Unit 2
Unit 2
Unit 2
Problem-solving agents:
Search Space: Search space represents a set of possible solutions, which a system may
Start State: It is a state from where agent begins the search.
Goal test: It is a function which observe the current state and returns whether the goal
state is achieved or not.
Search tree: A tree representation of search problem is called Search tree. The root of
the search tree is the root node which is corresponding to the initial state.
Actions: It gives the description of all the available actions to the agent.
Transition model: A description of what each action do, can be represented as a
transition model.
Path Cost: It is a function which assigns a numeric cost to each path.
Solution: It is an action sequence which leads from the start node to the goal node.
Optimal Solution: If a solution has the lowest cost among all solutions.
Properties of Search Algorithms:
Following are the four essential properties of search algorithms to compare
the efficiency of these algorithms:
Completeness: A search algorithm is said to be complete if it guarantees to
return a solution if at least any solution exists for any random input.
Optimality: If a solution found for an algorithm is guaranteed to be the best
solution (lowest path cost) among all other solutions, then such a solution
for is said to be an optimal solution.
Time Complexity: Time complexity is a measure of time for an algorithm
to complete its task.
Space Complexity: It is the maximum storage space required at any point
during the search, as the complexity of the problem.
Types of search algorithms
Based on the search problems we can classify the search algorithms into uninformed
(Blind search) search and informed search (Heuristic search) algorithms.
Uninformed/Blind Search:
The uninformed search does not contain any domain knowledge such as closeness, the
location of the goal. It operates in a brute-force way as it only includes information
about how to traverse the tree and how to identify leaf and goal nodes. Uninformed
search applies a way in which search tree is searched without any information about the
search space like initial state operators and test for the goal, so it is also called blind
Informed Search
Informed search algorithms use domain knowledge. In an informed search, problem
information is available which can guide the search. Informed search strategies can
find a solution more efficiently than an uninformed search strategy. Informed search is
also called a Heuristic search.
A heuristic is a way which might not always be guaranteed for best solutions but
guaranteed to find a good solution in reasonable time.
It examines each node of the tree until it achieves the goal node.
Parameters Informed Search Uninformed Search
It uses knowledge during the process of It does not require using any knowledge
Utilizing Knowledge
searching. during the process of searching.
Cost Incurred The expenses are much lower. The expenses are comparatively higher.
Parameters Informed Search Uninformed Search
The AI does not get any
The AI gets suggestions suggestions regarding what
Suggestion/ Direction regarding how and where to find solution to find and where to find
a solution to any problem. it. Whatever knowledge it gets is
out of the information provided.
Note: Backtracking is an algorithm technique for finding all possible solutions using
• DFS requires very less memory as it only needs to store a stack of the nodes on the
path from root node to the current node.
• It takes less time to reach to the goal node than BFS algorithm (if it traverses in the
right path).
• There is the possibility that many states keep re-occurring, and there is no
guarantee of finding the solution.
• DFS algorithm goes for deep down searching and sometime it may go to the
infinite loop.
Time Complexity: Time complexity of DFS will be equivalent to the
node traversed by the algorithm.
It is given by: T(n)= 1+ n2+ n3 +.........+ nm=O(nm)
Where, m= maximum depth of any node and this can be much larger than
d (Shallowest solution depth)
Space Complexity: DFS algorithm needs to store only single path from
the root node, hence space complexity of DFS is equivalent to the size of
the fringe set, which is O(bm).
Optimal: DFS search algorithm is non-optimal, as it may generate a large
number of steps or high cost to reach to the goal node.
Depth-Limited Search Algorithm:
• A depth-limited search algorithm is similar to depth-first search with a predetermined
• Depth-limited search can solve the drawback of the infinite path in the Depth-first
search. In this algorithm, the node at the depth limit will treat as it has no successor
nodes further.
• Depth-limited search can be terminated with two Conditions of failure:
Standard failure value: It indicates that problem does not have any solution.
Cutoff failure value: It defines no solution for the problem within a given depth limit.
Depth-limited search is Memory efficient.
o Depth-limited search also has a disadvantage of incompleteness.
o It may not be optimal if the problem has more than one solution
Iterative Deepening Depth First Search (IDDFS)
It is a search algorithm that uses the combined power of the BFS and DFS
algorithms. It is iterative in nature. It searches for the best depth in each iteration.
It performs the Algorithm until it reaches the goal node. The algorithm is set to
search until a certain depth and the depth keeps increasing at every iteration until
it reaches the goal state.
•It combines the benefits of BFS and DFS search algorithms in terms
of fast search and memory efficiency.
•The main drawback of IDDFS is that it repeats all the work from the
previous phase.
Uniform-cost search is a searching algorithm used for traversing a weighted tree or graph. This algorithm
comes into play when a different cost is available for each edge. The primary goal of the uniform-cost
search is to find a path to the goal node which has the lowest cumulative cost. Uniform-cost search
expands nodes according to their path costs form the root node. It can be used to solve any graph/tree
where the optimal cost is in demand. A uniform-cost search algorithm is implemented by the priority
queue. It gives maximum priority to the lowest cumulative cost. Uniform cost search is equivalent to BFS
algorithm if the path cost of all edges is the same.
Uniform cost search is optimal because at every state the path with the least cost is chosen.
It does not care about the number of steps involve in searching and only concerned about path cost.
Due to which this algorithm may be stuck in an infinite loop.
Time Complexity:
Let C* is Cost of the optimal solution, and ε is each step to get closer to the goal
node. Then the number of steps is = C*/ε+1. Here we have taken +1, as we start
from state 0 and end to C*/ε.
Space Complexity:
The same logic is for space complexity so, the worst-case space complexity of
Uniform-cost search is O(b + [C*/ε]).
Uniform-cost search is always optimal as it only selects a path with the lowest path
Bidirectional Search Algorithm:
Bidirectional search algorithm runs two simultaneous searches, one form
initial state called as forward-search and other from goal node called as
backward-search, to find the goal node. Bidirectional search replaces one
single search graph with two small subgraphs in which one starts the
search from an initial vertex and other starts from goal vertex. The
search stops when these two graphs intersect each other.
Bidirectional search can use search techniques such as BFS, DFS, DLS,
•Bidirectional search is fast.
•Bidirectional search requires less memory
•Implementation of the bidirectional search tree is difficult.
•In bidirectional search, one should know the goal state in advance.
Completeness: Bidirectional Search is complete if we use
BFS in both searches.
• Informed search algorithm contains an array of knowledge such as how far we are from the goal, path cost,
how to reach to goal node, etc. This knowledge help agents to explore less to the search space and find more
efficiently the goal node.
• The informed search algorithm is more useful for large search space. Informed search algorithm uses the idea
of heuristic, so it is also called Heuristic search.
Heuristics function: Heuristic is a function which is used in Informed Search, and it finds the most promising
path. It takes the current state of the agent as its input and produces the estimation of how close agent is from
the goal. The heuristic method, however, might not always give the best solution, but it guaranteed to find a
good solution in reasonable time.
• Heuristic function estimates how close a state is to the goal. It is represented by h(n), and it calculates
the cost of an optimal path between the pair of states.
• The value of the heuristic function is always positive.
• Admissibility of the heuristic function is given as: 1. h(n) <= h*(n) Here h(n) is heuristic cost, and h*(n) is
the estimated cost. Hence heuristic cost should be less than or equal to the estimated cost
Pure Heuristic Search:
• Pure heuristic search is the simplest form of heuristic search algorithms. It expands
nodes based on their heuristic value h(n).
• It maintains two lists, OPEN and CLOSED list. In the CLOSED list, it places those
nodes which have already expanded and in the OPEN list, it places nodes which
have yet not been expanded.
• On each iteration, each node n with the lowest heuristic value is expanded and
generates all its successors and n is placed to the closed list. The algorithm continues
unit a goal state is found.
• In the informed search we will discuss two main algorithms which are given below:
a. Best First Search Algorithm(Greedy search)
b. A* Search Algorithm
Best-first Search Algorithm (Greedy Search):
• Greedy best-first search algorithm always selects the path which appears best
at that moment.
• It is the combination of depth-first search and breadth-first search algorithms.
• It uses the heuristic function and search.
• Best-first search allows us to take the advantages of both algorithms. With the
help of best-first search, at each step, we can choose the most promising node.
• In the best first search algorithm, we expand the node which is closest to the
goal node and the closest cost is estimated by heuristic function, i.e. f(n)= h(n).
Where, h(n)= estimated cost from node n to the goal.
The greedy best first algorithm is implemented by the priority queue.
Best first search algorithm:
Let OPEN be a priority queue
Step 1: Place the starting node into the OPEN list.
Step 2: If the OPEN list is empty, Stop and return failure.
Step 3: Remove the node n, from the OPEN list which has the lowest value of h(n), and
places it in the CLOSED list.
Step 4: Expand the node n, and generate the successors of node n.
Step 5: Check each successor of node n, and find whether any node is a goal node or
not. If any successor node is goal node, then return success and terminate the search,
else proceed to Step 6.
Step 6: For each successor node, algorithm checks for evaluation function f(n), and
then check if the node has been in either OPEN or CLOSED list. If the node has not
been in both list, then add it to the OPEN list.
Step 7: Return to Step 2.
• Best first search can switch between BFS and DFS by gaining the
advantages of both the algorithms.
• This algorithm is more efficient than BFS and DFS algorithms.