Introduction To Human Anatomy Lecture 1 A
Introduction To Human Anatomy Lecture 1 A
Introduction To Human Anatomy Lecture 1 A
MWANGI K J (MSc Anat,Bsc Clin Med)
Early Greeks
Greeks explained illness in terms of the 4 body humors (fluids).
• Thought the humors were governed by air, water, fire, and earth
• Healthy person had all four humors in balance.
Many “doctors” practiced by trial and error. If they made a lot of
errors, people quit going to them.
Socles, a physician, treated a hunchback by piling three solid stones,
each four feet square, on his spine. He was crushed and died, but he
became straighter
Hippocrates (460 to 379 BC)
• Early Greek physician
• Believed that illness had a
physical cause
• Rejected superstitions
• Based medical treatments
on observations
Role of Religion
• Roman physician,
“team doctor” for the
• Kept them alive so they
could fight again.
• Did not dissect humans, but did
extensive work on pigs and monkeys.
• His mistake was to assume that humans
and animals were identical internally.
• His writings were taken as “law” for
hundred of years.
Early anatomical
drawing based
Leonardo Da Vinci (1452 to 1519)
• 2 resurrectionists
• Hare owned a boarding house; he occasionally killed a
border who was late on rent. (Killed 15 of them)
• Did it by pressing pillow to man’s face while Burke lay his
body weight on top of victim. Became known as “Burking.”
• Bones made into skeletons for medical school. Skin used to
make wallets.
• Anatomy Act of 1832 – bodies of poor
who were not claimed for burial could
be used by anatomists.
• Operated under this same concept
until recently.
• Donations are on the rise.