Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases
Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases
Acute Diarrhoeal Diseases
Diarrhoea is still a major killer of children under 5. although its toll has dropped by a third over the
past decade. It killed more than 1,300 children under 5 years of age every day in 2016.
It accounts for 8 per cent of all under-five deaths - a loss of more than 0.48 million child lives jn 2016.
Most of these deaths occur among children less than 2 years of age (2).
The current estimates in under-five children suggest that there are about 1. 7 billion episodes of diarrhoea per year
with 123 million clinic visits annually and 9 million hospitalizations worldwide, with a loss of 62 million disability-
adjusted life years (DALYs) (3).
In India , acute diarrhoeal disease accounts for about 10 per cent of deaths in under-5 years age group. During the
year 2017 , about 12.92 million cases with 1,331 deaths were reported in India (4).
Diarrhoea is a leading cause of death during complex emergencies and natural disasters
At the same time, the lack of adequate health services and transport reduces the likelihood of prompt and
appropriate treatment of diarrhoea cases.
(4) Vitamin A supplementation coverage rate (per cent full coverage) - 6 to 59 months (India-53%)
(B) Diarrhoea treatment Indicators
Percentage of children under-five years with diarrhoea receiving:
(1) ORT with continuous feeding (India 33%)
For other enteric pathogens, animals are important reservoirs and transmission originates from both human and animal
faeces; examples are Campylobacter jejuni, Salmonella spp and Y. enterocolitica.
2]Host factors
Diarrhoea is most common in children especially those between 6 months and 2 years.
Incidence is highest in the age group 6-11 months, when weaning occurs.
also common in babies under 6 months of age fed on cow's milk or infant feeding formulas (16).
Malnutrition leads to infection and infection to diarrhoea which is a well known vicious circle.
Poverty, prematurity, reduced gastric acidity, immunodeficiency, lack of personal and domestic hygiene
and incorrect feeding practices are all contributory factors.
3]Environmental factors
Distinct seasonal patterns
Bacterial diarrhoea occur more frequently during the warm season,
whereas viral diarrhoea, particularly diarrhoea caused by rotavirus peak during the winter.
2. Long-term
b. Better MCH care practices.
c. Preventive strategies.
d. Preventing diarrhoeal epidemics.
Oral fluid therapy is based on the observation that glucose given orally enhances the intestinal absorption of salt and water, and
is capable of correcting the electrolyte and water deficit.
It is focussed on reducing the osmolarity of ORS solution to avoid possible adverse effects
Decreasing the sodium concentration of ORS solution to 75 mOsm/1 improved the efficacy of the ORS regimen
for children with acute non-cholera diarrhoea.
The need for unscheduled supplemental intravenous therapy in children given the new ORS fell by 33 per cent,
the stool output decreased by 20 per cent and vomiting was reduced by 30 per cent.
The reduced osmolarity (245 mOsm/1) solution also appears to be as safe and effective as standard ORS for use in children
with cholera (19).
supervision respecting "the following rules :
- for children under age 2 years, give a teaspoon every 1 to 2 minutes,
- and offer frequent sips out of a cup for older children.
- Adults may drink as much as they like.
Try to give the estimated required amount within a 4-hour period.
If nothing else is available, normal saline can be given because it is often readily available.
Plain glucose and dextrose solutions should not be used as they provide only water and glucose.
Medical profession has reeled for centuries under the mistaken assumption that it is important to "rest the gut" during
The current view is that during episodes of diarrhoea, normal food intake should be promoted as soon as the child whatever
its age, is able to eat.
Unnecessary prescription of antibiotics and other drugs will do more harm than good in the treatment of diarrhoea
For diarrhoea due to cholera the drug of choice is doxicycline, tetracycline, TMP-SMX ~nd erythromycin.
For diarrhoea due to shigella, the drug of choice is ciprofloxacin
c. Preventive strategies
(iii) IMMUNIZATION : Immunization against measles is a potential intervention for diarrhoea control.
Rotavirus vaccine
Two live, oral, attenuated rotavirus vaccines were
monovalent human rotavirus vaccine (Rotarix™) and
pentavalent bovine-human,reasortant vaccine (Rota Teq ™).
(iu) FLY CONTROL : Flies breeding in association with human or animal faeces should be controlled.
d. Control and/or prevention of diarrhoeal epidemics
This requires strengthening of epidemiological surveillance systems.
e. The Integrated Global Action Plan for the Prevention and Control of Pneumonia and Diarrhoea (GAPPD)