Migrationbirds 200414133323
Migrationbirds 200414133323
Migrationbirds 200414133323
There are nearly 9000 kinds of birds in the world. They are of different colours,
shapes and sizes and they eat different sorts of food.
Bird migration
“Migration is the seasonal
movements between a breeding
location and a location where it
survives when not breeding”
These movements are usually
irregular or in only one
direction and are termed
variously as nomadism,
invasions, dispersal or
irruptions. Migration is marked
by its annual seasonality.
Why do birds Migrate?
More food, to protect their babies, to avoid disease, to get away from
predators , warmer/ colder climate.
General patterns of Bird Migration
Transients: Migratory species who nest farther north than our neighborhoods,
but who winter farther south; they are "just passing through."
Stimulus for Migration
Two types of stimuli generates the urge for migration in birds.
External Stimulus: Variation in Day Length
Internal Stimulus: Physiological state of Gonads and favorable energy
Photoreceptor in Eye & Pineal body
Northern Pintail
On the basis of distance migrations are
again of two types: Long-distance migration
Sun Compass
Star Compass
Odor Map
Magnetic Map
Magnetic Compass
Advantages of Migration to Birds