Mental Health Talk
Mental Health Talk
Mental Health Talk
Mental Health
Mental Health
MENTAL HEATLH is the foundation for the well-being and effective
functioning of individuals.
Mental health is a state of balance, both within and with the environment.
Mental Health
Physical, psychological, social, cultural, spiritual and other
interrelated factors participate in producing this balance.
Status of Mental Health
in the Philippines
Mental Health
﹡ Mental health is more common that what we think.
Mental Health
﹡ In a country with a population of 100 million, there are presently
only 700 psychiatrists and a thousand psychiatric nurses.
Mental Health
﹡ Personal counseling and treatment do not come cheap, so many
Filipinos think twice before getting a doctor’s opinion on their
mental health condition. They either self-diagnose or assume that
they’re just going through a rough patch, thinking that they’ll get
over it eventually.
﹡ Doing research on the internet and matching what you feel with
the symptoms listed down there is not the same as having a
professional check on you, though.
Mental Health Stigma
in the Philippines
Mental Health Stigma
﹡ Trying to make people understand how mental illnesses work,
however, is hard.
﹡ Some people still believe you can overcome the mental struggle
with good old rest and relaxation; some people don’t even want
to acknowledge the existence of these issues.
Mental Health Stigma
﹡ You can do something to help break the stigma and spread the
word about mental illnesses.
May magagawa ka.
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
1. Talk About Your Feelings
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
2. Keep Active
Exercise keeps the brain and body healthy and can help
improve your mood. Research on depression and anxiety shows
that exercise has both physical and psychological benefits.
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
3. Eat Well
What we eat has a big impact on how we feel,
mentally as well as physically. Your brain needs nutrients to
stay healthy, certain types of food contain essential
components for good mental health. Remember what is good
for you physically is good for you mentally.
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
4. Avoid Alcohol
Alcohol is a depressant, we drink alcohol to change
our mood. Drinking a lot can harm your brain and lead
to depression. Short term it may make you feel better but
when the drink wears off, you feel worse and are more likely
to get the blues. It becomes a vicious cycle.
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
5. Stay in Touch
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
6. Get Help and Advice
Asking for help is not a sign of weakness it is a way of
staying strong, help to create a culture where asking for help
is encouraged. As well as family and friends there are local
services put in place to help you, remember everyone needs a
little help from time to time.
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
7. Take Time for You
A change of pace is good for your mental health. It
could be as simple as five minutes to yourself to a weekend
away, or just trying something new. Just that little five
minutes can de-stress you. A new environment may distract
you from how bad you feel and make you focus on something
else. Have a little selfish time, you deserve it.
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
8. Do Things You’re Good At
If it makes you feel happy and you enjoy doing it, then
make time for this activity even if it is only to boost your self-
esteem. Enjoying yourself can help beat stress, think of
something you love doing now or loved doing in the past
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
9. Self-acceptance
For many people self-acceptance is hard to come by
on a good day, but when you have had a bad day your self-
acceptance is in shreds, its normal to feel like this. Learn to
accept that you’re unique, work on your strengths and be kind
to yourself. Feeling good about yourself will boosts your
confidence, be proud of who you are.
Ways to Promote Positive Mental Health
10. Care for others
Any questions?