4. Nanotechnology
Nanotechnology is defined as the design,
characterization, production and applications of
structures, systems and devices by controlling size and
shape at 10-9 m scale or the single-atomic level.
bulk materials.
14. The wear resistance of nano particles are 170 times higher
than the bulk mater ials.
Table 7.1 Comparison of atom/molecule, nano
particles/cluster, bulk materials
1. Melting Points
Nano-materials have a significantly lower melting
point and appreciable reduced lattice constants. This is due
to huge fraction of surface atoms in the total amount of
2. Optical Properties
Reduction of material dimensions has pronounced
effects on the optical properties. Optical properties of nano-
materials are different from bulk forms. The change in optical
properties is caused by two factors
The quantum confinement of electrons within the nano-
particles increases the energy level spacing.
Polymeric fibres
3. Electro-deposition
1. Laser Ablation
In laser ablation, high-power laser pulse is used to
evaporate the matter from the target. The stoichiometry of the
material is preserved in the interaction. The total mass ablated
from the target per laser pulse is referred to as the ablation
Reaction Setup
Fig 7.2 Laser ablation chamber equipped with a rotating target holder
When a beam of laser is allowed to irradiate the
target, a supersonic jet of particles is evaporated from the
target surface. Simultaneously, an inert gas such as argon,
helium is allowed into the reactor to sweep the evaporated
particles from the furnace zone to the colder collector.
CVD Reactor
The CVD reactors are of generally two types
1. Hot-wall CVD
2. Cold-wall CVD
2. Thermolysis
A gel is a semi-rigid mass that forms when the solvent from the sol begins to evaporate and
the particles or ions left behind begin to join together in a continuous network.
The sol-gel process is a wet chemical technique that uses either a chemical solution (sol -
solution here) or colloidal particles (sol – nanoscale particle here) to produce an
integrated network (gel). Formation of metal oxide involves connecting the metal centers
with oxo (M-O-M) or hydroxo (M-OH-M) bridges thereby generating metal–oxo or metal–
hydroxo polymers in solution.
After a drying process, the liquid phase is removed from the gel. Then a thermal treatment
(calcinations) may be performed in order to favor further polycondensation and enhance
mechanical properties.
Sol-gel processing is a low temperature synthesis route that is
particularly suitable for the deposition of thin films from a liquid
phase. The soft chemistry approach of sol-gel has known a renewed
interest because of the recent boom of nanoscience. Sol-gel
processing has emerged as one of the most interesting routes to
bottom up preparation of nanoparticles. Two main different
approaches can be envisaged. In the first one, sol – gel reactions are
used to obtain interconnected structures through polycondensation
of the precursors, which is the typical bottom up route for thin and
ultra thin film preparation. In the second one, the final material is
obtained through an intermediate step by using sol-gel chemistry for
the synthesis of nano-objects such as nanoparticles or nano building
blocks. Sol-gel chemistry can also be combined with more
sophisticated nanosynthesis techniques to get ordered and
hierarchical structures. One of the most interesting aspects of this
approach is the possibility of uniform submicron sized silica particles
production. The sol gel method can be successfully used to obtain
well separated metal nanoparticles.
Nano-wire is a material having an aspect ratio ie.,
length to width ratio greater than 20. Nano-wires are also
referred to as “quantum wires”.
1. Template-assisted synthesis
Template assisted synthesis of nanowires is simple way
to fabricate nanostructures. These templates contain very small
cylindrical pores or voids within the host material and the empty
spaces are filled with the chosen material to form nanowires.
Characteristics of Nano-rods
1. Nano-rods are one-dimensional materials.
It finds applications in display technologies and micro
mechanical switches
Nano clusters constitute an intermediate state of
matter between molecules and bulk materials. These are
fine aggregates of atoms or molecules. They are bound by
forces, which may be metallic, covalent, ionic, hydrogen
bond or vander waals force in character. The size of
nanocluster ranges from sub-nanometer to 10 nm in
diameter. It has been found that clusters of certain critical
size (clusters with a certain number of atoms in the
group) are more stable than others. Nanoclusters
consisting of upto a couple of hundred atoms, but larger
aggregates containing 103 or more atoms are called
Magic number
It is the number of atoms in the clusters of criticle
sizes with higher stability. Different types of clusters can be
distinguished by the nature of the force between the atoms.
Clusters containing a transition metal atoms have unique
chemical, electronic and magnetic properties, which vary with
the number of constituent atoms, the type of element and the
charge on the cluster.
Production of Nano Cluster
Sources of Clusters
There are many kinds of cluster sources. Two of them are
2. Gas-aggregation source
1. Supersonic Nozzle Source
Here metal is vapourized in an oven and the vapour is
mixed with an inert carrier gas (seeded) at a pressure of
several atmosphere at a temperature of 75 - 1500 K. The
metal/carrier gas mixture is then allowed through a nozzle in
to high vacuum, which creates supersonic beam. Seeding
produces large clusters while in the absence of a carrier gas
smaller clusters are formed.
2. Gas-aggregation source
The source utilizes the property of aggregation of
atoms in an inert media. The vapours generated by any method
are introduced in to a cold inert gas at a higher pressure. The
species at high temperature are thermalized. The gas phase is
super saturated with the species and they aggregate. These
sources produce continuous beams of clusters of low-to-
medium boiling metals
Nano-tubes are one of the most widespread studied
and used materials, consists of tiny cylinders of carbon and
other materials like boron nitride. Nano-tubes of carbon and
inorganic compounds with structures comparable to the
layered structure of graphite have been prepared. Studies
on carbon nano-tubes are quite extensive.
Carbon Nanotubes (CNT)
1. Pyrolysis of hydrocarbons.
2. Laser evaporation.
2. Laser evaporation
It involves vapourization of graphite target, containing
small amount of cobalt and nickel, by exposing it to an intense
pulsed laser beam at higher temperature 1200 0C in a quartz
tube reactor. An inert gas such as argon is simultaneously
allowed to pass into the reactor to sweep the evaporated
carbon atoms from the furnace to the colder copper collector,
on which they condense as carbon nanotubes.
3. Carbon arc method
It is carried out by applying direct current (60 - 100 A
and 20 - 25 V) arc between graphite electrodes of 10 - 20 m
1. Nano drugs
2. Laboratories on a chip
4. Gold-coated nanoshells
targeted organs.
1. As Catalyst