Introduction To Furrow Irrigation
Introduction To Furrow Irrigation
Introduction To Furrow Irrigation
Furrow irrigation is a traditional method of watering crops where trenches are
created between crops. It is a cost-effective and efficient way to deliver water
to plants, especially in sloping terrains. This presentation will provide an in-
depth understanding of furrow irrigation in water resources engineering.
R by Rujina Khatun
Definition and Principles of Furrow
Definition Principles
Furrow irrigation involves the diversion of water The principles of furrow irrigation include the
into small channels or furrows, allowing the design and management of the furrow, soil
water to flow along the field and seep into the infiltration, and proper water distribution to
soil. It is a gravity-driven irrigation method. meet the crop's water requirements.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Furrow
Advantages Disadvantages
Furrow irrigation is economical, can be used Some of the disadvantages include high labor
with a wide range of crops, and requires simple requirements, susceptibility to erosion, and
equipment. It also effectively recharges possible inefficiency in water distribution.
groundwater in certain conditions.
Design Considerations for Furrow
Irrigation Systems
1 Optimal Furrow 2 Field Slope 3 Water Measurement
Spacing Management
The spacing of furrows Proper management of Accurate measurement
should be based on soil slope ensures even of water flow and usage
type, topography, and water distribution and is essential for efficient
crop requirements to prevents soil erosion. irrigation management.
ensure uniform water
Components of a Furrow Irrigation
1 Main Pipeline 2 Supply Laterals
The main pipeline carries water to the These smaller pipes distribute water
fields from the water source and from the main pipeline to the
connects to the supply laterals. individual furrows within the field.
3 Outlet Gates
These control the flow of water into the furrows and are adjusted based on the water
requirements of the crop.
Steps for Implementing Furrow Irrigation
1 2 3
Land Preparation System Installation System Testing
Clear the land, smooth the soil, Install the pipelines, control Test the furrow irrigation
and prepare the furrow layout gates, and other system system for water distribution
based on crop spacing and the components based on the uniformity, efficiency, and any
field's topography. agreed design plan. necessary adjustments.
Best Practices for Efficient Water Use in
Furrow Irrigation
2 Technological Integration
Integration of advanced technologies ensures the efficient and precise application of
water in furrow irrigation systems.
3 Environmental Impact
Consideration of the environmental impact and sustainable management of water
resources is vital in furrow irrigation practices.