Intro To Tourism - Lecture 1 (Chapter 1)
Intro To Tourism - Lecture 1 (Chapter 1)
Intro To Tourism - Lecture 1 (Chapter 1)
Tourism in Perspective
Learning objectives
● What is tourism?
● Components of tourism & tourism management
● Identifying what sector of tourism interests you
● Importance of the industry to Belize & the World
● Know the benefits and cost of tourism
What is
tourism ?
What is tourism ?
● Is it visiting Shark Ray Alley ?
● Hiking through the jungles of Costa
● Visiting Machu Picchu, Peru
● Waving hello to the Statue of Liberty
● Driving down the road to explore
Cayo and to lunch at Guava Limb
Cafe ?
What is it ?
When we think of
We think primarily of people who are visiting a particular
place for:
○ sightseeing,
○ visiting friends and relatives,
○ taking a vacation, and having a good time.
● They may spend their leisure time engaging in various :
○ sports, sunbathing, talking, singing, taking rides,
touring, reading, or simply enjoying the environment.
Perspective of tourism
Four perspective :
● The tourist
● The business providing tourist good
& services
● The government of the host
community or area
● The Host community
Tourism is...
defined as the processes, activities, and outcomes arising from the relationships and the
interactions among tourists, tourism suppliers, host governments, host communities, and
surrounding environments that are involved in the attracting and hosting of visitors. (See
the Glossary for definitions of tourist and excursionist.
UNWTO defines tourism as ...
● The UNWTO has taken the concept of tourism beyond a stereotypical
image of “holiday making.”
● The officially accepted definition is: “Tourism comprises the activities of
persons traveling to and staying in places outside their usual
environment for not more than one consecutive year for leisure,
business, and other purposes.”
● The term usual environment is intended to exclude trips within the area
of usual residence, frequent and regular trips between the domicile and
the workplace, and other community trips of a routine character.
1. International tourism
a. Inbound tourism: Visits to a country by nonresidents
b. Outbound tourism: Visits by residents of a country to another country
2. Internal tourism: Visits by local residents and nonresidents traveling in the country of
3. Domestic tourism: Visits by locals of a country in their own country
4. National tourism: (Internal tourism + outbound tourism) the resident tourism market for travel
agents, airlines, and other suppliers
What type of tourism
Andrea booked her family summer vacation in Cancun.
am I ?
● They will travel on the ADO buses from Belize city which will take
them approximately 10 hours
What type of tourism am ?
Shane and Sasha are from
Dangriga they have been
planning a weekend getaway
to San Pedro for their
anniversary. They have been
saving all year so they have
chosen to Fly via tropic air.
The Tourist
All types of travelers engaged in tourism are described
as a : VISITOR
1. Same-day visitors
2. Tourists
Classification of
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Natural resources &
Any given destination is primarily and
unchangeably characterized by its:
#1: Culture
Superstructure: facilities
built to respond to the
needs of visitors (hotels,
restaurants, car rental,
major attractions)
#4 Technology
Technology: increasing influential of the built environment
Virtual Reality
#6 Governance