Occurrence of Some Winter Birds in Hlawga Wildlife
Occurrence of Some Winter Birds in Hlawga Wildlife
Occurrence of Some Winter Birds in Hlawga Wildlife
Yangon Region
5. 4 သတ - 5 Mg Aung Ko Ko
Bird Species
− Birds are flying, warm blooded vertebrates that have more than
11,000 species that fall under the class Aves.
− Birds have two eyes, a four-chambered heart like human being and
forelimbs modified into feathery wings.
− Birds use their forelimbs for flying purpose and hind limbs for
nesting or perching.
Bird migration
− The two primary resources being sought are food and nesting
− They avoid too much cold in search of a warmer place to live and
− Not all birds stay in the same place their whole lives.
− Some migrations are short, but many birds make truly epic
Study period
− The study period lasted from December 2023 to March 2024.
Study method
digital camera.
− Once a week were allotted for bird watching and commenced from
− When a bird was spotted, it was identified down to the species level
Phylum -Chordata
Class -Aves
Order -Anseriformes
Family -Anatidae
Genus -Aix
Scientific name -Aix galericulata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Common name -Mandarin Duck
Local name - -
Motacilla alba
Phylum -Chordata
Class -Aves
Order -Passeriformes
Family -Motacillidae
Genus -Motacilla
Phylum -Chordata
Class -Aves
Order -Passrriformes
Family -Stenostiridae
Genus -Culicicapa
Local name - -
Dicrurus leucophaecs
Phylum -Chordata
Class -Aves
Order -Passeriformes
Family -Dicruridae
Genus -Dicrurus
Local name - -
Anastomus oscitans
Phylum -Chordata
Class -Aves
Order -Ciconiiformes
Family -Ciconiidae
Genus -Anastomus
− Kyaw Nyunt Lwin and Khin Ma Ma Thwin, Birds of Myanmar. Swiftwimds Services