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Gemechu Nemera, PhD

Mobile: 0911877124 1


Gemechu Nemera, PhD

 The Longman dictionary (1995) defines research as “the studious
study of a subject, that is intended to discover new facts or test new
ideas; the activity of finding information about something that one is
interested in or needs to know about”
 a scientific and systematic search for pertinent information on a
specific topic.
 The process of finding solutions to a problem after a thorough study
and analysis (Sekaran, 2006)
 Systematic, step by step, logical, rigorous, and organized inquiry that
provides information to guide decision (Cooper & Schindler, 2001)
 It is objective, detached, impersonal, accurate, and confident way of
searching and re-searching information to aid managerial decisions.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 2

 Research is an art of scientific investigation.
 Research comprises defining and redefining problems,
formulating hypothesis or suggested solutions;
collecting, organizing and evaluating data; making
deductions and reaching conclusions; and at last
carefully testing the conclusions to determine whether
they fit the formulating hypothesis
 Research is, thus, an original contribution to the
existing stock of knowledge making for its
advancement. It is the pursuit of truth with the help of
study, observation, comparison and experiment. I

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 3

Why we need research; or What is
the Significance of research?

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 4

 To gain familiarity with the phenomenon (exploratory
 To portray accurately the characteristics particular
individual , situation or group (descriptive research studies)
 to determine the frequency with which something occurs
or with which it is associated to something else (diagnostic
 to test hypothesis of a causal relationship between
variables (hypothesis testing research studies
Gemechu Nemera, PhD 5
 Development of logical habit of thinking and
 It is the basis for all government policies
 Contributes in solving operational and planning
 Helps to understand social relationship and solve
social problems
 A means to earn degrees
 A mans of leading ones own livelihood
 Develops the scope of knowledge
 Helps in generalizing and developing theory

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 6

 Descriptive vs analytical- descriptive includes
survey and fact finding enquiries of different
kinds to describe things after they have
happened; whereas the analytical research uses
information already available and analyze them
to make critical evaluation of the material.
 Applied vs fundamental researches- applied

research aims at solving immediate problems

faced by the society whereas, fundamental
researches aim at generalization and
formulation of theory.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 7

 Quantitative vs qualitative research-
quantitative researches are base on
measurement of quantity or amount whereas,
qualitative researches are concerned with
quality or kind.
 Conceptual vs empirical researches-

conceptual researches are related to abstract

ideas or theories whereas empirical
researches rely on experience or observations

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 8

 Cross sectional and longitudinal researches- cross
sectional researches are researches conducted one
time only while longitudinal researches are
conducted over several time period.
 Field research, laboratory researches, simulation
researches- researches conducted in an open and
free environment is field research, laboratory
researches are researches conducted in totally
controlled and contrived environment while
researches conducted in pseudo environment are
termed simulation

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 9

 Historical research- uses historical data
sources like documents and remnant’s
 Conclusion oriented research- meant to

arrive at conclusion
 Decision oriented researches- conducted to

help managers in making decisions

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 10

 A number of closely related activities
 The various steps involved in a research

process are not mutually exclusive; nor they

are separate and distinct.
 They do not necessarily follow each other in

any specific order and the researcher has to

be constantly anticipating at each step in the
research process the requirements of the
subsequent steps

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 11

 the following order concerning various steps provides a
useful procedural guideline regarding the research process:
◦ formulating the research problem;
◦ extensive literature survey;
◦ developing the hypothesis;
◦ preparing the research design;
◦ determining sample design;
◦ collecting the data;
◦ execution of the project;
◦ analysis of data;
◦ hypothesis testing;
◦ generalizations and interpretation, and
◦ preparation of the report or presentation of the results

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 12

Research Process
Problem Discovery Problem Selection of
and Definition discovery Sampling

Selection of
exploratory research
technique Probability Non-probability

Experience Pilot Case Collection of
(historical) Data
survey study study data
data Gathering

Editing and
Problem definition Processing
(statement of and
Analysis data
research objectives)

Selection of processing
Research Design basic research
method Conclusions
and Report
Experiment Survey
Laboratory Field Interview Questionnaire Observation
Data Study

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 13

 Good research is systematic
 Good research is logical
 Good research is empirical
 Good research is replicable
 clearly defined purpose of the research using common
 Detailed research procedure to permit repetition of the
 Carefully planned procedural design
 Complete frankness in reporting
 Adequate and sufficient data analysis
 Conclusion confined to justifiable by data
 Researcher’s experience, reputation, and personal integrity

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 14

Characteristics of Good Research

Clearly defined purpose

Detailed research process
Thoroughly planned design
High ethical standards
Limitations addressed
Adequate analysis
Unambiguous presentation
Conclusions justified
Gemechu Nemera, PhD 15
 Research can be termed as “an inquiry into the nature of, the
reasons for, and the consequences of any particular set of
circumstances with an interest in the repeatability of the
results and in their extension to more complicated and
general situations
 Scientific method is the method of all logically trained minds
 Scientific method is the pursuit of truth as determined by
logical considerations.
 The ideal of science is to achieve a systematic interrelation of
 Scientific method attempts to achieve “this ideal by
experimentation, observation, logical arguments from
accepted postulates and a combination of these three in
varying proportions

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 16

 The scientific method is an empirical method of
acquiring knowledge that has characterized the development
of science.
 It involves careful observation, applying
rigorous skepticism about what is observed, given that cognitive
assumptions can distort how one interprets the observation.
 It involves formulating hypotheses, via induction, based on such
observations; experimental and measurement-based testing
of deductions drawn from the hypotheses; and refinement (or
elimination) of the hypotheses based on the experimental
 These are principles of the scientific method, as distinguished
from a definitive series of steps applicable to all scientific

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 17

The hallmarks or main distinguishing characteristics of
scientific research may be listed as follows:
1. Purposiveness-goal oriented
2. Rigor-careful, scrupulous and exact
3. Testability-falsification, validation
4. Replicability- can be used again under similar
5. Precision and Confidence-closeness of the finding to
reality and the probability that our estimates are
6. Objectivity-conclusions should be based on factors
rather than subjective or emotional values
7. Generalizability- the scope of applicability of the
findings in different organizational settings
8. Parsimony- simplicity is always preferred to a
complex research framework
Gemechu Nemera, PhD 18
 Research methods may be understood as all those
methods/techniques that are used for conduction of research.
 Research methods or techniques, thus, refer to the methods
the researchers use in performing research operations
◦ Library research
 Analysis of historical record
 Analysis of historical documents
◦ Field research
 Non-participatory observation
 Participatory observation
 Observation
 Interview
 Questionnaire
 Telephone survey

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 19

 Research methodology is a way to systematically solve the
research problem.
 It may be understood as a science of studying how research
is done scientifically.
 In it we study the various steps that are generally adopted by
a researcher in studying his research problem along with the
logic behind them
 when we talk of research methodology we not only talk of the
research methods but also consider the logic behind the
methods we use in the context of our research study and
explain why we are using a particular method or technique
and why we are not using others so that research results are
capable of being evaluated either by the researcher himself or
by others.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 20


Most research texts identify different types of


 Exploratory

 Descriptive

 Explanatory

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 21

 Exploratory research is conducted to clarify ambiguous
situations or discover potential business opportunities.
 It is not intended to provide conclusive evidence from which
to determine a particular course of action.
 In this sense, exploratory research is not an end unto itself.
 Usually exploratory research is a first step, conducted with
the expectation that additional research will be needed to
provide more conclusive evidence.
 Exploratory research is often used to guide and refine these
subsequent research efforts.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 22

Exploratory Research

Secondary data

Experience survey

Pilot studies

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 23

 As the name implies, the major purpose of
descriptive research is to describe characteristics of
objects, people, groups, organizations, or
 In other words, descriptive research tries to “paint a
picture” of a given situation by addressing who,
what, when, where, and how questions.
 Unlike exploratory research, descriptive studies are
conducted after the researcher has gained a firm
grasp of the situation being studied.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 24

 Causal research seeks to identify cause and-effect
relationships. When something causes an effect, it means it
brings it about or makes it happen. The effect is the outcome.
 Rain causes grass to get wet. Rain is the cause and wet
grass is the effect.

 The different types of research discussed here are often

building blocks—exploratory research builds the foundation
for descriptive research, which usually establishes the basis for
causal research.
 Although greater knowledge of the situation is a good thing, it
doesn’t come without a price. Causal research designs can take
a long time to implement. Also, they often involve intricate
designs that can be very expensive.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 25

 Basic(fundamental)  Applied Research
Research ◦ Conducted when
◦ Attempts to expand decision must be
the limit of made about specific
knowledge business problem
◦ Not directedly
involved in a solution
for pragmatic

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 26

Deduction and Inductions
Answers to issues can be
found either by the process
of induction or the process
of duction, or by a
combination of the two.
 Deduction is the process by which we
arrive at a reasoned conclusion by logical
generalization of a known fact.

Example: we know that all high performers are

highly proficient in their jobs.
If John is a high performer, we then conclude
that he is highly proficient in his job
 Induction is a process where we observe
certain phenomena and on this basis arrive at

In other words, in induction we

logically establish a general
proposition based on observed facts.
The seven-step process in the
Hypothetico-Deductive Method

1. Observation or prior knowledge

2. Preliminary Information gathering
3. Theory Formulation
4. Hypothesizing
5. Further scientific data collection
6. Data analysis
7. Deduction
 Time constraints-urgency of the situation
 Availability of data- if there is already enough

data there is no need for research

 Nature of the decision- routine decisions do

not warrant additional investment in research

 Benefits versus costs-
Availability of Data Benefits vs.
Time Constraints Nature of the Decision Costs
Is the infor- Does the value
Is sufficient time
Yes mation already Yes
Is the decision
Yes of the research Yes Conducting
available before of considerable
a managerial
on hand
information Business
inadequate exceed the cost
for making
or tactical
of conducting Research
must be made? importance?
the decision? research?

No No No No

Do Not Conduct Business Research

 Paradigm is an interpretative framework, which is guided by
"a set of beliefs and feelings about the world and how it
should be understood and studied." (Guba, 1990).
 A paradigm is a “worldview” or a set of assumptions about
how things work.
 Rossman & Rollis define paradigm as “shared
understandings of reality”

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 34

• Ontology is the study or concern about what kinds of
things exist. It deals with the question of what is real.
• Ontology comes from the Greek words onto which
means something that exists, and logos which means
logical knowledge.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 35

 Epistemology: “it studies the nature of knowledge and
the process by which knowledge is acquired and
validated" (Gall, Borg, & Gall, 1996)
◦ It is concerned with how our minds are related to
reality, and whether these relationships are valid or
◦ The study of our method of acquiring knowledge.
◦ It attempts to answer the basic question of what
distinguishes true (adequate) knowledge from false
(inadequate) knowledge.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 36

Methodology: how do we know the world, or gain
knowledge of it? How do we study the knowledge?

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 37

Rossman & Rollis identify 4 different
paradigms – but the two primary paradigms
 Positivism – associated with quantitative research.
Involves hypothesis testing to obtain “objective” truth.
Also used to predict what may happen at a future date.
 Interpretivism –associated with qualitative research.
Used to obtain an understanding of the word from an
individual perspective.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 38

 some difficulty which a researcher experiences in the context
of either a theoretical or practical situation and wants to obtain
a solution for the same
 Research problem does exist if the following conditions are
met with
◦ There must be an individual (or a group or an organization), to
whom the problem can be attributed
◦ There must be at least two courses of action, say C1 and C2 , to be
◦ There must be at least two possible outcomes, say O1 and O2 , of
the course of action, of which one should be preferable to the other
◦ The courses of action available must provides some chance of
obtaining the objective
 the individual or the organization can be said to have the problem only if
he/she does not know what course of action is best

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 39

 The research problem undertaken for study
must be carefully selected.
 The task is a difficult one, although it may

not appear to be so.

 Help may be taken from a research guide in

this connection.
 Nevertheless, every researcher must find out

his own salvation for research problems

cannot be borrowed.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 40

 There must be an individual or a group which has
some difficulty or the problem.
 There must be some objective(s) to be attained at. If
one wants nothing, one cannot have a problem.
 There must be alternative means (or the courses of
action) for obtaining the objective(s) one wishes to
 There must remain some doubt in the mind of a
researcher with regard to the selection of
 There must be some environment(s) to which the
difficulty pertains

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 41

 Subject which is overdone should not be normally chosen
 Controversial subject should not become the choice of an
average researcher
 Too narrow or too vague problems should be avoided
 The subject selected for research should be familiar and
feasible so that the related research material or sources of
research are within one’s reach.
 The importance of the subject, the qualifications and the
training of a researcher, the costs involved, the time factor
 The selection of a problem must be preceded by a
preliminary study

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 42

 Defining a problem is stating the problem
along with the bounds within which it is to be
 Defining a problem involves the task of laying

down boundaries within which a researcher

shall study the problem with a pre-
determined objective in view.

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 43

 The technique of defining research problem
involves the undertaking of the following
steps generally one after the other:
◦ Statement of the problem in a general way;
◦ understanding the nature of the problem;
◦ surveying the available literature
◦ developing the ideas through discussions; and
◦ rephrasing the research problem into a working

Gemechu Nemera, PhD 44

What is a Research Proposal?
 It is a written statement of the research
design that makes the research process
operative for the specific problem
 It is a plan of future research and an
explanation of how it will be achieved

It always include
 a statement explaining the purpose of
the study
 systematically outlines the particular
research methodology and
 details the procedures that will be
utilized at each stage of the research

Main questions answered in a proposal
 Who has already done work in this area?
 Is the proposed research interesting, important and
 What are the aims and objectives of research
 What are the probable limitation of the
 How do we intend to conduct the research?
 Where is the research intended to be carried out?
 What is timetable for conducting the research?
 What is the required resource to effectively finish
the research project

Function of the Research Proposal
 Research Proposal as a Means of Communication
 It serves to communicate what information
will be obtained, where it will be obtained,
and how it will be obtained
 Research Proposal as Plan
 It sets out the plan in step-by-step detail
and helps to organize idea in a systematic
 Research Proposal as a Contract
 It constitute a bond of agreement between
the researcher and the funding
sources/sponsoring committee
 Importance of the Research Proposal
◦ It serves as a basis for determining the
feasibility of the research project

◦ It provides a systematic plan of procedure

for the researcher to follow

◦ It gives the research supervisor a basis for

guiding the researcher while conducting the
◦ It reduces the probability of costly mistake

General Format of Research Proposal
 Components of a Scientific Research Proposal
◦ Proposed Title
◦ Abstract
◦ Introduction
 background
 Justification
 Research questions
 objectives of the study
◦ Significance of the study
◦ Scope of the study
◦ Operational definition of terms
◦ Literature Review
◦ Material and Methods (methodology)
◦ Work Plan (time budget)
◦ Cost Budget
◦ References
◦ Appendix
 Proposed Title
◦ Informative, specific, concise
◦ It should be as brief as possible
◦ contains the fewest possible words that adequately
describe the contents
◦ It should enable the reader to understand what the
research is about
 It should be clear and transparent
 It should contain 10 to 15 substantive words
 It should capture and reflect the content of the proposal
 It should be in one line or two

 Capability: is it feasible?
◦ Is the topic something with which you are really fascinated?
◦ Do you have, or can you develop within the project time
frame, the necessary research skills to undertake the topic?
◦ Is the research topic achievable within the available time?
◦ Will the topic still be current when you finish your project?
◦ Is the topic achievable within the financial resources that
are likely to be available?
◦ Are you reasonably certain of being able to gain access to
data you are likely to require for this topic?

 Appropriateness: is it worthwhile?
◦ Does the topic fit the specifications and meet the standards
set by the examining institution?
◦ Does your topic contain issues that have a clear link to
◦ Are you able to state your research question(s), aim and
objectives clearly?
◦ Will your proposed research be able to provide fresh insights
into this topic?
◦ Does your topic relate clearly to the idea you have been given
(perhaps by an organization)?
◦ Are the findings for this topic likely to be symmetrical: that
is, of similar value whatever the outcome?
◦ Does the topic match your career goals?

 It start with motivation or justification
 Is a short informative summary of the entire document
 Provide brief information about the whole problem to be
 The abstract of proposal should contain the following points:
 Title or topic of the research
 Statement of the problem and objective
 Methodology of investigation
 Expected result (if any)

The abstract of final paper (research report) should contain
the following points in addition to what is mentioned for a
 Results of the study
 Major Conclusion

 Recommendation (if any…….)

Background of the Study
 Reviews the previous works to reveal what is known
of the subject
 Present a concise explanation on the development,

trend and current state of the theme of the study

 Start by providing a global synopsis of the subject

and move to regional and specific to country, local

or institution situation

Statement of the Problem
 It must be written in a way that gives empirical
references to describe the situation and
specifies the gaps in existing knowledge of the
problem and/or the existing controversy and
the non-conclusive evidence
 There may be very conclusive evidence for
knowledge considered to be established, but
the study questions the accumulated
knowledge because of certain events that the
researcher intends to subject to verification
 It conveys the questions or broader issues
motivating the research

A logical sequence for presenting the
1. Describe the magnitude, frequency, and
distribution of the problem
2. Describe the probable causes of the problem
 What is the current knowledge of the problem
and its causes?
 Is there consensus? Is there controversy? Is
there conclusive evidence?
3. Describe possible solutions
 In what ways have solutions to the problem
been attempted?
 What has been proposed?
 What are the results?

4. Explain about unanswered questions
◦ What remains to be answered?
◦ What areas have not been possible to understand,
determine, verify, or test?

 The significant content of the justification is that no

work has been carried out to try to solve the stated
problem, or that little work has been carried out to
try to solve the stated problem, or that some work
has been done but gaps still exit; hence the need to
conduct the study.

 Questions may be divided into ones that are
exploratory, descriptive, explanatory
 Any research question you ask is likely to begin with
or include either ‘What’, ‘When’, ‘Where’, ‘Who’,
‘Why’, or ‘How’.
 Each of these will lead to an answer that is partly
descriptive and sometimes entirely descriptive, such
as: ‘How much did the marketing campaign for the
new range of products cost?’
 Exploratory questions are likely to begin with ‘How’
or ‘What’
 Questions that seek explanations will either
commence with ‘Why’ or contain this word within the
 Do not ask simple questions
 Do not ask difficult questions
 Do not ask sensitive questions
 Do not ask questions that will not generate

new insights

Objectives of the Study
 Indicate what is expected to occur and why, suggest the
variables that determine a relationship, or provide an
explanation for a phenomenon that has been observed
Generally this section focuses on
 What is to be achieved by the proposed study
 Should be to the point and logically arranged
 Stated in a way that shows the relations b/n variables
 Must clearly state the target of the research activity

Significance of the Study
 Describes the type of knowledge expected to be obtained and
the intended purpose of its application.
This section should answer the following:
 How does the research relate to the priorities of the
 How does the research help in acquiring and reinforcing your
knowledge of your field of study or specialization?
 What is the ultimate purpose that the knowledge obtained
from the study will serve?
 How will the results be used, and who will be the

Scope/Delimitations of the Study
 It is description of the issues and core concepts
that the study deals with and the limits of
investigation for the sake of ensuring
tractability vis-à-vis limitation of resources
◦ Issue Specification
◦ Space Specification
◦ Time Reference Specification
Limitations- A limitation identifies potential
weaknesses of the study. Think about your
analysis, the nature of self-report, your
instruments, and the sample.

Methods (Methodology)
 It should give full details to show how the
research activity is going to be carried out
 It is an essential prerequisite for validating the
results and hence acceptability of the study
Accurate, clear and valid methodology enable
others to
 Replicate the experiments described in the
 Modify them with the assurance that the
modification is different from the original in
some way
 Apply them under different conditions

Data (or Materials)

 In this part, explanations should be provided

☞ Information required to attack the
☞ Each variable or indicator identified by a
researcher with justifications for its
☞ The source of the data
☞ The site (location) of the study
☞ Relevant period of time
Methods (Methodology)
1. Method of data collection
◦ explains and justifies the relevance and
appropriateness of the method of data
collection selected

2. Method of sampling
◦ It specifies;
 The elements from which the desired
information is collected
 How these elements are selected
 The sample size

3. methods and Instruments of data collection
Whether you conduct a survey, experiment,
observation or any other method and the items
to be used to measure the variables of your
4. Data Quality issues
How to ensure that your data is valid and reliable
5. Method of analysis
How the data is to be presented, and analyzed?
The different tools and techniques to be used
in the data analysis.
6. Method of presenting the outcome

Literature Review
 The literature review should be a critical analysis of major
research studies already conducted and other key
 The literature review must refer to the classical and most
influential pieces of research in the topic area
 Involves making reasoned judgements about the value of
each piece of work and to organizing ideas and findings of
value into a review
Types of reviewed literature can be
 Theoretical works and review- body of theory that has
accumulated in regard to an issue, concept, theory or
 Methodological review- on research approaches, strategies,
data collection techniques or analysis procedures, rather than
the research findings
 Reviews of original findings- Empirical reviews

Objectives of the literature review
 Establish a familiarity with a body of knowledge
 Establish credibility
 Show the path of prior research and how a current project
is linked to it
 Integrate and summarize what is know in the area
 Learn from others and stimulate new ideas

 The preliminary search that helps you to
generate and refine your research ideas and
draft your research proposal
 Provides the context and theoretical

framework for your research

 To place your research findings within the

wider body of knowledge and forms part of

your discussion chapter

 Previewing- considering the precise purpose of
the text before you start reading
 Annotating- conducting a dialogue with yourself,
the author and the issues and ideas at stake
 Summarizing- state it in your own words
 Comparing and contrasting- ask yourself how
your thinking has been altered by this reading or
how it has affected your response to the issue
◦ the capacity to evaluate what you read and the capacity to
relate what you read to other information is the very
important in critical literature review.

 Why am I reading this? (The authors argue that this is where
the review question is particularly valuable. It acts as a
focusing device and ensures that you stick to the purpose of
the reading and do not get sidetracked too much by the
author’s agenda.)
 What is the author trying to do in writing this? (The answer
to this may assist you in deciding how valuable the writing
may be for your purposes.)
 What is the writer saying that is relevant to what I want to
find out?
 How convincing is what the author is saying? (In particular,
is the argument based on a conclusion which is justified by
the evidence?)
 What use can I make of the reading?

 Critique of rhetoric- appraising or evaluating a problem with
effective use of language.
 Critique of tradition- the conventional wisdom
 Critique of authority- the dominant view portrayed in the
literature you are reading
 Critique of objectivity- knowledge and information you are
discussing are not value-free
◦ You need to read the literature about the research topic
with some skepticism and be willing to question what you
◦ This means you need to be constantly considering and
justifying your own critical stance with clear arguments
and references to the literature rather than just giving
your own opinion.

 In drafting your critical review, you will need to
juxtapose different authors’ ideas and form your
own opinions and conclusions based on these.
 A common mistake with critical literature reviews
is that they become uncritical listings of previous
 A common problem with literature reviews is
describing what each author has written, one
author after another.
 It is much easier to be critical (and more
interesting to read) if you take a thematic
approach comparing and, where necessary,
contrasting the authors who discuss each theme

 Assessing relevance: if it is related to your research
question(s) and objectives
 Assessing value/quality: methodological rigour,
theory robustness and the quality of the reasoning
or arguments.
 Assessing sufficiency: assessment of whether you
have read a sufficient amount. Yet you need to be
sure that your critical review discusses what
research has already been undertaken and that you
have positioned your research project in the wider
context, citing the main writers in the field

 Your schedule should include the major
phases of the project, their timetables, and
the milestones that signify completion of a
 A timetable explaining how the researcher
expects to carry out the project and when
each of the important phases will be
 It is a plan in terms of numbers of weeks or
months and expected completion dates.

For example, major phases may be
1. Exploratory interviews
2. Final research proposal
3. Questionnaire revision
4. Field interviews
5. Editing and coding
6. Data analysis
7. Report generation
 Each of these phases should have an
estimated time schedule and people assigned
to the work

Cost Budget
 Funding will be necessary and an itemized list
of items needed to carry out the methodology
is listed in some detail.

There are items like:

 Field expenses for data collection
 Pay for consultants where they are necessary
 Travel and all such items needed to be detailed
 A sum of money for contingencies.

Budget Example:

Research Program Budget

Budget Items Total Days Rate Total Charge

A. Salaries

1. Research director 20 hours Rs 200/hr Rs. 4,000

2. Associate 10 hours Rs 100/hr Rs. 1,000

3. Research assistants (2) 300 hours Rs 20/hr Rs. 6,000

4. Secretarial (1) 100 hours Rs 12/hr Rs 1,200

Subtotal Rs 12,200

B. Other costs

5. Travel Rs 2,500

6. Office supplies Rs 100

7. Telephone Rs 800

8. Other equipment Rs 100

Subtotal Rs 3,500

C. Total of direct costs Rs 15,700

D Overhead support Rs. 5,480

E. Total funding requested Rs. 2l.180

Gant chart

Project Activities Schedule

August September October November December January
2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

1 Concept Paper

2 Proposal I

3 Proposal II

4 Literature Review I

5 Literature Review II

6 Methodology I

7 Methodology II

8 Data Presentation & Analysis I


9 Data Presentation & Analysis II


10 First Draft

11 Final Draft

Reference (Bibliography/Literature
Make sure that all authors
mentioned in the text are also
included in reference list.
Soft wares like Mendeley desktop
can be used for this purpose.


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