Enzymes as Catalyst, Active
Sites, Substrate Specificity
Enzymes as Catalyst
• Reusable
Enzymes work by reducing the Activation Energy of a Reaction
at left
• In the catalyzed reaction, the activation energy has been
lowered significantly increasing the rate of the reaction
The Concept of the Active Site
• The part of the enzyme combining with the substrate is the
active site
• The shape and the chemical environment inside the active
site permits a chemical reaction to proceed with a greater
• Active sites characteristics include:
– Pockets or clefts in the surface of the enzyme
• R groups at active site are called catalytic groups
– Shape of active site is complimentary to the shape of the
– The enzyme attracts and holds the substrate using weak
noncovalent interactions
– Conformation of the active site determines the specificity of the
• Enzymes are specific to their substrates and this specificity
Lock and Key (Emil-Fischer’s) Enzyme Model
• In the lock-and-key model, the enzyme is assumed to be
the lock and the substrate the key
– The enzyme and substrate are made to fit exactly like a key fits
into a lock.
– This explains enzyme specificity
– Also explains the loss of activity when enzymes denature.
– However, it fails to take into account protein-conformational
changes to accommodate a substrate molecule.
Induced Fit (Daniel Koshland’s) Enzyme Model
• The induced-fit model of enzyme action assumes that the
enzyme active site is more a flexible pocket.
• It however undergoes conformational changes to
accommodate the substrate.
• These changes then provide the chemical environment
suitable for the reaction.
• The bonds of the substrate are stretched to make the
reaction easier (lowers activation energy)
• This explains how enzymes can react with a range of
substrates of similar types as well as allosterism.
Enzyme Catalyzed Reactions
• When a substrate (S) fits properly in an active site, an
enzyme-substrate (ES) complex is formed:
E + S ES
• Within the active site of the ES complex, the reaction
occurs to convert substrate to product (P):
ES E + P
• The products are then released, allowing another substrate
molecule to bind the enzyme
- this cycle can be repeated millions (or even more) times
per minute
• The overall reaction for the conversion of substrate to
product can be written as follows:
Enzyme Specificity
Enzymes have varying degrees of specificity for substrates
1.Absolute Specificity: catalyzes one type of reaction for a
single substrate e.g urease catalyzes only hydrolysis of urea.
2.Group Specificity: catalyzes reaction involving any
molecules with the same functional group e.g hexokinase
adds phosphate group to hexoses
3.Linkage Specificity: enzyme catalyzes the formation or
break up of only certain category or type of bond e.g
chymotrypsin catalyzes hydrolysis of peptide bonds
4.Stereochemical Specificity: enzyme recognizes only one of
two enantiomers.
Enzyme Nomenclature and
Nomenclature / enzyme classification
• Temperature
• Substrate concentration
• Enzyme concentration
• Presence of activator/inhibitor
• Allosteric effects
• Time
The effect of temperature
• Q10 (the temperature coefficient) = the increase in reaction
rate with a 10°C rise in temperature.
• For chemical reactions the Q10 = 2 to 3
(the rate of the reaction doubles or triples with every 10°C rise
in temperature)
• Enzyme-controlled reactions follow this rule as they are
chemical reactions but at high temperatures proteins denature
• The optimum temperature for an enzyme controlled reaction
will be a balance between the Q10 and denaturation.
The effect of temperature
Q10 Denaturat
Enzym ion
0 10 20 30 40 50
• A few bacteria have enzymes that can withstand very high temperatures up to 100°C
1. Co-enzyme inhibitor:
•Inhibits co-enzymes only. E.g. cyanide hydrazine, hydroxyl amine inhibits co-enzyme
pyridoxal phosphate.
2. Ion-cofactor inhibitor:
•E.g. fluoride chelate Mg2+ ion of enolase enzyme.
4. Apoenzyme inhibitor:
•E.g. antibiotics
5. Physiological modulator:
Enzyme Inhibitors - Classification
II. On the basis of origin:
•- Non-competitive
•- Uncompetitive
•- Mixed
Competitive inhibition
•Competitive inhibitors are substrate analogues that bind to
substrate binding site of enzyme i.e. active site so competition
occurs between inhibitor and substrate for binding to enzyme.
•This type of inhibitor is overcome by increasing the
concentration of substrate.
•The kinetics of reaction is Vmax remains same and Km
Enzyme Inhibitors - Competitive inhibition
Enzyme Inhibitors - Competitive inhibition
• Succinate dehydrogenase convert succinate to fumarate.
• Treatment of methanol poisoning:
Non-competitive inhibition:
•In this inhibition, there is no competition between substrate
and inhibitor because the inhibitor binds to enzyme other than
substrate binding site.
•Since the binding site of substrate and inhibitor to enzyme is
different, inhibitor doesn’t affect the affinity of enzyme to
•In this case, the inhibition cannot be overcome by increasing
substrate concentration.
Enzyme Inhibitors - Non-competitive inhibition
•Heavy metal poisoning. Hg, Pb etc. distort the -SH group
containing enzyme at allosteric site.
•Doxycycline is non-competitive inhibitor of proteinase
enzyme of bacteria.
•The non-competitive inhibitor can be removed by pH
treatment or by hydrolysis.
•In case of metal poisoning, chelator is used.
Enzyme Inhibitors - Uncompetitive inhibition
Uncompetitive inhibitor:
•This type of inhibition is seen in multi-substrate reaction.
• Inhibition of lactate dehydrogenase by oxalate.
• Ketoconazole is mixed inhibitor bind to 5–α reductase enzyme.
ES concentration
Constant rate of formation,
remains constant as it is
Steady-state (equilibrium) faster than the pre-steady
being formed as quickly as
it breaks down
Expressed everywhere
Acute/chronic tissue
Specific isoenzymes:
damage, e.g.
•LDH1 – heart,
myocardial infarction.
Degree of elevation can
1. Lactate •LDH2 – white blood cells
indicate the extent of
dehydrogenase •LDH3 – lung
•LDH4 – white blood cells,
Isoenzymes may help
kidney, pancreas
localise the site of
•LDH5 – liver, skeletal
Plasma enzymes In Clinical Diagnosis
Widely distributed (acute/chronic liver
but predominantly disease), gall Pregnancy,
bladder disease,
found in the liver, diabetes,
2. Aspartate kidney failure,
heart, skeletal beriberi
transaminase (AST) rhabdomyolysis,
muscle, kidneys, (vitamin B1
MI (myocardial
brain and infarction) deficiency)
3. Alanine Widely distributed
liver disease), bile
transamiase but predominantly
duct problems
(ALT) in liver
More specific
marker of hepatic
injury than AST
Plasma enzymes In Clinical Diagnosis
carcinoma, biliary
4. Alkaline in prostate
obstruction, high
phosphatase Specific isoenzymes
bone turnover
(ALP) are also found in the
(physiological or
liver, bone, kidney,
intestine and placenta
Plasma enzymes In Clinical Diagnosis
Expressed in various
MM – skeletal
Specific isoenzymes:
muscle dystrophy
•MM – skeletal musc
5. Creatine MB – myocardial
le, heart
kinase infarction in last 2-
•MB – heart
3 days
•BB – brain, neurons,
BB – brain tumour
thyroid, kidney,
Plasma enzymes In Clinical Diagnosis
Exocrine pancreas, infections, DKA,
6. Amylase
saliva perforated ulcer,
renal failure
Plasma enzymes In Clinical Diagnosis
7. Lipase Exocrine pancreas (more specific
than amylase)
Plasma enzymes In Clinical Diagnosis
Widely expressed
Specific isoenzymes Diagnosis and
8. Acid
in the liver, treatment of
erythrocytes, platelets prostate cancer
and bone
Blood Clotting Enzymes
•Blood clotting is also called coagulation.