• Abstract
• Introduction
• Objectives
• Principle & Theory
• Scheme / Diagram
• Working / Explanation
• Future Perspectives
• Discussion
• Conclusion
• Bibliography
• PLASTOSCOPE: The plastoscope is a device consisting of an eye piece and plastic that
functions similarly to a microscope. It is affordable and simple to manufacture. The Plastoscope
is a low-cost, portable, and easily handled microscope constructed from used plastic bottles.
• Although the invention was inspired by microscopes, Ananya Singh of Delhi created a unique
one in order to assist students who were unable to purchase a microscope because of their high
• The plastoscope gives the similar results and may be better results than that of a conventional
compound microscope due to its low cost and availbility to the students and school that does
not have high costly microscope
• A microscope is a laboratory instrument used to examine objects that are too small to be seen by
naked eye .Microscope can be used to observe small objects , even cells the image of an object is
magnified through at least one lens in the microscope .This lens bends light towards the eye and
makes an object appear larger than it actually is .
• In India ,all school laboratories are not well equipped with scientific instruments . While going
through the biological concepts there are many schools who are not able to provide the practical
experience of cell structures and tissues , bacteria etc to the students .So ,there is a need to
develop low cost microscope to study the various biological concepts
• The goal of creating a low-cost microscope, or plastoscope, is to enable all students to cultivate and spark their
interest in the biological sciences and to give them hands-on experience with cells, tissues, bacteria, etc.
• Students attending distant schools lacking the chance to use even the most basic resources, such as a microscope.
The absence of microscopes in schools also makes it difficult for students to comprehend various biological
• Thus, a plastic bottle microscope composed of plastic bottles is the answer to this issue. Real microscopes and
plastic bottle microscopes are identical. It is simple to make at home and has the ability to comprehend and
investigate the different microscopic objects in their environment
• PRINCIPAL: A compound microscope uses various lenses to increase an object's magnification, whereas a simple
microscope uses just one lens, like a magnifying glass. The viewer is presented with an erect, enlarged virtual
image by using a lens to enlarge an object only through sharp magnification. Simple magnification tools like
loupes, magnifying glasses, and eyepieces for telescopes and microscopes use one convex lens or a set of lenses.
• Actually, it's a small-focal-length convex lens that's used to see magnified images of small objects. The basic
principle of a simple microscope is that when a small object is brought into focus, a virtual, upright, and
magnified image of the When the eye is held close to the lens, the object forms at the closest distance at which
it can be seen clearly.
• CONSTRUCTION :Take plastic bottles of different sizes and cut them . Now paint them
black from inside . Now make holes in the plastic bottle caps to fit the lens in them .
Now fit the plastic bottle caps with lens in the cut plastic bottle pieces .. Make one
wooden or cardboard box stand to hold the plastic bottle microscope . Make one box in
the cardboard with battery , lens and switch to make the lighting arrangement to see the
slides properly . Attach mobile phone and computer to visualize the microscopic pictures on
the computer screen .
• WORKING : take onion peel ( a thin layer of epidermis ) . Place a thin layer of microscopic slide
. Put a drop of iodine solution to the layer . Now carefully place over the layer . Now
observe this microscopic slide under the plastic microscope . Adjust the lens properly
fitted at the bottle caps to the magnified image . Image can also be obtained on mobile
phone and computer screen to visualize .
• Uses : it can be made by the school students for study purpose . It can also be made by
other people who are curious to know about micro things around them .
• cost effectiveness : it can be made with locally available waste material like plastic
bottles around n us . Its price is also not very high . Its manufacturing cost is
approximately 500-600. Students can easily make it at home and can study the various
microscopic things around them
• There are so many school in rural areas in which there are no facility of microscopes . Lack of
microscopes in school in can promote the rote learning of various biological concept . But with the
plastic microscope student can understand the various micro-organism and cell structure . It will develop
the logical thinking , reasoning , and practical approach of learning science . It will also develop students
interest in science learning .
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