ?
• The Value of Studying Management
- The universality of management
• Good management is needed in all organizations.
- The reality of work
• Employees either manage or are managed.
- Rewards and challenges of being a manager
• Management offers challenging, exciting and creative
opportunities for meaningful and fulfilling work.
• Successful managers receive significant monetary rewards for
their efforts.
Universal Need for
How The Manager’s Job Is Changing