Presentation Etech
Presentation Etech
Presentation Etech
Projects that are related to school contributions have always been somewhat of a struggle for most students,
particularly the students with financial problems or who occasionally don't have enough money for their
school needs, particularly for the students who have limited budgets for their daily school expenses. Most
frequently, "classroom or school contribution projects" require students to raise or contribute money for their
school or individual classrooms. These projects are common in public schools. While not harmless, most of
these projects resulted in students receiving extra credit for their money contributions, which we believe is not
reasonable. Students attend public schools because, obviously, they cannot afford private ones, or because, in
some cases, it is the only way for parents to avoid incurring significant costs for their child's education since, in
addition to the tuition that parents must pay, students also have other expenses that must be met.
Schools should not make their students worry that they must contribute money for something that they
SHOULD NOT be doing in the first place. Their academic success should be their main focus. They shouldn't
worry about something they couldn't afford to provide in the first place because they are only students trying
their best to complete their academic assignments. Some school officials must keep in mind that not all
students rely solely on their parents to cover their expenses because they are the ones who are aware of how
difficult it is to earn money that is difficult to spend. Some schools also need to comprehend that not all
parents are able to provide effortlessly. Students from the following generations would suffer or worry from
these programs as well if "contribution payment projects" are not changed or eliminated from educational
procedures of some schools.
This statement is not intended to criticize or harm the school. As students and future responsible citizens, we
speak out on this issue to bring about the changes we believe need to be made. We communicate in order to
collaborate and be heard. We are not calling for an immediate shift, just a clear solution to these kinds of
issues. Therefore, the issue we raise needs to be adequately addressed. Future generations, including parents,
wouldn't have to worry any longer if the school took action on this.