MIL Quiz2
MIL Quiz2
MIL Quiz2
1. It is a republic act which provides individual to
protect private information from disclosure to
information and communication systems.
a. RA 10173 or Data Privacy Act of 2012
b. RA 10175 or Cybercrime Prevention Act
c. RA 8293 or Intellectual Property Code
d. RA 10627 or Anti-Bullying Act of 2013
2. This refers to creations of the mind such as
inventions, literary and artistic works, designs and
symbols, names, and images used commercially.
a. fair use
b. copyright
c. creative commons
d. intellectual property
3. This is the excessive use of computers to the extent
that it interferes with daily life, which may result in
problems with social interaction, or affect mood,
relationships, and thought processes.
a. flame war
b. gaming disorder
c. cyberbullying
d. computer addiction
4. This symbol is only used for marks
that have been granted registration.
a. b. c. d.
5. It is an American non-commercial
organization that aims to expand the range of
creative works available for others to build
upon and to share legally.
a. b. c. d.
6. . It is anything with your name creating a
trail of data about you.
a. data information
b. b. copyright
c. c. digital footprint
d. d. intellectual property.
7. It is an ornamental or aesthetic aspect of an
item which may consist of 3D or 2D features.
a. close
b. accessible
c. renewable
d. connected
12. own rate : self-paced ;
_____________ : feasibility
a. doable
b. Teachable
c. renewable
d. available
13. cMOOCs : ____________ ;
xMOOCs : eXtended
a. Coursera
b. course
c. connectivist
d. community
14. Facebook : Mark Zuckerberg ;
MOOC : ____________
a. Bill Gates
b. Henry Co
c. Steve Jobs
d. Dave Cormier
15. MOOC : ___________ ;
Microblogs : Twitter
a. Udacity
b. Wikipedia
c. Facebook
d. Yahoo
16. The Wildflower teleserye received a warning from
MTRCB for its bloody scenes of torture involving
Maja Salvador.
A. Illegal content
B. Age-inappropriate content
C. Piracy
D. Identity Theft
17. Bayan Patroller Bea reported the current situation
of her surrounding after the major earthquake has hits
their town.
A. Illegal content
B. Age-inappropriate content
C. Libel/Slander
D. Citizen Journalism
18. Some groups used the internet to further the
ideas of racism and discrimination.
A. Illegal content
B. Age-inappropriate content
C. Libel/Slander
D. Citizen Journalism
19. Jenny spread false rumors about Ivana
having an extra marital affair with her neighbour
A. Illegal content
B. Age-inappropriate content
C. Libel/Slander
D. Citizen Journalism
20. Bayan Patroller Bea reported the current situation of her
surrounding after the major earthquake has hits their town.
A. Illegal content
B. Age-inappropriate content
C. Online education
D. Citizen Journalism