Support Sentences
Support Sentences
Support Sentences
The supporting sentences, also called
the body of the paragraph, are used
to support, explain, illustrate, or
provide evidence for the idea
expressed in the topic sentence.
In developing related supporting sentences it
should focus on the following:
- They should provide the main supporting points for
the paragraph's main idea (topic sentence)
- There are usually 2 - 4 supporting sentences in a
- They should be arranged in a logical order.
- They should NOT begin a new topic or introduce a
new idea.
When you develop related support sentence/s there are transitions that need to
be observed.
Another thing that I love about Christmas is when our whole clan gathers
The best thing about the festivities is remembering the birth of our savior.
01 Brainstorm ideas
Let's say, for example, that your topic sentence is:
With that sentence as your topic sentence, you can make a list of ideas - in
this case, a list of ideas directly related to how it is wonderful to visit
Dumangas. You can start by writing some informal ideas on a piece of
paper at first - ideas that you could use to support your topic sentence.
Here, you're just listing ideas, not writing complete sentences.
● Seawall/Esplanade
● Old Churches
● Restaurants/ Coffee Shops
● Plaza
● Beaches
● Peaceful
02 Choose 2-4 Main Ideas 03 Write your Supporting
Next, from your list of ideas, you'll want to
decide on two-four main points for your main For the topic sentence about Dumangas, my
supporting sentences. supporting sentences might be:
To do this, you might want to combine two or Dumangas is a wonderful place to visit.
more ideas from your list, or you might want First, many tourists enjoy visiting the
to look at one of your ideas and take a Seawall and Esplanade, which is a relaxing
smaller, more specific idea from it. spot to just chill out with friends and family.
Second, there are historical churches one
can visit if they want peace and quiet.
Finally, Dumangas has an excellent variety
of restaurants that cannot be found in other
Let’s Review
Can You Spot The Supporting Sentences? Underline the supporting sentences.
Develop related supporting sentences for each topic sentence.
The coronavirus (Covid-19) has created the biggest global crisis in generations.
Kinds of Intelligence
There are many kinds of intelligence. (1) ______________ there is mathematical-logical intelligence.
People who have this intelligence may become mathematicians, scientists, or engineers. (2)
_____________ there is linguistic intelligence. People with this kind of intelligence are good at language,
so they become poets and writers. We are familiar with these two kinds of intelligence, but other kinds are
not so familiar. There are (3) _____________ two other kinds of intelligence: spatial and musical kinds of
intelligence. For architects and artists, spatial intelligence is necessary. Whereas musical intelligence is
necessary for musicians. (4) ______________ there is kinesthetic intelligence. Athletes and dancers have
kinesthetic intelligence. Personal intelligence is kind of intelligence (5) ______________ . People with
personal intelligence manage people well, so they become leaders of society. In conclusion, there are many
ways to be smart.
Your Turn!
Make a paragraph with
atleast 3 support
Good Job!
Thank you for listening!
Any questions?