Asme Sec 9 Ananthan
Asme Sec 9 Ananthan
Asme Sec 9 Ananthan
P1 - P11 Steel
P21 - P25 Al alloys
P31 - P35 Cu alloys
P41 - P47 Ni alloys
P51 - P53 Ti alloys
P61 - P62 Zr alloys
Base Metal P Numbers
Examples of P nos
P1 C Steel
P3 1/2 Mo steels
P4 1 Cr 1/2 Mo steels
P5A 2 1/4 Cr 1 Mo steels
P6 13 Cr steel
P7 17 Cr steel
P9A 2 1/2 Ni steels
P10A Mn - 1/2 Ni - V steels
P11 9 Ni steels
Base Metal for WPS
Test Coupon Base Metal qualified
Px - Px Px
Px - Py Px to Py
P3 - P3 P3 - P3, P3 - P1
P4 - P4 P4 - P4, P4 - P3, P4 - P1
P5A - P5A P5A - P5A, P4 - P4, P4 - P3,
P4 - P1
P4 - P3, P4 - P1 P4 - P3, P4 - P1
P5A - P4, P5A - P3} P5A - P4, P5A - P3
P5A - P1 } P5A - P1
Filler Metal F Numbers
Based on usability characteristics i.e ability of
welders to make satisfactory welds with given
F1 E XX20
F2 E XX12, E XX13
F3 E XX10, E XX11
F4 E XX18
F5 ASS, Duplex SS
F6 Bare rods
Filler Metal A Numbers
Based on chemical composition
A1 Mild steel
A2 C - Mo steel
A3 Cr - Mo steel (Cr 0.4 - 2%)
A4 Cr - Mo steel (Cr 2 - 6%)
A5 Cr - Mo steel (Cr 6 - 10.5%)
A6 Cr Martensitic
A7 Cr Ferritic
A8 Cr Ni steels (Cr 14.5 - 30% Ni 7.5 - 15%)
A9 Cr Ni steels (Cr 19 - 30% Ni 15 - 37%)
A10 Ni steels (Ni 0.8 - 4%)
A11 Mn Mo steels(Mn 1.25-2.25 Mo 0.25-0.75%)
A12 Ni Cr Mo steels (Cr 1.5% Mo 0.25-0.8%
Procedure Qualification
When two or more procedures (diff processes or
other essential variables) are used in one joint, use
table for determining the applicable range of
thickness qualified. Carry out tension test for each
weld metal.
One or more processes from a combination may be
deleted provided remaining metal meets the
Procedure Qualification Thickness limits
T Range of Tmax t Tests (transverse
<1/16” T - 2T 2t 2T, 2 FB, 2 RB
1/16-3/8” 1/16 - 2T 2t -do-
3/8-3/4” 3/16 - 2T 2t -do-
3/4-1.5” 3/16 - 2T 2t if t<3/4 2T, 4 SB
2T if t>3/4
>1.5” 3/16 - 8” 2t if t<3/4” -do-
8 if t>3/4”
Procedure Qualification Thickness limits
Plate 1G F F F
Plate 2G F, H F, H F, H
Plate 3G F, V F F, H, V
Plate 4G F, O F F, H, O
Welding Performance Qualification
Plate 1F F
Plate 2F F, H
Plate 3F F, H, V
Plate 4F F, H, O
Welding Performance Qualification
Pipe 1G F F F
Pipe 2G F, H F, H F, H
Pipe 5G F, V, O F, V, O All
Pipe 6G All All All
Pipe 2G + 5G All All All
Welding Performance Qualification
Pipe 1F F
Pipe 2F F, H
Pipe 2FR F, H
Pipe 4F F, H, O
Pipe 5F All
Welding Performance Qualification
Thk Max tk of dep. Metal Test
3/8” 2t 1FB, 1RB
>3/8” 2t 1FB, 1RB
>1/2” Max to be welded 2SB
Removal of backing
Change in Pipe diameter
Change in P number
Change in F Number
Change in thickness of weld deposit
Change in welding position
Welding Performance Qualification
Variables for GTAW
Removal of backing
Change in Pipe diameter
Addition / deletion of filler metal
Addition / deletion of insert
Change in P number
Change in F Number
Change in solid filler to flux cored filler metal
Change in thickness of weld deposit
Change in welding position
Removal of inert gas backing
Change in current or polarity
Welding Performance Qualification
F No qualification with backing
F1 with backing F1 with backing
F1 without backing F1 with & without backing
F2 with backing F1 & F2 with backing
F2 without backing F2 with & without backing, F1 with backing
F3 with backing F1, F2 & F3 with backing
F3 without backing F3 with & without backing, F1, F2 with
F4 with backing F1, F2, F3 & F4 with backing
F4 without backing F4 with & without backing, F1, F2, F3 with
F5 with backing F1 & F5 with backing
F5 without backing F5 with & without backing, F1 with backing
Tests for Qualification
Tension test Minimum values for specified tensile
For dissimilar joint, lesser of the two
If break outside weld, if tensile st.
value not < 5% of the base metal
• Visual examination
• Radiography
• 2 no of Tensile test
• 2 no each of Bend test - face and root bend ( 3t for
both C steel and alloy steel 180 deg bend)
• 1 no Micro examination
• 1 no Macro examination
Examination of the weld for
initial Qualification
• Visual examination
• Macro examination
• 2 no each of Bend test - face and root bend ( 3t for
C steel and 4t for alloy steel 90 deg bend)
Examination of the weld for
• Radiography
• 1 no each of Bend test - face and root bend
• 1 no each of bend test - face and root bend
• Macro examination
Welding Procedure Qualification
Welder Qualification
as per
Welding Procedure Specification
• Radiography ( QW191)
• Liquid Penetrant Examination ( QW 195)
Welding Procedure Qualification
• A WPS is a written qualified welding
procedure prepared to provide directions for
production welds to code requirements
• A completed WPS shall describe all
essential, non essential and supplementary
essential variables for each welding
processes ( QW 200.1)
• The WPS shall refernec the supporting PQR
Changes in WPS