4 Cyber Torts
4 Cyber Torts
4 Cyber Torts
• Cyber torts are the latest and perhaps the most
complicated problem in the cyber world.
• Cyber torts can be said to be those torts where
either the computer is an object or subject of the
conduct constituting a tort.
• Any civil wrong that uses a computer either as
an instrument, target or a means, comes within
the ambit of cyber tort
• A generalized definition of cyber tort may be “unlawful acts
wherein the computer is either a tool or target or both.
• Computer may be used as a tool in financial crimes,
pornography, online gambling, intellectual property crimes,
forgery, cyber defamation, cyber stalking.
• The computer may however be a target for unlawful acts in the
following cases - unauthorized access to computer/computer
system/computer networks, theft of information contained in
electronic form, e-mail bombing, theft of computer system,
physically damaging the computer system, etc.
Q. How did Internet come into existence?
Birth Of Internet Litigation
The Internet, which began as the U.S. Defense Department’s
ARPANET (Advance research projects agency network), was
designed to link computer networks to various radio and satellite
The first case to mention the Internet was United States v. Morris in
1991. The defendant, Robert Morris was a graduate student who had
released an Internet worm (Morris Worm) that paralyzed thousands of
university and military computers throughout the United States.
In the same year, Robert Riggs was prosecuted for gaining
unauthorized access to a computer and misappropriating proprietary
information about the telephone company’s 911 system. He
subsequently published this confidential data in a hacker newsletter.
• It was not until 1994 that any plaintiff succeeded in an Internet
tort case.
• In a controversial decision in Rindos vs Hardwick, an
anthropologist was denied a tenured position at the University of
West Australia. A rival anthropologist, Hardwick, posted a
statement supporting the university’s decision and accusing
Rindos of sexual deviance and of research detrimental to the
aboriginal people of Australia.
• Although an Australian court decided this case and awarded
damages, the vast majority of subsequent cyber torts cases have
been litigated in America.
• During the past decade, American tort law is beginning to
evolve to address online injuries such as Internet defamation, e-
mail stalking, spamming, etc.
Distinction Between Conventional And Cyber
5 Denial of Service attack- The computer of the victim is flooded with more
requests than it can handle which cause it to crash.
6 Virus/worm attacks- Viruses are programs that attach themselves to a
computer or a file and then circulate themselves to other files and to other
computers on a network. They usually affect the data on a computer, either
by altering or deleting it. Worms, unlike viruses do not need the host to
attach themselves to. They merely make functional copies of themselves
and do this repeatedly till they eat up all the available space on a
computer's memory. E.g. love bug virus, which affected at least 5 % of the
computers of the globe. The losses were accounted to be $ 10 million.
7 Logic bombs- These are event dependent programs. This implies that these
programs are created to do something only when a certain event (known as
a trigger event) occurs. E.g. even some viruses may be termed logic bombs
because they lie dormant all through the year and become active only on a
particular date.
8 Internet time thefts- Normally in these kinds of thefts the Internet surfing
hours of the victim are used up by another person. This is done by gaining
access to the login ID and the password.
9 Web jacking-This term is derived from the term hijacking. In these kinds of
offences the hacker gains access and control over the web site of another. He
may even mutilate or change the information on the site. This may be done
for fulfilling political objectives or for money. E.g. recently in the Case of
MIT (Ministry of Information Technology) its site was hacked by the
Pakistani hackers and some obscene matter was placed therein.
Who Are Generally Cyber Criminals:
The cyber criminals constitute of various groups/
category. This division may be justified on the basis of
the object that they have in their mind. The following
are the category of cyber criminals-