Use This
Use This
Use This
01 Code Switching
c ontents
02 Code Mixing
03 Dissonace
04 Code Meshing
Code Switching
Intra-Sentential code-switching
This is also know as Extra- is a shift that is done in the
This is the alternation in a single
discourse between two languages, Sentential Code Switching. middle of a sentence, without
where the switching occurs after a
sentence in the first language has
occurs when a speaker uses hesitations, interruptions, or
been completed and the next slang or a phrase from one pauses that would indicated a
sentence starts with a new
language language within a sentence shift in language. Almost always,
that is otherwise spoken in speakers are unaware of the
For example: shift in language. For example:M
If I'm late to the appointment, pues, another. For example, "I told
ni modo. the kids, "no mas" TV tonight!" ga-erichafu the food ma oburu na
Or, "I told the kids no more TV odi sweet.
Which means.
If I'm late to the appointment, well (I will eat up the food, if it is
no way. sweet)
Typical Example of Code switching is our Nigerian Hip Hop Music
When you listen to their lyrics,you will hear a lot of code switching
between Yoruba,pidgin,igbo,English e.t.c
For example.
1. sun mo mi; Let us dance.
2.. .. I say make you yan them the koko
3.. ...But, ara mi bale, when you‟re around .