Air Compressor 1

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•An air compressor is a machine used to compress the air and to raise its
•The air compressor works by sucking air from the atmosphere, compress it
and the delivers the same under high pressure to a storage vessel. From the
storage vessel, it may be conveyed by pipeline to a place where the supply of
compressed air is required. Since the compression of air requires some work
to be done on it, therefore, a compressor must be driven by some prime
1. Starting and supercharging of marine diesel engine (main and auxiliary)
2. As automatic fluids for many control systems
3. Operating ship whistle
4. Pipeline testing such as fire extinguishing system
5. Workshop services such as cleaning filters, blowing through pipes.
Operating equipment such as air pumps, pneumatic drills, riveters, paint
spraying etc.
6. It is also utilized in the operation of lifts, rams, and varieties of other
7. In the industry, compressed air is used for producing blast of air in blast
furnaces and Bessemer converters.
•The air compressors may be classified in many ways, but the
following are important from the subject point of view:
1. According to working
(a)Reciprocating compressors , (b) Rotary compressors
1. According action
(a)Single acting compressors , (b) Double acting compressors

1. According to number of stages

(a)Single stage compressors , (b) Multi-stage compressors
•Some of the terminologies associated with compressors include;
1. Inlet pressure : It is the absolute pressure of air at the inlet of a compressor
2. Discharge pressure : It is the absolute pressure of air at the outlet of a
3. Compression ratio (or pressure ratio) r: It is the ratio of the outlet pressure
to the inlet pressure. Since the discharge pressure is always greater than the
inlet pressure, therefore, the value of compression ratio is more than unity.
i.e. , r = =
4. Compressor capacity: It is the volume of air delivered by the compressor,
and is expressed in /min or /s.
5. Free air delivery: It is the actual volume delivered by the compressor when reduced to
the normal temperature and pressure condition. The capacity of a compressor is
generally given in terms of free air delivery.
6. Swept volume: It is the volume of air sucked by the compressor during its suction
stroke. Mathematically, the swept volume or displacement of a single acting air
compressor is given by;
• = L
• Where, D = Diameter of cylinder bore, and
• L = Length of piston stroke
7. Mean effective pressure: As a matter of fact, air pressure on the compressor piston
keeps on changing with the movement of the piston in the cylinder. The mean effective
pressure of the compressor is found out mathematically by dividing the work done per
cycle to the stroke volume.
i.e, = =
•It is a compression at constant temperature. In practice, it means that the
temperature of gas (air) remains constant throughout the compression. It
means that heat of compression is immediately taken away. This would
necessitate infinitely slow compressor. This type of compression is
theoretically the most efficient but difficult to achieve. Very slow –moving
piston in a well cooled small – bore cylinder can approach isothermal
• It is the compression under constant enthalpy conditions, i.e. no heat is given to or
taken from the gas through the cylinder walls and all the work done in compressing the
gas is stored within it.
• During the compression, the temperature raises progressively causing increase in rate
of pressure rise which calls for increased power input to piston. This gives it adiabatic
• It is the compression process which lies in between two extremes of isothermal and
adiabatic compressions. Here, some parts of heat are usually extracted by jacket
cooling and multistage with intercooling is used to reduce work of compression.

• However, this would require a very slow, long stroke piston running in a small bore
perfectly cooled cylinder which would give very low air delivery.
• The principle of operation is such that the suction, compression and
delivery of air take place in two strokes of the piston or one revolution of
the crankshaft.
• The working principle is such that the suction, compression, and delivery of
air take place on both sides of the piston. It therefore follows that these
kinds of compressor supplies double the volume of air than a single acting
reciprocating compressor.

These are the most commonly used compressors at sea for the
production of air for some various ship’s services and starting purposes.
They are also suitable in marine application of refrigeration as they are
suited to low specific volume vapours and large pressure differentials
characteristics of all the main refrigerants in use.
• A single stage reciprocating air compressor, in its simplest form,
consists of a cylinder, piston, inlet and discharge valves as shown
below. From the geometry of the compressor, when the piston moves
downwards (or in other words, during outward or suction stroke), the
pressure inside the cylinder falls below the atmospheric pressure.
• Work Done By a Single Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor
• As a matter of fact, the compression of air may be isothermal,
polytropic or isentropic (reversible adiabatic). Now, we shall find out
the amount of work done in compressing the air in all the above
mentioned three cases.
1. Work done during Polytropic Compression ( = constant )
The net work done in the cycle is given the area of the P-V diagram and is
the work done on the gas.
The indicated work done on the gas per cycle = area abcd

= area abef + area bcoe – area adof

For area abef ;

Work input = + -

Factorizing, we have ;

W= - = (- )
Recall that, PV = mRT

W = ( mR - mR) = mR ( - ) = mR ( -1) (1)

This is the work done per cycle by the single stage reciprocating compressor.

and, = ( (2)
Where, is the temperature of air delivered by the compressor.

Putting (2) into (1) gives;

W= mR ( -1)
• mR [ (- 1 ]
} (3)

• or, [ (- 1 ]

• Similarly,
• 2. Work done during isothermal compression is given by;
• W = 2.3 mR log ( ) (4)
• 3. Work done during isentropic compression is given by ;
• W = mR [ (- 1 ] (5)
• Where for air replaces the polytropic index n.
• Power Required to Drive a Single Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor

• The power required to drive the compressor may be obtained from the
usual relation;
• P = watts or =
• Where, N is the speed of the compressor in rpm.
• = N ……. For single acting compressor
• = 2N ……. For double acting compressor
• Since the compression takes place in three different ways
therefore, power obtained from different work done will be
different. In general, the following are the three values of
power obtained:
1.Isothermal power =
2.Isentropic power =
3.Indicated power =
•The indicated power is also known as air power of the compressor.
1. A single stage reciprocating air compressor is required to compress 1kg of air
from 1bar to 4bar. The initial temperature is 27. Compare the work done
requirement in the following cases:
I. Isothermal compression
II. Compression with = Constant
III.Isentropic compression
• [ 119.23KJ, 134.32 KJ , 146. 63KJ ]
2. Determine the size of the cylinder for a double acting air compressor of 40
kW indicated, in which air is drawn in at 1bar 15 and compressed according to
the law = constant, to 6bar. The compressor runs at 100rpm with average
piston speed of 152.5m/min. neglect clearance. [ 0.31m or 310mm]
• 3. A single - stage reciprocating compressor takes 1 of air per
minute at 1.013bar and 15 and delivers it at 7bar. Assuming that
the law of compression is = constant, and that clearance is
neglected , calculate the indicated power. [ ANS:4.238kW]
• 4. Air is to be compressed in a single – stage reciprocating
compressor from 1.013bar and 15 to 7bar. Calculate the indicated
power required for a free air delivery ( FAD) of 0.3 /min. when the
compression process is as follows;
• (i) isentropic
• (ii) reversible isothermal
• (iii) polytropic when n = 1.25
• [ 1.31kW, 0.98KW, 1.20KW]
5. A single acting reciprocating air compressor has cylinder diameter and
stroke of 200mm and 300mm respectively. The compressor sucks air at
1bar and 27 and delivers at 8bar while running at 100rpm. Find :

(i) Indicated power of the compressor

(ii) Mass of air delivered by the compressor per minute

(iii) Temperature of the air delivered by compressor

The compression follows the law = C. Take R as 287 J/kgK

[ 4.042 KW, 1.09Kg , 454.8K or 181.8 ]

• Work Done By Reciprocating Air Compressor With
Clearance Volume
• In the previous article, we have assumed that there is no clearance
volume in the compressor cylinder. In other words, the entire
volume of air in the compressor cylinder , is compressed by the
inward stroke of the piston. But in actual practice, it is not possible
to reduce the clearance volume to zero, for mechanical reasons.
• Moreover, it is not desirable to allow the piston head to come in
contact with the cylinder head. In addition to this, the passage
leading to the inlet and outlet valves always contribute to clearance
volume. In general, the clearance volume is expressed as some
percentage of the piston displacement.

• Clearance in a compressor is necessary to give mechanical freedom

to the working parts and allow necessary space for valve

Is given by the expression;

• W = - ) [ (- 1 ]

• where, the term and - ) are known as expanded clearance

volume and effective swept volume respectively.
1. A single – stage, single acting reciprocating compressor has a bore
of 200mm and a stroke of 300mm. It receives air at 1bar and 20 and
delivers it at 5.5 bar. If the compression follows the law =C and
clearance volume is 5 of the stroke volume. Determine:
(i) The mean effective pressure
(ii) The power required to drive the compressor , if it runs at 500rpm.
[ 1.807bar, 14.183K]
2. A single - stage , double acting reciprocating compressor is
required to deliver 14 of air per minute measured at 1.013bar
and 15 . The delivery pressure is 7bar and the speed 300rpm.
Take the clearance volume as 5 of the stroke volume with a
compression index of n = 1.3. Calculate :
(i) The swept volume of the cylinder
(ii) The delivery temperature
(iii) The indicated power
[ 0.028 /cycle, 177 , 57.6kW]
This is the process of compressing the air in two or more cylinders in series in order to deliver
the air at a higher pressure. Multistage compression is employed when a higher pressure of
air is required.

Advantages of Multistage Compression

Following are the main advantages of multistage compression over single stage compression:
1.The work done per kg on air is reduced with multistage compression with intercooler as
compared to the single stage compression for the same delivery pressure
2. It improves the volumetric efficiency for the given pressure ratio
3. The size of the two cylinders ( i.e, high pressure and low pressure ) may be adjusted to suit
the volume and pressure of the air.
4. It reduces the leakage loss considerably
5. It gives more uniform torque, and hence a small size flywheel is required
6. It provides effective lubrication because of low temperature range
7. It reduces the cost compressor
It has been experienced that if we employ a single stage compression
for producing high pressure of air say 8 to 10bar, it suffers the
following drawbacks.
1. The size of the cylinder will be too large
2. Due to compression, there is a rise in the temperature of air. It is
difficult to reject heat from the air in the small time available during
3. Sometimes, the temperature of air at the end of compression is too
high. It may heat up the cylinder head or burn the lubricating oil.

In order to overcome the above mentioned difficulties, two or more

cylinders are provided in series with intercooling arrangement
between them. Such an arrangement is known as multistage
• Two – Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor With Intercooler

• As the fresh air is sucked from the atmosphere in the low pressure (L.P)
cylinder during the suction stroke at intake pressure and temperature . The
air, after compression in the L.P cylinder ( i.e, first stage) from 1 to 2 , is
delivered to the intercooler at pressure and temperature Now, the air is
cooled in the intercooler from 2 to 3at constant pressure and from
temperature to . After that, the air is sucked in the high pressure ( H.P)
cylinder during the suction stroke .

• Finally, the air, after further compression in the H.P cylinder (i.e, second
stage ) from 3 to 4, is delivered by the compressor at pressure
tontemperature .
Intercooling Of Air In A Two – Stage Reciprocating Air
The efficiency of the intercooler plays an important role
in the working of a Two – stage reciprocating air
Types Of Intercooling
1. Complete or Perfect Intercooling
When the temperature of the air leaving the intercooler
(I.e. ) is equal to the original atmospheric air
temperature ), then the intercooler is known as perfect
or complete intercooling .In this, point 3 lies on the
2. Incomplete Or Imperfect Intercooling
When the temperature of the air leaving the
intercooler (I.e. ) is more than the original
atmospheric air temperature ), then the
intercooler is known as imperfect or
incomplete intercooling
.In this, point 3 lies on the right siden
isothermal curve as shown below.
Work Done By a Two- Stage Reciprocating Air Compressor with Intercooler

Consider a two – stage reciprocating air compressor with intercooler compressing air in its L.P and

Let 𝑃1 = pressure of air entering the L.P cylinder

𝑉1 = volume of the L.P cylinder

𝑃2 = pressure of the air leaving the L.P cylinder or entering the H.P cylinder

Volume of H.P cylinder

𝑃3 = pressure of air leaving the H.P cylinder, and

n= polytropic index for the both cylinders.


1. When the intercooling is incomplete

We know that work done per cycle in L.P cylinder is given as;

𝑛 𝑷𝟐 𝒏−𝟏
𝑊1 = × 𝑷𝟏 𝑽𝟏 [( ) 𝒏 - 1 ] (i)
𝑛−1 𝑷𝟏

Similarly, work done per cycle in compressing air in H.P cylinder,

𝑛 𝑷𝟑 𝒏−𝟏
𝑊2 = × 𝑷𝟐 𝑽𝟐 [( ) 𝒏 - 1 ] (ii)
𝑛−1 𝑷𝟐
• Total work done per cycle,

• W= +

• = [( - 1 ] + [( - 1 ]

•[ {( - 1 } + {( - 1 ]
2. When the intercooling is complete
• In the case of complete intercooling, =.
Therefore, substituting this value in
expression (iii).
• W= [( + ( – 2 ]

• = mR [( + ( – 2 ] iv
• Power Required to Drive a Two – Stage Reciprocating
Air Compressor

• The power required to drive the compressor may be

obtained from the usual relation;

• P = watts
• Where = Number of working strokes per minute
• An efficient compressor conforms fully to the
designed conditions as stipulated by the
classification society which regulates compressor
to fulfill the following :
• 1. Air bottle to be filled to a sufficient pressure for
12 consecutive starts in an hour
• 2. Discharge air delivery temperature to air bottle
to be less than 93
• 3. Air intake to compressor should be located in
area that is reasonably free from oil vapour

1. Estimate the work done by a two – stage reciprocating single acting air
compressor to compress 2.8 of air per minute at 1.05 bar and 10 to a final
pressure of 35bar. The intermediate receiver cools the air at 30 and 5.6bar
pressure. For air, take n = 1.4 [ ANS: W= 13.9 N-m/min. ]

2. A two - stage single acting reciprocating air compressor draws in air at a pressure
of 1bar and 17 and compresses it a pressure of 60bar. After compression in the L.P
cylinder, the air is cooled at constant pressure of 8bar to a temperature of 37. The
L.P cylinder has a diameter of 150mm and both the cylinders have 200mm stroke.
If the law of compression is P = C. Find the power of the compressor, when it runs
at 200 rpm. Take R = 287J/kgK. [ ANS: P = 6.54 KW ]
•Unlike in the reciprocating compressor, in which
the pressure of the air is increased in its cylinder
with the help of a moving piston.
• But in a rotary air compressor, the air is
entrapped between two sets of engaging surface
and the pressure of air is increased by squeezing
action or back flow of the air.
•Comparison of Reciprocating and Rotary Air


•Following are the main points of comparison of

reciprocating and rotary air compressors:

Reciprocating air compressors Rotary air compressors

1. The maximum delivery pressure may be so high as 1000 bar The maximum delivery pressure is 10bar only

2. The maximum free air discharge is about 300/min.

The maximum free air discharge may be as high as 300/min.

3. They are suitable for low discharge of air at a very high pressure
They are suitable for large discharge of air at low pressure
4. The speed of air compressor is low
The speed of air compressor is high

5. The air supply is intermittent

The air supply is continuous

6. The size of air compressor is large for the given discharge

The size of air compressor is small for the same discharge

7. The balancing is a major problem

There is no balancing problem

8. The lubricating system is complicated

The lubricating system is simple
9. The air delivered is less clean as it comes in contact with the lubricating air
The air delivered is more clean, as it does not come in contact with the lubricating oil

10. Isothermal efficiency is used for all sorts of calculations

Isentropic efficiency is used for all sorts of calculations
• Types of Rotary Air Compressors
•Though, there are many types of rotary air compressors, yet the following are
important from subject point of view:
1. Roots blower compressor
2. Vane blower compressor
3. Centrifugal blower compressor
4. Axial flow compressor
•The first two compressors are popularly known as positive displacement
compressors, whereas the last two as non- positive displacement.
•Note: the positive displacement compressors (i.e., roots blower and vane blower)
are not very popular from the practical point of view. Therefore, our focus shall be
limited to the last two (Centrifugal and axial) which are known as turbo
•A centrifugal blower compressor, in its simplest form
consists of a rotor (or impeller) to which a number of
curved vanes are fitted symmetrically.
•The rotor rotates in an air tight volute casing with
inlet and outlets points.
• The casing for the compressor is so designed that
the kinetic energy of the air is converted into pressure
energy before it leaves the casing
• The Working Principle

•A mechanical energy is provided to the rotor from some external

• As the rotor rotates, it sucks air through its eye, increases its
pressure due to centrifugal force and forces the air over the diffuser.

•The pressure of air is further increased during its flow over the
diffuser. Finally, the air at a high pressure is delivered to the receiver.
•It will be interesting to know that the air enters the impeller radially
and leaves the vanes axially.

Axial Flow Compressors

• An axial flow compressor, in its simplest form consists of

a number of rotating blade rows fixed to a rotating drum.

• The drum rotates inside an air tight casing to which are

fixed stator blade rows .

Working Principle

• A mechanical energy is provided to the rotating shaft, which rotate

the drum.

• The air enters from the left side of the compressor. As the drum
rotates, the air flows through the alternately arranged stator and

• As the air flows from one set of stator and rotor to another, it gets

• Thus, successive compression of the air, in all sets of stator and rotor,
the air is delivered at a high pressure at the outlet point

• Comparison of Centrifugal and Axial Flow Air


• Following are the main points of comparison of the

centrifugal and axial flow air compressors:

Centrifugal compressor Axial flow compressor
1. The flow of air perpendicular to the axis The flow of air is parallel to the axis of
of compressor compressor

2. It has low manufacturing and running

cost It has high manufacturing and running
3. It requires low starting torque
It requires high starting torque
4. It is not suitable for multi – staging
It is suitable for multi – staging
5. It requires large frontal area for a given
rate of flow It requires less frontal area for a given rate
of flow. It makes the compressor suitable
for air crafts.
Efficiency of Rotary Compressors

The efficiency of rotary compressors is given by

Where, (-)
[ (- 1 ]

1. A centrifugal compressor compresses 0.05

of air from 1bar to 1.5bar per revolution .
Find the compressor efficiency ( ANS 86

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