CF 2 Topic 2 Concept of Leadership
CF 2 Topic 2 Concept of Leadership
CF 2 Topic 2 Concept of Leadership
Topic 2
Concept of Leadership
Micosa Alonte Ditan
Handle a
Learn the new
Responsible person/ group
of persons
Bungaos Dulay
Inspiring Purpose
1. Leader
An individual appointed as a leader must understand himself honestly, what he knows and
what he can do. Take note that it is the followers that decide whether the leader is
successful, not the leader or anyone else. If they don't trust their leader, or lack confidence,
they'll be uninspired. To be successful you have to persuade your followers that you are
worthy of being followed, not yourself or your superiors.
Different people expect different leadership styles. A newly-employed deserves more
supervision than an accomplished subordinate does. An individual without motivation
needs a different approach than one with a high motivation level. You have to know your
people, as a leader. The basic starting point is to have a clear understanding of human
nature such as needs, feelings and motivation. You have to come to learn the be, known
and do qualities of your people.
3. Communication
Being a leader, you lead by bidirectional communication. A great deal of that is
nonverbal. For example, when you "set an example," that shows your people you wouldn't
ask them to do something you wouldn't want to do. What and how you interact either
strengthens or destroys your relationship with your followers.
4. Situation
Every situation is different. Everything you do in one situation isn't automatically
going to work in another. You have to use your discretion to determine the best course of
action and the style of leadership needed for each situation. You may need to face a
subordinate for inappropriate behavior, for example, but if the confrontation is too late or too
early, too harsh or too mild, then the outcomes may prove ineffective.
Take note also that the disorder typically affects a leader's action more than its
characteristics. This is because while traits can be impressively stable over a period of
time, they have little consistency in situations (Mischel, 1968).
Theories of Leadership
1. Trait Theory
Some personality traits may lead people naturally into leadership roles.
The Leaders and Its Role
A leader sets the company or organization a specific vision,
motivates employees, guides workers through the cycle of work, and
creates morale. They're made good leaders, not born. You will become
a successful leader if you have the will and the will power. Good
leaders grow through a cycle of self-study, education, training and
experience that never ends (Jago, 1982).
There are many things you have to be, learn and do to inspire your
workers or subordinates into higher levels of teamwork. These also do
not come easily but are gained through ongoing research and study.
Good leaders work and study constantly to develop their leadership
skills; they do not rely on their past achievements.
Boss or Leader
Although your role as a manager or supervisor gives you the
authority to accomplish certain tasks and objectives within the
organization (Assigned Leadership), this power does not make you a
leader, it simply makes you a boss. Leadership differs in that it
makes the followers want to achieve high goals (Emerging
Leadership), rather than simply ordering people around (Rowe,
2007). Thus, by your position, you get Assigned Leadership and you
display Emergent Leadership by influencing people to do great things.
Total Leadership
People want feedback from those leaders they respect and who have a
good sense of direction. They must be ethical, in order to gain respect. This
provides a sense of direction by conveying a clear vision of the future. When
people decide to value you as a leader, they don't think of your qualities, but
rather watch what you're doing so they can assess who you really are. They
use this insight to say if you are an upright and trustworthy leader or a self-serving
individual who exploits power to look good and get promoted.
3. Theories of Leadership
6. Total Leadership
Thank you . . .