Big Ideas:
• How we got where we are today
• Who/what influenced(s) education as we know it and why
does it matter?
• What influences you as you develop your own educational
Philosophy: Influencing Education & Educators
• Philosophy: Love of Wisdom – how we make sense of
what we don’t understand: we seek to find answers
• What Factors influence your philosophy?
• Future?
• What do I want to do?
• Meaning?
• What is it I value and/or believe in?
• What do I stand for?
• Questioning & Reasoning – the process of
• Thought – the product of philosophy
Developing Philosophy: Influences
• Our life experiences
• Determining the sources of our reactions to our experiences (internal or
externally motivated)
• Determining meaning (interpretation)
• Religious views
• Belief in a higher power? To what degree?
• Practice of religious (or lack of religious) beliefs
• Reading of literature, history & current events
• The more you know, the more influence
• How do some people view outside influences?
• Our culture
• Helps shape values, behaviors, sense of right and wrong
• Interpret and define based on how/where we live
Philosophy and Thinking
Philosophy Metacognition
• Concerned with the • Thinking about thinking
meaning of things • Concerned with the
• Interpretations of those process of thinking, not
meanings the result
• Clear, precise language is • Emphasis is on
important to processing thoughts and
determining meaning improving one’s thinking
Determining YOUR Philosophy
Using the worksheet…. Jot down responses to the following
And How They Relate to Education
Frayer Model
Branches of Philosophy: Subject
Perennialism (Plato) Educational Views:
• Truth and nature • Rigorous education crucial to
*particularly human developing a person’s mental
discipline & rationality;
nature) are constant, prepare for life
objective, and • Schools should offer core
unchanging. subjects & the arts to
• Purpose of Life is to conserve best thought from
search for the constant, the past
never changing truths • Emphasis on humanities
(literature) to discover
• Achieved through debate timeless wisdom
(Socratic Dialogue) • Issue: content is narrow
Branches of Philosophy: Subject
Essentialism Educational Views:
• Combination of Plato’s • Practical view of education
idealism and Aristotle’s • Goal of education to teach
realism – a 20th century students the essentials
philosophy needed to live in the modern
• Critical core of information world
and skills to be learned • Electives are frills
• Value the past but not living • Make room for new
in the past ideas/skills
• Must observe reality & use • Focus on what is to be
reasoning to gain new learned not how it’s learned
knowledge. • Issue: Who determines what
is essential?
Branches of Philosophy: Child
Romanticism Educational Views:
• Children born good and • Purpose of education is
pure. Must isolate them individual self-fulfillment
from society for as long as • Individuals develop physically,
intellectually, socially and
• Learning is guided by • Teachers job – respond to child’s
child’s curiosity questions; not impose learning
• Individual is more • Student’s job to remain curious
important than the needs & take responsibility for learning
of society • Often seen applied at
elementary (primary or pre-
school) level.
Branches of Philosophy: Child
Progressivism (John Dewey) Educational Views:
• Nature is ever changing • Purpose of education is to
develop problem solving ability
• Knowledge must & make society better.
continually be re-defined • Education begins with the
(updated) student (not subject)
• People as problem • Teacher as a facilitator
solvers (using natural • Subject matter is not as
curiosity & inquiry to find important as processing
answers) (methods vs. knowledge)
• Teaching students HOW to
think instead of WHAT to think.
• Democratic school to teach
democratic societal ways
What Do these Views Look Like
in the Classroom?
Read Scenarios
• P. 301-2 - Perennial Teacher
• P. 304-5 - Essentialist Teacher
• P. 307 - Romantic Teacher
• P. 311-12 – Progressive Teacher
As you read:
• Identify the thoughts and/or behaviors that support the
• Consider the questions at the end of each scenario.
• What similarities or stark differences do you see between the
example teachers?
Theory of Behaviorism
Theory of Constructivism
Influence of Psychological Theories
• Behaviorism – BF Skinner
• Reinforce desired behavior so that it will recur
• Reinforcement tells a person what TO do
• Punishment only tells a person what NOT to do
• Behavior modification
• Issues:
• Teacher dominated; students don’t develop intrinsic motivation
• Too often students don’t assume responsibility for learning or behavior
Influence of Psychological Theories
• Constructivism
• Knowledge (understanding) cannot be transmitted from
teacher to student
• We all must make sense of what goes on around us
• At School
• Students must “construct” knowledge (understanding) by
• Making connections to prior knowledge
• Creating meaning so knowledge can be accessed and used
• Being actively engaged with the learning or assessment of
• Applying knowledge and skills appropriately
• Teacher:
• provides support (scaffolding)
• Creates learning environments that allow students to create
their own meaning (less “sit and get”)
Sum It Up: Review & Reflect
• Write down 3 numbers between 1-25
• Determine the Letters you will have using the following code:
1=A 13 = M
2=B 14 = N
3=C 15 = O
4=D 16 = P
5=E 17 = Q
6=F 18 = R
7=G 19 = S
8=H 20 = T
9=I 21 = U
10 = J 22 = V
11 = K 23 = W
12 = L 24 = eX
25 = Y
Checking for Understanding
• Summarize each of your Frayer Models to make connections
to your notes.
• A-Z Summaries
• Each person gets 3 letters (as determined from previous slide)
• Write 3 statements about what you have learned; connections
made, most important concepts, etc.
• Explain in a 2nd sentence (if needed) why this is important
• Discussion Aerobics: to discuss and extend your understanding.
Education or Teaching Philosophy
• Why do I need one? Education or Teaching Philosophy
Kid President
Chapter 10
Historical Influences
→The past gives us insight into the present and the future of
education in the United States.
→American Education has been plagued with struggles for equal
→Global economy & technology advances have opened up the
need for changes in education once again.
What Do You Think?
• Which of the following ideas or cultural changes
had the most significant impact on education as
we know it today?
• The Common Schooling/Universal Education
• European Ideas for Educating the Whole Child and
Early Education including the views of Progressive
• Equal Opportunities to minorities/ethnic groups and
We’ve come a long way baby!
• Limited schooling in terms of
• Who was permitted to be educated
• Length of time
• What was learned
• Comparable data
• Accountability for student
achievement goals
• Testing what is taught (Standards)
Standardized Testing: Why Not?