Chapter 1 Introduction To Project Plannig
Chapter 1 Introduction To Project Plannig
Chapter 1 Introduction To Project Plannig
What is a Project?
A project is a temporary effort undertaken to create a
unique product, service or result. A project must not be
repetitive work.
Same design doesn't mean same project
Portfolio vs project
Portfolio is a group of projects, not necessarily related or dependent,
usually under one project manager or department.
The PMI defines it as ‘‘A collection of projects or programs and other
work that are grouped together to facilitate effective management of
that work to meet strategic business objectives. The projects or
programs of the portfolio may not necessarily be interdependent or
directly related.’’ (PMBOK 2008)
• Project Managers:
– Plan, schedule, motivate, track and control.
– Manage temporary non-repetitive activities to complete a project.
– Manage project teams, customers, performance, trade-offs &
• Resources assignment.
• Risk assessment.
• Performance improvement.
‘‘The process of choosing the one method and order of work to be adopted
for a project from all the various ways and sequences in which it could be
done’’, Antill and Woodhead 1990.
‘‘Those processes performed to establish the total scope of the effort, define
and refine the objectives, and develop the course of action required to attain
those objectives’’. PMBOK (4th edition, 2008)
The term planning is restricted to meaning project planning, with an emphasis
on construction projects
Project planning serves as a foundation for several related functions, such as:
• cost estimating, scheduling, project control, quality control, safety
management, and others.
Certification organizations
Several organizations now have a process and exam that lead to certification
in project scheduling.
The most prominent ones are:
The AACE International’s Planning & Scheduling Professional (PSP)
The PMI’s Scheduling Professional (PMI-SP)
Usually, an applicant to a certification exam has to fulfill certain conditions:
Minimum education requirements
Minimum experience requirements
Pass the certification examination
Submit application and fees
Dr. Ali Abdallah 2023 19 5/6/2023
The Tripod of Good Scheduling System