Unit 9
Unit 9
Unit 9
1. Title
2. Introduction
3. Statement of the Problem
4. Research Questions
5. Research Objectives
6. Literature Review ( Conceptual review, theoretical review and empirical review,
policy review).
7. Research Methodology
- Selection of the Study Area
- Research Design
- Sampling ( Universe and Sampling).
- Nature and Sources of Data
- Data Collection Techniques
- Data Analysis Methods.
Plan - time frame and schedule of activities
• Budget
Collecting / acquiring data through
• Research data is any information that has been collected,
observed, generated to validate original research findings.
• Field works is the process of observing and collecting data about
people, culture, and natural environment.
• According to Goode and Hatt” Field work is a study of people
and their culture in their natural situation”.
• Fieldwork supplies the primary information or firsthand
information which will be carried out by researcher by himself
or in group.
• For the collection of information from the field they need to use
different tools and instruments such as questionnaire, interview
schedule, checklist, audio, video, filed notes and field dairies
Preparation of field work:
1. Intellectual Preparation
2. Psychological Preparation
3. Methodological Preparation
4. Physical Preparation
Data Collection Techniques/ Tools: