4 Summative Assessment - G9
4 Summative Assessment - G9
4 Summative Assessment - G9
GAMES to Raise Awareness about
21st century challenges (SDGs)!
Grade 9
Create a Group Powerpoint
Summative Assessment
Criterion Aiv
Grade 9
Criterion A : Inquiring & Analysing
Criterion A iv : Develop a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.
3-4: develops a design brief, which outlines the analysis of relevant research.
5-6: develops a design brief, which explains the analysis of relevant research.
7-8: develops a detailed design brief, which summarizes the analysis of relevant research.
Criterion A : Inquiring & Analysing
> Why have you chose this specific Sustainable Development Goal?
> What are the different aspects of this Sustainable Development Goal that
you want to spread through your game?
> What are the main characteristics that we have to think while designing a
game? (think about the selling arguments)
> How a Game (learning by playing) could help to spread awareness about
your chosen SDG around the world/toward your audience?
Develop a detailed DESIGN BRIEF:
Share your “First game idea(s)”
First Sketches 3/ Which amazing playing experience Function: The function of a solution
are you offering to your specific refers to what it has been designed to do
audience? and how effective it is at enabling that
action to be performed.
4/ What are the areas to explore more
deeply in Criterion B phase?
First Sketches
Chose a Kickstarter project related to your game ideas and fill the template