Statics: Mechanics For ENGINEERS

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4 Equilibrium of Rigid Bodies

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

Engineers designing this crane will need to determine the forces that
act on this body under various conditions.
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Reactions at supports

Why there must be a

support (or supports)?

Why there must be a

reaction (reactions)?

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
• For a rigid body, the condition of static equilibrium means that the
body under study does not translate or rotate under the given loads
that act on the body

• The necessary and sufficient conditions for the static equilibrium of a

body are that the forces sum to zero, and the moment about any point
sum to zero:

∑ ⃗
𝐹 =0 ∑ ⃗ 𝑟 ×⃗
𝑀 𝑂 =∑ ( ⃗ 𝐹 )= 0

• Equilibrium analysis can be applied to two-dimensional or three-

dimensional bodies, but the first step in any analysis is the creation of
the free body diagram

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
5.1 Conditions for Rigid-Body Equilibrium
• For equilibrium when considering about O

𝐹 𝑅 =∑ 𝐹=0
• For moment about any point, or in this case, point A
• For any point
∑ 𝑀 𝐴 =𝑟 × 𝐹 𝑅+( 𝑀 𝑅) 𝑂=0

∑ 𝐹 =0 and ∑ 𝑀 =0
Equilibrium in 2D

∑ 𝐹 𝑥=0, ∑ 𝐹 𝑦=0, ∑ 𝑀 𝑜=0

Where O is a convenient point. Try to choose it so that each
equation has only one unknown.

∑ 𝑀 𝐴 =0 , ∑ 𝑀 𝐵=0, ∑ 𝑀 𝑜=0
Equations of Equilibrium

Sets of Equilibrium Equations

• For coplanar equilibrium problems,
∑Fx = 0; ∑Fy = 0; ∑MO = 0

2 alternative sets of 3 independent equilibrium equations,

∑Fx = 0; ∑MA = 0; ∑MB = 0 (A, B is not perpendicular to x)
∑MA = 0; ∑MB = 0 ; ∑MC = 0 (A, B, C are not on the same line)

Free Body Diagrams

• For a rigid body, there is both external and internal forces

• For FBD, internal forces within the FBD boundary is not
• For outside the boundary FBD, it is external forces
• The location of the weight W is at center of gravity

Free Body Diagrams

Procedure for Drawing a FBD

1. Sketch a body
• Consider if the body is free from all the connections

2. Draw all forces and moments

• Draw all external forces and moments acting on the body Include:
applied loads, reactions due to supports, and the weight of the object.
• Draw self-weight if considered
• No need to scale arrow size
3. Indicate the magnitude and the directions of forces and moments
• Indicate all the magnitude and directions of forces and moments if
• Split all components in x, y or a convenient reference
• Display all known distance
Two- and Three-Force Members
F1 F2
Two-Force Members F3
When the member is not subjected to A
a couple and the forces are applied
F6 B
only at two points, the member is
said to be two-force member.
Let: F5
        FA
FA  F1  F2  F3 and FB  F4  F5  F6

These forces will maintain equilibrium if: A

 
FA   FB B

(FA and FB must be collinear) FB

ME221 Lecture 11 10
5.4 Two- and Three-Force Members

Two-Force Members
• is parts that contain on forces acting at two points, no moments
• The two forces are the same in magnitude but opposite directions and lie in the
same line of action

Not O.K. Not O.K. O.K.

The two forces are in the same line of action 11

Two- and Three-Force Members
Three-Force Members
If the member is subjected to three coplanar forces, then it is
necessary that the forces are either concurrent or parallel if the
member is to be in equilibrium.


 F2


ME221 Lecture 11 12
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Free-Body Diagram
The first step in the static equilibrium analysis of a
rigid body is identification of all forces acting on
the body with a free body diagram.

• Select the body to be analyzed and detach it

from the ground and all other bodies and/or
• Indicate point of application, magnitude, and
direction of external forces, including the rigid
body weight.
• Indicate point of application and assumed
direction of unknown forces from reactions of
the ground and/or other bodies, such as the

• Include the dimensions, which will be

needed to compute the moments of the forces.

4 - 13
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
The frame shown supports part of
the roof of a small building. Your
goal is to draw the free body
diagram (FBD) for the frame.

On the following page, you will

choose the most correct FBD for
this problem.

First, you should draw your own


4 - 14
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

150 kN

B is the most correct, though C is also

Choose the most correct. A & D are incorrect; why?
correct FBD for the C 150 kN D
150 kN
150 kN
original problem.
Discuss with a
neighbor why each
choice is correct or
4 - 15
Supports for Rigid Bodies
If a rigid object is subjected to some set of forces
but does not move, then its motion could be
restrained by a normal force exerted by the ground,
a wall or from fixing the object with some support.

Picture shows the rocker expansion bearing of a plate
girder bridge.
The convex surface of the rocker allows the support
of the girder to move horizontally.

The abutment mounted rocker bearing shown is used

to support the roadway of a bridge.

Support Reactions
• Support reaction is when there is contact and the reaction is coming from the
floor or the wall
• The moment at the support is due to the wall
• Different types of supports will have different types of forces

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics


weightless link


Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

roller or pin in
confined smooth slot


smooth connecting

member pin connected

To collar on smooth rod
2 - 20
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

smooth pin or hinge

member fixed connected

To collar on smooth rod

fixed support

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Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Equilibrium of a Rigid Body in Two Dimensions
• For known forces and moments that act on a
two-dimensional structure, the following are
Fz  0 M x  M y  0 M z  M O

• Equations of equilibrium become

 Fx  0  Fy  0  M A  0
where A can be any point in the plane of
the body.
• The 3 equations can be solved for no more
than 3 unknowns.

• The 3 equations cannot be augmented with

additional equations, but they can be replaced
 Fx  0  M A  0  M B  0

4 - 22
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Statically Indeterminate Reactions

• More unknowns than • Fewer unknowns than • Equal number unknowns

equations equations, partially and equations but
constrained improperly constrained
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

Determine the horizontal and vertical components of reaction for the beam
loaded. Neglect the weight of the beam in the calculations. (A is a roller
and B is a hinge support.)

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

Equations of Equilibrium. Summing forces in the x direction yields

A direct solution for Ay can be obtained by applying the moment equation ∑M B =

0 about point B:

Summing forces in the y direction, using this result, gives

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.1
• Create a free-body diagram for the crane.

• Determine B by solving the equation

for the sum of the moments of all
forces about A. Note there will be no
contribution from the unknown
reactions at A.
• Determine the reactions at A by
A fixed crane has a mass of 1000 kg solving the equations for the sum of
and is used to lift a 2400 kg crate. It all horizontal force components and
is held in place by a pin at A and a all vertical force components.
rocker at B. The center of gravity of
the crane is located at G. • Check the values obtained for the
reactions by verifying that the sum of
Determine the components of the
the moments about B of all forces is
reactions at A and B.
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Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.1
• Determine B by solving the equation for the
sum of the moments of all forces about A.
 M A  0 :  B1.5m   9.81 kN2m 
 23.5 kN6m   0
B  107.1 kN

• Determine the reactions at A by solving the

equations for the sum of all horizontal forces
• Create the free-body diagram.
and all vertical forces.
 Fx  0 : Ax  B  0
Ax  107.1 kN

 Fy  0 : Ay  9.81kN  23.5 kN  0
Ay  33.3 kN

• Check the values obtained.

4 - 27
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.3
• Create a free-body diagram for the
car with the coordinate system
aligned with the track.

• Determine the reactions at the

wheels by solving equations for the
sum of moments about points above
each axle.
• Determine the cable tension by
A loading car is at rest on an solving the equation for the sum of
inclined track. The gross force components parallel to the
weight of the car and its load • Check the values obtained by
is 5500 lb, and it is applied at verifying that the sum of force
at G. The cart is held in components perpendicular to the
position by the cable. track are zero.

Determine the tension in the

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.3
• Determine the reactions at the
 M A  0 :  2320 lb 25in.  4980 lb6in.
 R2 50in.  0
R2  1758 lb

 M B  0 :  2320 lb 25in.  4980 lb6in.

 R1 50in.  0
R1  562 lb
• Create a free-body diagram
• Determine the cable
Wx  5500 lbcos 25
 4980 lb  Fx  0 :  4980 lb  T  0
T  4980 lb
W y  5500 lbsin 25
 2320 lb
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.4
- Discuss with a neighbor the steps for
solving this problem

• Create a free-body diagram for the

frame and cable.

• Apply the equilibrium equations

for the reaction force components
The frame supports part of the roof of and couple at E.
a small building. The tension in the
cable is 150 kN.
Determine the reaction at the fixed
end E.

4 - 30
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.4
• Which equation is correct?
A.  x F  0 : E x  150 kN  0
E x  90.0 kN
B.  Fx  0 : Ex  cos36.9 o 150kN  0

C.  Fx  0 : Ex  sin 36.9 o 150kN  0

• The free-body diagram was  E x  90.0 kN

created in an earlier exercise.
D.  Fx  0 : Ex 

150kN  0
• Apply one of the three
equilibrium equations. Try
E.  Fx  0 : Ex  sin 36.9 o 150kN  0
using the condition that the
sum of forces in the x- 
• What does the negative sign signify?
direction must sum to zero.
• Discuss why the others are incorrect.
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Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.4
• Which equation is correct?

A.  Fy  0 : Ey  4 20kN sin 36.9 o 150kN 0

B.  Fy  0 : Ey  4 20kN 
150kN  0
 7.5

C. yF  0 : E y  4 20kN cos36.9 o
150kN 0
 Ey  200 kN
• Now apply the condition 6
D. 
 Fy  0 : E y  4 20 kN  150 kN  0
that the sum of forces in  7.5
the y-direction must sum Ey  200 kN
to zero. 6
E.  Fy  0 : E y  4 20kN 7.5 150kN 0

• What does the positive sign signify?
• Discuss why the others are incorrect.
 4 - 32
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.4
• Three good points are D, E, and F.
Discuss what advantage each point has
over the others, or perhaps why each is
equally good.
• Assume that you choose point E to
apply the sum-of-moments condition.
Write the equation and compare your
answer with a neighbor.
 M E  0 :  20 kN7.2 m   20 kN5.4 m 
• Finally, apply the condition  20 kN3.6 m   20 kN1.8 m 
that the sum of moments about 6
any point must equal zero.  150 kN4.5 m  M E  0
• Discuss with a neighbor which M E  180.0 kN  m
point is the best for applying
• Discuss with a neighbor the origin of
this equilibrium condition, and
why. each term in the above equation and
what the positive value of ME means.
4 - 33
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

A 2100-lb tractor is used to

lift 900 lb of gravel.
Determine the reaction at
each of the two rear wheels
and two front wheels

• First, create a free body diagram.

• Second, apply the equilibrium
Discuss with a neighbor conditions to generate the three
what steps to take to solve equations, and use these to solve
this problem. for the desired quantities.
4 - 34
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
• Draw the free body diagram of the tractor (on your own first).
• From among the choices, choose the best FBD, and discuss the
problem(s) with the other FBDs.

A. B.

FA 2100 lb FB FA 2100 lb FB

C. D.

FA 2100 lb FB FA 2100 lb FB
4 - 35
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Now let’s apply the equilibrium
conditions to this FBD.
• Start with the moment equation:

 M pt  0
FA 2100 lb FB
Discuss with a neighbor:
• What’s the advantage to
Points A or B are equally  starting with this instead of the
good because each results in other conditions?
an equation with only one • About what point should we
unknown. sum moments, and why?

4 - 36
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Assume we chose to use point B.
Choose the correct equation for
 M B  0.

FA 2100 lb FB A. + FA (60 in.)- 2100lb (40 in.)- 900 lb (50 in.)= 0

B. + FA (20 in.)- 2100lb (40 in.)- 900 lb (50 in.)= 0

C. - FA (60 in.)- 2100lb (40 in.)+ 900 lb (50 in.)= 0

D. - FA (60 in.) + 2100lb (40 in.)- 900 lb (50 in.)= 0

FA=650 lb, so the reaction at each wheel is 325 lb
4 - 37
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

Now apply the final equilibrium

condition, SFy = 0.

FA 2100 lb FB
FA  2100 lb + FB  900 lb = 0
or + 650 lb 2100 lb+ FB  900 lb = 0
 FB  2350 lb, or 1175 lb at each front wheel

Why was the third equilibrium

 condition, SFx = 0 not used?

4 - 38
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics

The lever ABC is pin-supported at A and connected to a

short link BD. If the weight of the members are negligible,
determine the force of the pin on the lever at A.

Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Equations of Equilibrium.
By requiring the force system to be concurrent at O,
since ∑MO = 0, the angle θ which defines the line of
action of FA can be determined from trigonometry,
𝜃 = tan ൬ ൰= 60.3𝑂
Using the x, y axes and applying the force equilibrium
՜ σ 𝐹𝑥 = 0, 𝐹𝐴 cos 63.3 − 𝐹𝑐𝑜𝑠 45 + 400 = 0,
+↑ ෍ 𝐹𝑦 = 0, 𝐹𝐴 sin 60.3 − 𝐹𝑠𝑖𝑛45 = 0
-Solving, we get
F = 1.32 kN
NOTE: We can also solve this problem by representing
the force at A by its two components Ax and Ay and
applying ∑MA = 0, ∑Fx = 0, ∑Fy = 0 to the lever. Once
Ax and Ay are determined, we can get FA and θ.
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.4
• Create a free-body diagram of the joist.
Note that the joist is a 3 force body acted
upon by the rope, its weight, and the
reaction at A.
• The three forces must be concurrent for
static equilibrium. Therefore, the reaction
A man raises a 10 kg joist, of R must pass through the intersection of the
length 4 m, by pulling on a lines of action of the weight and rope
rope. forces. Determine the direction of the
Find the tension in the rope and reaction force R.
the reaction at A. • Utilize a force triangle to determine the
magnitude of the reaction force R.

4 - 41
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.4
• Create a free-body diagram of the joist.

• Determine the direction of the reaction

force R.

AF = AB cos 45 = (4 m )cos 45 = 2.828 m

CD = AE = 12 AF = 1.414 m
BD = CD cot(45 + 25) = (1.414 m )tan 20 = 0.515 m
CE = BF - BD = (2.828 - 0.515) m = 2.313 m
CE 2.313
tana = = = 1.636
AE 1.414

  58.6

4 - 42
Mechanics for Engineers: Statics
Sample Problem 4.4
• Determine the magnitude of the reaction
force R.
T R 98.1 N
 
sin 31.4 sin110  sin 38.6

T  81.9 N
R  147.8 N

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