BNI Prosperity New Member Mentorship Manual
BNI Prosperity New Member Mentorship Manual
BNI Prosperity New Member Mentorship Manual
We are glad that you have decided to join our chapter. We are confident that you will find BNI
to be an enriching experience for both, your business as well as personally.
To help you get started, we have appointed a Mentor for you, who will take you through a
structured 7 weeks PMGP (Prosperity Mentorship Graduation Programme). The PMGP is
intended to take you through different concepts and tools of BNI, which will help you to
maximize your ROI in BNI. After the 7 weeks programme, you will have to take a Assessment,
post which you will be Certified PMGP Graduate and ready to perform like a pro.
Also please find below, a list of frequently used terms that you‘ll need to be familiar with as a
new member. Please review them and do let us know if you have any questions or concerns.
We look forward to working together with you while enjoying mutual success.
-Your BNI Chapter Leadership Team
Structure of the meeting:
1. Open Networking – 7am to 8am 9. 15 Sec Visitor Introduction
2. Meeting starts – 8am 10. 8 min. presentation by 2 members
3. Introduction of LT and Team 11. Passing of Referrals, Testimonials
4. Power of One 12. BNI Announcements if any
5. Education Slot 13. Door prize by 8 min. presenters
6. Network Leaders 14. Closing of meeting
7. Induction (if any) 15. Breakfast and Open Networking
8. 30 Sec Member Introduction
4. Listen. Dr. Ivan Misner, founder of BNI, says it best: "You have
two ears and one mouth; use them proportionately." The fastest
way to learn about BNI and your sales force is to listen.
9. Stay late. One of the best ways to increase your exposure in BNI is
to stay after the meeting to continue networking, follow through on
referrals, or help clean up the room. This shows your commitment and
dedication to the group.
10. Stay upbeat. During the first few meetings, you might be
overwhelmed with timed commercials, learning everyone's
name, filling out referral slips, and remembering to stock the
business card box with business cards. Smile, have fun, be
positive, and don't be afraid to let your hair down! (Not too far,
1. Listen to the CD, ‗Your Orientation to BNI‘ by Dr.Ivan Misner. The CD will be in your BNI
Members Pack (Diary).
2. Check the schedule for the next MSP and register yourself and your substitute for the same.
Module 2 - (Week 2)
Creating your 30 sec presentation; your Info-commercial
7 Ways to Leverage
People often look at networking as a tired term, but it can be your stepping stone to greater
influence, recognition, and ultimately, referrals. When meeting someone new, here are 7 proven
steps to improve your networking ability:
6. Be an avid listener.
When someone else is speaking, it‘s tempting to be thinking of your response. But careful
listening builds goodwill, trust, and confidence.
7. Follow-up.
Always send a personal note to follow-up your conversations. It is unlikely your listener will need your
product or service immediately. But don't be surprised when they make the call and say, "I really
appreciated your note when we met last."
You have only one chance at a first impression. An effective networker can't afford to waste
that opportunity.
Lowest Common Denominator – break down your business/profession to its critical parts
a. specific products or services,
(3 seconds) Introduction:
I am Dharmesh Dhami representing my firm AAGAM engineers.
(2 seconds) LCD1:
We are contractors for repairs of Existing building and new construction projects.
1. Make a list of all the possible Business LCDs you can think of.
3. Prepare your 30sec as per the theme, for all the four weeks of the month.
6. In any case do not read out your 30sec from a written paper or mobile. The best way is to
present your 30 sec by heart, maintaining your eye contact with the members.
Module M3 – (Week 3)
The definition of a referral: The opportunity to do business with someone who is in the market to
buy your products or service. (It‘s not a guaranteed sale, but an open door to discuss your business.)
1. Listen for a need from someone you‘ve met. A good networker has two ears and one mouth and
uses them both proportionally.
2. Tell the individual you know someone who can provide that service.
3. If you‘ve done business with the member, tell about your experience.
4. Give out the business card of the person you are referring and ask for the individual‘s card.
5. Ask if it‘s okay to have the member call.
If the answer is yes, connect your chapter member and yes, do forget to follow up.
How to Get Good Referrals
People also tend to make requests passively instead of asking directly. The person receiving the request
doesn‘t understand that they have been asked to take action. Then you get frustrated when nothing
happens, as in the above illustration.
This is what happens with many referral requests in chapters. You feel you are being specific with our
commercials. Yet, other members don‘t understand who they are looking for, or what they need to do
to bring that ideal referral to you.
When you receive a referral slip, what would you like the referral to look like? Give
an example of your ideal referral as it relates to the Referral Slip Thermometer. For
example, if someone marks a 5, what level of referral would you like it to be?
―Thank you for your time- I‘d like to return the favour….
These are people I know and trust and can vouch for. You may not need their products and
services today. Please have a look through and feel free to take any cards that may be of
interest to you. If you ever have a need, don‘t call them, call me and I‘ll be glad to arrange a
personal introduction so that you can be assured of the best possible service. It‘s probably a lot
safer than risking a call to a stranger in the „phone directory or internet!‖
v) Email signature
xxx is proud to be part of the Business Network International (BNI). This is a group of
quality businesses which meet regularly and has a strict code of conduct ensuring that
only the best businesses remain members. What this means to you is that each business
is carefully vetted and the level of service is monitored regularly, so you can be sure that
you are getting a first class service.
If you know of someone who might like to grow their business by connecting with us, do
have them contact xxx. Together with the BNI team, we look forward to helping
business people in growing their local business with global network.
5. Every day spent 10mins with your Roster sheet and take action on connecting your chapter
members to your network.
6. Carry your BNI diary and card holder for all your client meetings.
Visitors are often the best referral sources and may result in multiple referrals
among chapter members.
- Guests are ―fresh blood‖ – they‘re the variable that guarantees every meeting is
a unique business opportunity
- Inviting many guests reflects well on us as being ―well connected‖
- Inviting guests is how we demonstrate the trust we GIVE our fellow members, &
remember: ”GIVER‟S GAIN”
- Inviting guests is the easiest way to build your credibility as a new member.
Ensure visitor hosts have your guests‘ details & are providing them with registration
Ravi, I am working with a group of local business people who are looking for a (change to
more appropriate for india category) to pass business to.
Are you able to handle any more business?
Great – I‘d like to invite you to meet the group. We are meeting for breakfast next
Wednesday morning _____ insert location _____ from 7.45 am to 9.30 am. The reason
we meet over breakfast is that like you, we are all successful business professionals,
with busy work schedules. By meeting over breakfast it doesn‘t cut into our work day.
Can I get your details, and I will send you the invitation?
Sr. Business
Name Company Name ADDRESS1 Email Id Mobile No.
No. Type
Module M5 – (Week 5)
Maximizing Your Return on Relationships
Successful BNI members will tell you that strong relationships equal results. BNI is the one
place where you can earn the best return on relationships.
One-on-one meetings are like exercise: hard work but worth it! Joining a BNI chapter and not
doing consistent one-on-ones is like becoming a member of a health club, but not going to the
gym to exercise! It won't do any good. You will not get the results you want.
Productive, results-oriented BNI members realize that one-on-one meetings with other
BNI members are one of the best exercises you can do to maximize your BNI
- Bio Sheet
- GAINS Worksheet
- Last 10 Customers Worksheet
- Contact Sphere Planning Sheet
Take the time to prepare your Dance Card Worksheets. The worksheets will help you
share important information with your dance partner about your business and how to
find referrals for you. Also ask you partner to share all his worksheets.
Bring the same materials to your one-on- one meeting that you faxed or emailed earlier. You
can also bring other materials that will help you help each other. For example, you can bring
testimonials from your customers or your rolodex to share if appropriate.
Following are the important questions you may ask, when you are visiting
a member for a 121.
4. What advice would you give someone just starting in the widget business?
This is my mentor question. Don‘t we all like to feel like a mentor to feel that our answer
matters? Give your new networking prospect a chance to feel like a mentor by asking this
5. What one thing would you do with your business if you knew you could not fail?
This is a paraphrase of a question from noted theologian and author Dr.Robert Schuller,
who asks, ―What one thing would you do with your life if you knew you could not fail?‖ we
all have a dream, don‘t we? What is this person‘s dream? The question gives her a chance
to fantasize. She‘ll appreciate the fact that you cared enough to ask. And you‘ll notice that
people always take a few moments to really ponder this one before they answer.
6. What significant changes have you seen take place in your profession through
the years?
Asking people who are a little bit more mature in years can be perfect because they love
answering this question. They‘ve gone through the takeover of fax machines, the advent of
PCs and then the Internet, and the transition from a time when service really seemed to
9. What ways have you found to be the most effective for promoting your business?
Again, you are accentuating the positive in this person‘s mind, whole finding out something
about the way he thinks. However, if you happen to be in the advertising field, absolutely do
not ask this question. Why? Because right now, it would be a probing question, and would
be perceived as such by your networking prospect. Eventually you will get to ask that
question, but not now.
10. What one sentence would you like people to use in describing the way you do
Almost always, the person will stop and think really hard before answering this
question. What a compliment you‘ve paid her. You‘ve asked a question that, quite
possibly, the people who are closest to her have never thought to ask.
Questions you can ask, to understand the right kind of referral / connect
for your 121 partner. (Please Note down the answers)
2. Who was your last client? Why did they come to you?
3. How will I know if someone needs your service? (something they say, do, look like?)
5. How should I start a conversation (what should I say) if I know I am talking to the right
Business Information
Business Name:
Personal Information
Family Information: Spouse
Other Interests:
My burning desire is to …
Something no one knows about me…
My key to success…
G.A.I.N.S. Worksheet
Name of contact:
Date of meeting: Time of meeting:
Start Time: Finish Time:
Meeting Location:
Goals are the business or personal 2
objectives you want or need to meet foryourself or 4
the people who are important to you. You need to
define your goals and have a clear picture of the other
person¶s goals. The best way to build a relationship
with someone is to help them achieve their goals! 7
People like to talk about the things they are proud of. 5
Remember, some of your best insight into others 6
comes from knowing what goals they have already
achieved. Your knowledge, skills, experiences and
values can be surmised from your achievements. Be
ready to share your accomplishments with the people
you meet
Your interests can help you connect with others. 5
Interests are things like playing sports, reading books 6
and listening to music. People like to spend time with 7
those who share their interests. When you and your
network source share the same interests, it will
strengthen your relationship.
You have many networks, both formal and informal. 5
A network can be an 6
organization, institution, company or individual you
associate with.
kills: The more you know about the 3
talents and abilities of the people in yournetwork, 4
the better equipped you are to find (and refer!) 5
competent affordable products and services when 6
the need arises. And when you¶re trying to 7
roundup business opportunities, the more people
know about your skills, the better your chances!
What 3 professions will help you to round
4. out you contact sphere:
5. 1.
6. 2.
7. 3.
Include Notes on Referrals
Notes on Customers
Who Would be a Good 1) Coordinators / Principals of CBSE and ICSE Schools INDIA – MIDDLE EAST- EAST AFRICA – SOUTH
How Would I Start a 1) Does your school have a tool to measure and compare the performance of students across different
Conversation About You? grades or different divisions of a particular grade.
2) Would you like to know the exact areas or skills where students and teachers require training?
(Training need analysis)
3) Would you like to have the above done through free English Language assessment for students
3. The Presentation
- Give an overview of your business. Make sure it is in line with your BNI Category.
- Go into detail or specifics on 1 or 2 topics only.
- Make it different from earlier presentations, if you are giving more than one a year.
- Give members a hand-out or flyer on your
- Hand-out your 'Ideal Referral sheet‘.
- Hand-out product brochures or samples, if
- Use the overhead or data projector as an aid.
- Show product samples. An audience
remembers 75% of what they see, but only
11% of they hear.
- Attend a 'Basic Presentation Skills' training to further enhance your skills. This is really
worth-while and will be useful when promoting your business with clients also.
5. The 'Dance'
- Schedule at least one per week.
- Visit the other member's office or place of work. Avoid having them on 'neutral territory'.
- Provide refreshments.
- Prepare a list of questions about things you need to know so you can promote the other
member's business.
- Collect brochures, samples, 'Ideal Referral'
sheet, etc.
- Ask to see typical examples of their work.
- Ask to see a client list so you can gauge the
type of organizations they do business with.
- Do a 'Dual Dance', if appropriate. i.e. Once
the original 'dance' is over and you now
have an idea of what the member does, and
if you provide a service to organizations similar to the member's, then perform that service
(either in full or in part) for the member. In this way they will really get to know what you
do and have a sample of your work- as applied to their business. This gives them a far
better appreciation of the products and/or services you offer. They can also show
prospective customers a real live example of what you do. "I recommend this person. Look
what they did for me."
Here are some additional tips from Australia's first lady of networking, Robyn
Henderson: How to be remembered positively when attending a networking
function . . .
- Remember your business cards. Have at least 25 cards on you at any one time.
Additional cards may be kept in your car, briefcase, wallet or coat pocket. Most
importantly, women often change handbags or switch briefcases as they go from one
function to another. The ideal situation is to have business cards in every bag.
- Carry blank cards in case you meet people who do not have business cards with them.
Then when you meet someone, who is not carrying their business card, you can ask
them to give you their details on a blank card. You may also offer a couple of extra blank
cards to them in case they meet others they want to network with post event.
- Always carry your diary. At networking functions, you are often invited to other
functions. You can often miss this opportunity, purely because you cannot give
a "yes" or "no" answer on the spot.
- Look out for first-timers, that is, people who look a little uncomfortable and
out of place. Befriend these people and remember every best friend was once
a perfect stranger.
- Book and prepay any functions you plan to attend. If you cannot attend on
the day, try to send a replacement. Most organizers charge for no-shows and
most will send you an invoice for your non-attendance. Act like the host not
the guest.
- Turn off your mobile phone during the function. There is nothing worse than
listening to a great speaker only to be interrupted by a beep. It is even worse
when the person answers the call and starts to have a loud conversation. This
is a really quick way to turn the whole group against you.
- Decide prior to booking what you want to get from attending. If you just want
a meal then go to a restaurant. Don't waste the time of serious networkers
who are looking to grow their business.
- Read the daily paper or listen to the latest news on the day of the event.
Select one or two topics that will feel confident introducing into the
- Follow up if you say you will. Most people miss out on sales because they
don't follow up.
- By the end of the function, if you are thinking it has been a perfect waste of time and
you have not generated any business for yourself, find someone you can give some
business to. With the law of reciprocity, what you give is what you get back. As Ivan
Misner always says, great networkers give without remembering and receive without
In the 21st century, networking is one of the three most important areas small business
owners should focus on, along with employing technology and developing strategic
alliances. My definition of networking is "actively making professional relationships,
developing and maintaining those relationships and leveraging them for the benefit of all
parties." A Chinese proverb says the longest journey must begin with the first step. So
before you can develop a relationship, you first have to meet the other person and
establish a basis for future contact. Examples of networking opportunities are everywhere
you turn—at Chamber of Commerce events or any venue likely to be attended by business
people and community leaders. But before you enter a networking environment it's
important to understand that successful networking is an acquired skill, like playing golf. In
fact, we could actually take a lesson from those who seek the little white ball.
Good golfers address each shot with what are called "swing thoughts." They orient their
pre-shot routine, and sometimes the actual swing, around these golf fundamentals, which
they believe will help them to make a successful shot. Inspired by the work of my friend,
Andrea Nierenberg, author of "Nonstop Networking," I've created a few "Networking
Thoughts," or NT for short, which should help you increase your networking return-on-
investment (ROI). See what you think.
Networking Thoughts
NT #3 - Smile.
Women are usually better at this than men.
But the smile must be genuine, which can be
best accomplished with NT #1.
NT #5 - Do some research.
If there is someone you want to get to know whom
you think you might be seeing soon, go
to their web site and look around. If you have a
mutual friend, ask her about the person to get a little
better understanding of what makes this person tick.
Here's another way to think of NT #7. It's from, Ivan Misner. Ivan says simply,
"Givers gain."
Write this on a rock - For maximum return on the time you invest in your business,
practice and employ your NTs, especially NT# 7.
Rate yourself using this scale: never (1), seldom (2), often (3), almost always (4), always (5)
______ 1. Do I write out my referral slips and closing slips for that day's meeting in advance?
______ 2. Do I arrive early and work to make visitors feel welcome?
______ 3. Do I bring guests/visitors to the chapter meetings on a monthly basis?
______ 4. Do I remember to wear my name badge to every meeting?
______ 5. Do I arrive at the meeting on-time every time?
______ 6. Do I do the networking exercises (not net-sit or net-eat) the first 15 minutes?
______ 7. Have I ever suggested a topic or volunteered to present an educational moment?
______ 8. Do I make sure that the business card box is replenished with my cards each week?
______ 9. During my Infomercial, do I give a new bit of information each week about my
business or product, case studies, specials, or examples of good referrals (in other words,
breaking my business down to its Lowest Common Denominators)?
______ 10.Do I attend at least one MSP or advanced BNI training event (Chapter Team
Training, Referral Success 101, etc.) every year?
______ 11. Do I do a 121 with a member at least once a week?
______ 12. Do I do a 121 with everyone within my contact sphere or power team at least
once every six months?
______ 13. Do I ACTIVELY look for referrals and referral sources for other members every
______ 14. Do I receive the number of referrals I expect in a six-month period?
______ 15. Do I ever ask a Mentor Coordinator or LT Member for help to maximize my
investment in BNI?
______ 16. Am I always prepared for my presentation?
______ 17. When presenting, do I always bring a door prize that is not self-serving and shows
some forethought?
______ 18. During the referrals portion of the meeting, do I give a referral, a testimonial, or a
thank you and begin my presentation with "I have..."?
______ 19. When I cannot be at a meeting, do I always have a substitute?
______ 20. Do I check out the International and/or Regional BNI websites on a weekly basis?
______ 21. Do I regularly track the referrals I receive and give and also track my closings?
______ 22. Whenever one of my chapter members has an open house or a booth at a trade
show, do I make it a point to visit?
______ 23. Do I always stay until the end of the meeting, never sneaking out of meetings
______ 24. Am I positive and supportive toward the chapter?
Rate yourself using this scale: never (1), seldom (2), often (3), almost always (4), always (5)
______ 1. Do I write out my referral slips and closing slips for that day's meeting in advance?
______ 2. Do I arrive early and work to make visitors feel welcome?
______ 3. Do I bring guests/visitors to the chapter meetings on a monthly basis?
______ 4. Do I remember to wear my name badge to every meeting?
______ 5. Do I arrive at the meeting on-time every time?
______ 6. Do I do the networking exercises (not net-sit or net-eat) the first 15 minutes?
______ 7. Have I ever suggested a topic or volunteered to present an educational moment?
______ 8. Do I make sure that the business card box is replenished with my cards each week?
______ 9. During my Infomercial, do I give a new bit of information each week about my
business or product, case studies, specials, or examples of good referrals (in other words,
breaking my business down to its Lowest Common Denominators)?
______ 10.Do I attend at least one MSP or advanced BNI training event (Chapter Team
Training, Referral Success 101, etc.) every year?
______ 11. Do I do a 121 with a member at least once a week?
______ 12. Do I do a 121 with everyone within my contact sphere or power team at least
once every six months?
______ 13. Do I ACTIVELY look for referrals and referral sources for other members every
______ 14. Do I receive the number of referrals I expect in a six-month period?
______ 15. Do I ever ask a Mentor Coordinator or LT Member for help to maximize my
investment in BNI?
______ 16. Am I always prepared for my presentation?
______ 17. When presenting, do I always bring a door prize that is not self-serving and shows
some forethought?
______ 18. During the referrals portion of the meeting, do I give a referral, a testimonial, or a
thank you and begin my presentation with "I have..."?
______ 19. When I cannot be at a meeting, do I always have a substitute?
______ 20. Do I check out the International and/or Regional BNI websites on a weekly basis?
______ 21. Do I regularly track the referrals I receive and give and also track my closings?
______ 22. Whenever one of my chapter members has an open house or a booth at a trade
show, do I make it a point to visit?
______ 23. Do I always stay until the end of the meeting, never sneaking out of meetings
______ 24. Am I positive and supportive toward the chapter?
Rate yourself using this scale: never (1), seldom (2), often (3), almost always (4), always (5)
______ 1. Do I write out my referral slips and closing slips for that day's meeting in advance?
______ 2. Do I arrive early and work to make visitors feel welcome?
______ 3. Do I bring guests/visitors to the chapter meetings on a monthly basis?
______ 4. Do I remember to wear my name badge to every meeting?
______ 5. Do I arrive at the meeting on-time every time?
______ 6. Do I do the networking exercises (not net-sit or net-eat) the first 15 minutes?
______ 7. Have I ever suggested a topic or volunteered to present an educational moment?
______ 8. Do I make sure that the business card box is replenished with my cards each week?
______ 9. During my Infomercial, do I give a new bit of information each week about my
business or product, case studies, specials, or examples of good referrals (in other words,
breaking my business down to its Lowest Common Denominators)?
______ 10.Do I attend at least one MSP or advanced BNI training event (Chapter Team
Training, Referral Success 101, etc.) every year?
______ 11. Do I do a 121 with a member at least once a week?
______ 12. Do I do a 121 with everyone within my contact sphere or power team at least
once every six months?
______ 13. Do I ACTIVELY look for referrals and referral sources for other members every
______ 14. Do I receive the number of referrals I expect in a six-month period?
______ 15. Do I ever ask a Mentor Coordinator or LT Member for help to maximize my
investment in BNI?
______ 16. Am I always prepared for my presentation?
______ 17. When presenting, do I always bring a door prize that is not self-serving and shows
some forethought?
______ 18. During the referrals portion of the meeting, do I give a referral, a testimonial, or a
thank you and begin my presentation with "I have..."?
______ 19. When I cannot be at a meeting, do I always have a substitute?
______ 20. Do I check out the International and/or Regional BNI websites on a weekly basis?
______ 21. Do I regularly track the referrals I receive and give and also track my closings?
______ 22. Whenever one of my chapter members has an open house or a booth at a trade
show, do I make it a point to visit?
______ 23. Do I always stay until the end of the meeting, never sneaking out of meetings
______ 24. Am I positive and supportive toward the chapter?
Rate yourself using this scale: never (1), seldom (2), often (3), almost always (4), always (5)
______ 1. Do I write out my referral slips and closing slips for that day's meeting in advance?
______ 2. Do I arrive early and work to make visitors feel welcome?
______ 3. Do I bring guests/visitors to the chapter meetings on a monthly basis?
______ 4. Do I remember to wear my name badge to every meeting?
______ 5. Do I arrive at the meeting on-time every time?
______ 6. Do I do the networking exercises (not net-sit or net-eat) the first 15 minutes?
______ 7. Have I ever suggested a topic or volunteered to present an educational moment?
______ 8. Do I make sure that the business card box is replenished with my cards each week?
______ 9. During my Infomercial, do I give a new bit of information each week about my
business or product, case studies, specials, or examples of good referrals (in other words,
breaking my business down to its Lowest Common Denominators)?
______ 10.Do I attend at least one MSP or advanced BNI training event (Chapter Team
Training, Referral Success 101, etc.) every year?
______ 11. Do I do a 121 with a member at least once a week?
______ 12. Do I do a 121 with everyone within my contact sphere or power team at least
once every six months?
______ 13. Do I ACTIVELY look for referrals and referral sources for other members every
______ 14. Do I receive the number of referrals I expect in a six-month period?
______ 15. Do I ever ask a Mentor Coordinator or LT Member for help to maximize my
investment in BNI?
______ 16. Am I always prepared for my presentation?
______ 17. When presenting, do I always bring a door prize that is not self-serving and shows
some forethought?
______ 18. During the referrals portion of the meeting, do I give a referral, a testimonial, or a
thank you and begin my presentation with "I have..."?
______ 19. When I cannot be at a meeting, do I always have a substitute?
______ 20. Do I check out the International and/or Regional BNI websites on a weekly basis?
______ 21. Do I regularly track the referrals I receive and give and also track my closings?
______ 22. Whenever one of my chapter members has an open house or a booth at a trade
show, do I make it a point to visit?
______ 23. Do I always stay until the end of the meeting, never sneaking out of meetings
______ 24. Am I positive and supportive toward the chapter?
Mentor/Mentee Agreement
Chapter‘s Copy
Mentor Name______________________ Mentee Name_____________________
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
Mentor/Mentee Agreement
Mentee‘s Copy
Mentor Name______________________ Mentee Name_____________________
Module 1
Module 2
Module 3
Module 4
Module 5
Module 6
Module 7
NOTES – Module 1
NOTES – Module 2
NOTES – Module 3
NOTES – Module 4
NOTES – Module 5
NOTES – Module 6
NOTES – Module 7