BJT 12122023
BJT 12122023
BJT 12122023
Cut-off region: both the transistor junctions are connected in reverse bias. Here this
transistor works like the off condition of a switch wherever IC = 0
Current Components of Transistors
PNP transistor with CB configuration
EB Junction – FB CB Junction - RB
The current arrives the BJT through the
emitter and this current is called IE.
This current consists
Hole current (IhE) and Electron current (IeE).
IeE is due to passage of electrons from B to E and
IhE is due to passage of holes from E to B IE = IhE+ IeE
-emitter is heavily doped as compared to base. So, the IeE is negligible compared to IhE. conclude that,
the whole emitter current in PNP transistor is mainly due to the flow of holes from emitter to base
All the holes crossing the emitter junction do not reach the collector junction because some of them
combine with electrons in N type base.
If IhC is the hole current at collector junction then the bulk recombination current leaving the
base lead is IB = IhE - IhC
Collector junction is RB, which acts as reverse biased PN
junction diode, a reverse saturation current ICO flows across
this junction. Total IC = IhC + ICO
ICO consists of holes crossing from base to collector
region and electrons crossing from collector to base
region in opposite direction.
IC = αIE + ICO
α is fraction of the total current IE which constitutes IhC
The total current entering into the transistor will be equal to the total current leaving the transistor
(according to Kirchhoff’s current law). IE = IB + IC
Common Base Connection
Definition: The configuration in which the base of the transistor is
common between emitter and collector circuit is called a common
base configuration.
CB connection, the input is connected between emitter and base
while the output is taken across collector and base.
The ratio of output current to input current is known as a current amplification factor.
Thus, the ratio of change in emitter current to the collector at constant V CBis known as a current amplification factor.
The above expression shows that if IE = 0 (when the emitter circuit is open) then still a small current flow in the
collector circuit called leakage current. This leakage current is represented by as ICBO, i.e., collector-base current
with emitter circuit is open.
The leakage current is also abbreviated as ICO i.e., the collector current with emitter circuit open.
Common Base
Common Base Configuration
Two terminals are needed for input and two terminals for
Transistors have three terminals, so one terminal have to be
taken as common terminal for both input and output.
CE configuration, emitter terminal is taken as common for
both input and output.
Input is given between base and the emitter terminals and
output is taken between collector and emitter terminals.
This is the most commonly used configuration.
Input voltage VBE is applied between base and
emitter terminals and output voltage VCE is
applied across emitter and collector.
The output current IC is taken at collector
The input side is forward biased and the output
side is reverse biased.
Emitter base region acts like forward biased
diode and so the depletion region is very small.
Emitter collector region acts like reverse biased
diode and the depletion region is large.
The input current IB is measured in µA because
the base region is very lightly doped.
The input and output impedance are moderate in CE configuration and
thus the current and voltage gain is moderate and the power gain is
high. So this configuration is widely used for amplification.
Relation Between Current Amplification
Base Current Amplification Factor (β) Factor (α) & Base Amplification Factor (β)
-defined as the ratio of the output
current and input current in a CE
In CE amplification, the output
current is the collector current IC,
and the input current is the base
current IB. Substituting the value of ΔIE in equation
The ratio of change in collector
current with respect to base
current is known as the base
amplification factor. It is
represented by β (beta).
From the results it is observed that when the input voltage V BE is increased initially there is no current
produced, further when it is increased the input current I B increases steeply. When the output voltage VCE
is further increased the curve shifts right side.
Input Characteristics
Input voltage VBE is applied between base and
emitter terminals and output voltage V CE is
applied across emitter and collector.
The output current IC is taken across the emitter
and collector terminals.
The input side is forward biased and the output
side is reverse biased.
Emitter base region acts like forward biased diode
and so the depletion region is very small.
Emitter collector region acts like reverse biased
diode and the depletion region is large.
The input current IB is measured in µA because
the base region is very lightly doped.
The input and output impedance are moderate in common emitter configuration and thus the
current and voltage gain is moderate and the power gain is high. So this configuration is widely
used for amplification.
Output Characteristic
In CE configuration the curve draws between collector
current IC and collector-emitter voltage VCE at a constant
base current IB is called output characteristic.
Active region, the collector current
increases slightly as collector-emitter VCE
The slope of the curve is quite more than
the output characteristic of CB
The output resistance of the CB connection
is more than that of CE connection.
The value of the collector current IC
increases with the increase in VCE at Output Resistance: The ratio of the
variation in collector-emitter voltage
constant voltage IB, the value β of also
to the collector-emitter current is
known at collector currents at a
When the VCE falls, the IC also decreases
constant base current IB is called
The collector-base junction of the transistor output resistance ro.
always in forward bias and work saturate.
1. Alpha α
The ratio of change in collector current to the change in emitter current at
constant collector base voltage VCB
is known as alpha (α).
Practical values of α
in commercial transistors range from 0.9 to 0.99.
It is clear that the current amplification factor is less than unity. This value can
be increased (but not more than unity) by decreasing the base current. This is
achieved by making the base thin and doping it lightly.
2. Beta (β):
The ratio of change in collector current (△IC) to the change in base current △IB
Current gain β=△IC△IB
The value of (β) ranges from 20 to 500. The current gain indicates that input current
becomes β times in collector current.
3. Gamma (γ)
The ratio of change in emitter current △IE to the change in base current △IB is
known as Gamma (γ).
Γ value is slightly more than the value of β its voltage gain is always less than 1.
DC & AC Load Line of BJT, Stability,
Thermal Run away
Output Characteristics CE configuration transistor
Load Line
DC Load Line:
VCC is the supply voltage to collector
Apply KVL to output RL - Load Resistor
VCE - Collector to Emitter Voltage
Equation is to be plotted on the output characteristic of the CE
transistor, VCE and lC are variables.
Quiescent Point
It is a point on the DC load line, which represents the values of IC and VCE that exist in a transistor
circuit when no input signal is applied.
It is also called as DC operating point or working point
The best position for this point is midway between cut-off and saturation points where VCE = ½VCC
Significance of Q point:
The Q-point tends to shift its position due to following three main factors :
Reverse saturation current, ICO, which doubles for every 10°C increase in
Base-emitter voltage, VBE, which decreases by 2.5 mV per °C.
Transistor current gain, β which increases with temperature.
AC Load Line:
When an ac signal is applied, the transistor voltage VCE and collector
current lC vary above and below the Q point .
So point Q is common to both DC & AC load lines
AC load line provides the values of VCE & IC when an AC signal is
For drawing ac load line, take a convenient IC change ΔIC and
compute the corresponding collector-emitter voltage change ΔV CE = -
ΔIC × RC to obtain another point lying on the ac load line.
Now the ac load can be drawn by joining this point and point Q.
AC load is steeper than DC load line but the two lines intersect at the
quiescent point Q determined by the biasing dc voltages and currents.
AC and DC Load Line
• When AC and DC Load lines are represented
in a graph, it can be understood that they are
not identical.
• Both lines intersect at the Q-point or
quiescent point.
• The endpoints of AC load line are saturation
and cut off points.
• From figure, it is understood that the
quiescent point (the dark dot) is obtained
when the value of base current IB is 10mA.
• This is the point where both the AC and DC
load lines intersect.
Thermal runaway
The collector current of the common emitter transistor is given by
IC = βIB + ICEO IC = βIB + ( 1 + β ) ICBO (1 )
Where : IC = Collector current ; IB = Base current ; β = Current amplification factor in CE
ICEO = Collector to emitter current with base open
ICBO = Collector to base current with emitter open (collector leakage current)
The ICBO depends upon temperature and it produces heat in the transistor.
This will result in ICBO further increases.
As the collector leakage current ICBO increases, the collector current also increases [ From eqn. 1].
The increase in collector current further increases temperature and this process cumulative result
collector current increases such an extent that it may burn out transistor.
The self-destruction or burn out of transistor due to rise in temperature is called as
thermal runaway.
Stability Factor
Stability factor : The rate of change of collector current I C with respect to the collector leakage
current ICO at constant β and IB is called Stability factor.
From the equation any change in collector leakage current changes the collector current to a
great extent. The stability factor should be as low as possible so that the collector current doesn’t
get affected. S=1 is the ideal value
Differentiate w.r.t IC