Equisetum 180922130237
Equisetum 180922130237
Equisetum 180922130237
soil in which they grow. Some species accumulate gold (about 4.5
ounce per ton of dry wt.), thus they are considered as ‘gold indicator
Structure of Equisetum:
The Sporophyte:
The sporophytic plant body of Equisetum is differentiated into
The stem of Equisetum has two parts: perennial, underground, much-branched
rhizome and an erect, usually annual aerial shoot. The branching is monopodial,
shoots are differentiated into nodes and internodes.
• Some shoots are profusely branched, green (chlorophyllous) and purely vegetative. The
terminal strobili.
• The underground rhizome and the aerial axis appear to be articulated or jointed due to the
presence of distinct nodes and internodes. Externally, the internodes have longitudinal ridges
and furrows and, internally, they are hollow, tube-like structures. The ridges of the successive
internodes alternate with each other and the leaves are normally of the same number as the
In T.S., the stem of Equisetum appears wavy in outline with ridges and furrows.
The epidermal cell walls are thick, cuticularised and have a deposition of
siliceous material.
Stomata are distributed only in the furrows between the ridges. A hypodermal
stele in E. giganteum. The cortex is differentiated into outer and inner regions.
The outer cortex is chlorenchymatous, while the inner cortex is made up of
cortex corresponding to each furrow and alternating with the ridges, known
as vallecular canal.
meristem, however, most of the length of the stem are due to the activity of
position and alternate with the vallecular canals of the cortex. Vascular bundles
are conjoint, collateral and closed. In the mature vascular bundle, protoxylum is
The vascular bundles remain unbranched until they reach the level of node. At
the nodal region, each vascular bandle trifurcates (divided into three parts).
The xerophytic features are:
(i) Ridges and furrows in the stem,
The primary root is ephemeral. The slender adventitious roots arise endogenously at
nodes of the stems. In T.S., the root shows epidermis, cortex and stele from periphery to the
centre. The epidermis consists of elongated cells, with or without root hairs.
The cortex is extensive; cells of the outer cortex often have thick walls (sclerenchymatous)
and the protoxylem strands lie around it. The space between
The number of leaves per node varies according to the species. The species
with narrow stems have few leaves (e.g., 2-3 leaves in E. scirpoides) and those
with thick stem have many leaves (e.g., up to 40 leaves in E. schaffneri).
The number of leaves at a node corresponds to the number of ridges
• i. Antheridium:
two types — projecting type and embedded type. Antheridia first appear on
of the apical jacket cell. The apical part of the antherozoid is spirally
Any superficial cell in the marginal meristem acts as an archegonial initial which
periclinal division to form a primary cover cell and an inner central cell. The cover cell,
by two vertical divisions at right angle to each other, forms a neck. The central cell
divides transversely to form a primary neck canal cell and a venter cell.
Two neck canal cells are produced from the primary neck canal cell. While,
the venter cell, by a transverse division, forms the ventral canal cell and
an egg.
four tiers of neck cells arranged in four rows, two neck canal cells of
unequal size, a ventral canal cell, and an egg at the base of the embedded
Water is essential for fertilization. The gametophyte must be covered with a thin layer of
water in which the motile antherozoides swim to the archegonia. The neck canal cells
and ventral canal cell of the archegonia disintegrate to form a passage for the entry of
Many antherozoids pass through the canal of the archegonium but only one of them
fuses with the egg. Thus diploid zygote is formed. Generally more than one archegonia
The embryo is the mother cell of the next sporophytic generation. Unlike most
division of the zygote is transverse. This results in an upper epibasal cell and
lower hypobasal cell. The embryo is therefore exoscopic (where the apical cell is
All the four cells of the quadrant are of different size and shape.
shoot apex originate from the largest cell and leaf initials from the remai-
develop from a large mature gametophyte if more than one egg is fertilized