■ 2. Wundt: age 63
■ 3. Titchener: age 28
■ 4. functionalism: just beginning to flourish
■ 5. Watson: age 17
■ 6. Wertheimer: age 15
The Place of Psychoanalysis in
the History of Psychology
■ B. 1939
■ 1. Freud’s death
■ 2. Wundtian psychology, structuralism, and
functionalism were history
■ 3. Gestalt psychology: in the process of
■ 3. Evolutionary theory
Philosophical speculations
about unconscious
■Wilhelm Leibnitz (1646–1716) developed
an idea he called monadology.
■ Talk therapy.
■ 3. Personality: self-confidence,
ambition, desire for achievement
Sigmund Freud (1856-1939)
■ B. Repression
■ The process of baring unacceptable ideas. Memories, or
desires from conscious awareness, leaving them to
operate in the unconscious mind
IV. Psychoanalysis
as a Method of Treatment
■ C. Transference
■ The process by which a patient responds to the
therapist as if the therapists were a significant
person (such as a parent) in the patient’s life
■ D. Dream analysis
■ 1. A psychotherapeutic technique involving
interpreting dreams to uncover unconscious
■ 2. Unconscious
■ a. vast and powerful
■ b. contains the instincts
Psychoanalysis as a System of
■ 3. Later, Freud replaced the conscious/unconscious
distinction with the concept of id, ego, and superego.
■ id (Es)
■ a. corresponds to earlier unconscious
■ b. the most primitive and least accessible part of
■ c. includes sexual and aggressive instincts
■ d. followed pleasure principle
■ 1) reduces tension
■ 2) methods: seeks pleasure and avoids pain
Psychoanalysis as a System of
■ 4. ego (Ich)
■ a. The rational aspect of personality responsibility
for controlling the instinct