The Importance of Substitutes in BNI
The Importance of Substitutes in BNI
The Importance of Substitutes in BNI
Substitutes in BNI
Substitutes are a vital component of your BNI chapter and can have a significant
impact on your success in generating referrals. In this presentation, we explore why
substitutes are important and how to make the best use of them.
By Kamlesh Adwani
What is a Substitute in BNI?
Definition Role Responsibility
A substitute in BNI is a member The substitute's role is to represent the By accepting to substitute for another
designated to attend a meeting on behalf absent member and engage in activities member, you have a responsibility to not
of another member who is unable to that the member would otherwise only attend the meeting but also to
attend due to work, travel, or personal perform, such as giving a 60-second conduct yourself as a member of the
reasons. commercial or presenting referrals. absent member's team.
Why are Substitutes Important in BNI?
1 Increase Meeting Attendance
Maintain Chapter Momentum 2 absent member's business category, which helps maintain a
strong and diverse chapter that attracts more referrals.
Absent members who don't send substitutes break the
consistency and momentum of their team, making it hard
for their chapter to reach its goals and grow.
3 Expand Your Network
Substituting allows you to build stronger Substituting helps you stay accountable and Substituting gives you the opportunity to
relationships with members who are absent, maintains your productivity by keeping you generate more referrals, which can lead to
which can lead to more referrals and new engaged and focused even if you can't attend increased revenue and business growth for
business opportunities. the meeting in person. you and your fellow members.
How to Choose a Good Substitute?
1 Reliable 2 Capable
Choose someone you can trust to Look for a substitute who can handle
represent you and your business, who the responsibilities that come with the
understands your strategies and role, such as giving a 60-second
commitment to BNI. commercial, describing your business
to visitors, and presenting referrals.
3 Affable
Choose someone who has a good relationship with the other members and can blend in
with your team and contribute to a positive and productive atmosphere.
Tips for Effective Communication Between the Member
and the Substitute
Establish a Relationship Clarify Responsibilities Follow Up and Show Gratitude
• Meet your substitute in person or • Specify your role and • Thank your substitute for their time,
through a virtual meeting. responsibilities as a BNI member commitment, and contribution.
Substituting is more than just attending a Substituting is an opportunity for you to grow Substituting is a chance for you to create new
meeting. It's about building a strong, lasting, personally and professionally, expand your business opportunities, generate more
and supportive connection with your fellow network, and gain new insights and ideas that referrals, and establish yourself as a reliable
members and creating a win-win situation for can help you take your business to the next and valuable member of your BNI chapter.
everyone. level.