STS Workbook Only
STS Workbook Only
STS Workbook Only
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Science, Technology and Society - refers to an endless cycle of co-production, co-
influence, and co-production of technology and society upon the other.
In the World: Ancient, Middle and Modern Ages
History of Technology
Pre-historic Age
1. Stone Age
• Rope
Fire hair of animals like • Bow and arrow
Clothes made from sheep) • Primitive boats
wool (soft, thick Atlatl- faster way to • pottery
hunt wild animals
Writing system- Sumerians- first recorded • the oldest wheel discovered was found
laws called the Code of Hammurabi as well in Mesopotamia.
as the first major piece of literature called • Babylonian astronomy- application of
the Epic of Gilgamesh. advanced math predicted the
Archimedes' screw- earliest pump for the movements of several planets. By
water systems at the Hanging Gardens of studying the phases of the Moon, the
Babylon and Nineveh Mesopotamians created the first
• Babylonian medicine- creams and pill
1. 21st century
quantum computers- A quantum computer is used to perform such computation, which can
be implemented theoretically or physically.
gene therapy (introduced 1990)- (also called human gene transfer) is the therapeutic
delivery of nucleic acid into a patient's cells as a drug to treat disease
3D printing (introduced 1981)- process builds a three-dimensional object from a computer-
aided design (CAD) model
nanotechnology (introduced 1985)- is manipulation of matter on an atomic, molecular, and
supramolecular scale
bioengineering/biotechnology- is the broad area of biology involving living systems and
organisms to develop or make products, or "any technological application that uses biological
systems, living organisms, or derivatives thereof, to make or modify products or processes for
specific use"
nuclear technology, advanced materials (e.g., graphene)- s technology that involves the
nuclear reactions of atomic nuclei.
the scramjet (supersonic combustion ramjet) and drones (along with railguns and high-
energy laser beams for military uses)- is a variant of a ramjet airbreathing jet engine in which
combustion takes place in supersonic airflow.
green technologies such as alternative fuels (e.g., fuel cells, self-driving electric and plug-in
hybrid cars)
artificial intelligence- machine intelligence that mimic "cognitive" functions that humans
associate with the human mind, such as "learning" and "problem solving".
NAME:___________________________________________________________DATE: ___________
Encircle the science, technology and society terms and different ages of technology development.
Complete the table below. Lists the different technology developed on the following time.
• Scalpel • Bone saw seismological detectors • paper • double-action piston pump cast iron
• iron plough • multi-tube seed drill • Forceps • Computers • Telephone • Air Conditioning and
Refrigeration • Fire • Clothes made from wool (soft, thick hair of animals like
one of the most recognizable national symbols of the Philippines and the most popular mode of public
transportation in the country;
one of the most enduring symbols of Filipino ingenuity;
an inventive response to criticisms to the traditional jeepney that belched smoke, directly causing air
pollution which made it unsustainable and uneconomical;
designed to be environment-friendly, eliminating noise and air pollution; and
more economical for electricity is far cheaper than ordinary diesel, allowing jeepney drivers to earn more
one of the most important medical invention by Ilonggo scientist Abelardo Aguilar. He invented this
antibiotic out of a strain of bacterium called Streptomyces erythreus;
Aguilar was not credited for this discovery by Eli Lilli Co., Aguilar’s US employer, to whom he sent the
strain for separation. The US company eventually owned the merits for this discovery.
FE DEL MUNDO- is credited for the intervention of the incubator and jaundice relieving device;
o Her original improvised incubator consisted of two native laundry baskets of different sizes that are
placed one inside the other. Warmth is generated by bottles with hot water placed around the
baskets. A makeshift hood over the baskets allow oxygen to circulate inside the incubator. Materials
addressed the state of the Philippine rural communities that had no electricity to aid the regulation
of the body temperatures of newborn babies.
Maria Orosa, a Filipino food technologist, is credited for this invention at the backdrop of WWII when
there was a huge shortage of tomatoes.
Orosa developed a variety of ketchup that made use of smashed banana, sugar, vinegar, and spices,
which were all readily available.
2. Darwinian Revolution
Charles Darwin, an English naturalist, geologist and biologist, is credited for stirring another
important intellectual revolution in the mid-19th century.
His treatise on the science of evolution, On the Origin of Species, was published in 189 and began
a revolution that brought humanity to a new era of intellectual discovery.
Darwinian gathered evidence pointing to what is now known as natural selection, an evolutionary
process by which organisms, including humans, inherit, develop, and adapt traits that favored
survival and reproduction. These traits are manifested in offspring that are more fit and well suited
to the challengers of survival and reproduction.
This revolution can be likened to the Copernican Revolution in its demonstration of the power of
the laws of nature in explaining biological phenomena of survival and reproduction.
This revolution, the development of organisms and origin of unique forms of life and humanity
could be rationalized by a lawful system or an orderly process of change underpinned by laws of
3. Freudian Revolution
Austrian neurologist, Sigmund Freud, developed psychoanalysis- a scientific method of
understanding inner and unconscious conflicts embedded within one’s personality, springing from
free association, dreams, and fantasies of the individual.
Psychoanalysis immediately shot into controversy for it emphasized the existence of the
unconscious where feelings, thoughts, urges, emotions, and memories are contained outside of
one’s conscious mind
He suggested that humans are inherently pleasure-seeking individuals. These notions were
particularly caught in the crossfire of whether Freud’s psychoanalysis fit in the scientific study of
the brain and mind.
Scientists working on a biological approach in studying human behavior criticized psychoanalysis
for lack of vitality and bordering on being unscientific as a theory.
Ex. Oedipus; Electra
Amidst controversy, psychoanalysis is widely credited for dominating psychotherapeutic practice
in the early 20th century. Psychodynamic therapies that treat a myriad of psychological disorders
still remain largely informed by Freud’s work on psychoanalysis.
Pre-colonial Period
The term Filipinnovation was coined to refer to the Philippines as an innovation hub in
She promulgated RA 9367: Biofuels Act, to utilize indigenous materials as sources of
energy. However, the act was not able to produce positive outcomes because of the lack
of technology to source raw materials.
Farmers were encouraged to use rice that can withstand environmental hazards.
RA 10601: Agriculture and Fisheries Mechanization (AFMech) Law was also passed to
modernize agricultural and fisheries machinery and equipment.
The focus of DOST is to put the results of R&D into commercialization in order to gai new
intellectual properties.
Currently, the Philippines has the Philippine Space Technology Program which launched
Diwata- 2 in 2018 after the launch Diwata-1 in 2016 that displayed the Philippine flag in
The administration gives importance to agriculture and disaster preparedness.
Worksheet 2
I. Matching Type
I. DIREC TION: Matc h c olumn A to c olumn B. Write your answer on the spac e provided before the number.
_______1. quantum c omputers a earliest pump for the water systems
_______2. artific ial intelligenc e b used to perform suc h c omputation
the therapeutic delivery of nuc leic ac id into a patient's c ells as a
_______3. 3D printing c drug to treat disease
proc ess builds a three-dimensional objec t from a c omputer-aided
_______4. nuc lear tec hnology d design (C AD) model
manipulation of matter on an atomic , molec ular, and
_______5. sc ramjet e supramolec ular sc ale
the broad area of biology involving living systems and organisms to
_______6. nanotec hnology f develop or make produc ts
_______7. bioengineering g tec hnology that involves the nuc lear reac tions of atomic nuc lei
a variant of a ramjet airbreathing jet engine in whic h c ombustion
_______8. gene therapy h takes plac e in supersonic airflow.
alternative fuels (e.g., fuel c ells, self-driving elec tric and plug-in
_______9. green tec hnologies i hybrid c ars)
mac hine intelligenc e that mimic "c ognitive" func tions that humans
______10. Arc himedes' sc rew- j assoc iate with the human mind
______11. AQUINO k Agric ulture and Fisheries Mec hanization (AFMec h) Law
______12. RAMOS l Philippine Spac e Tec hnology Program
______13. ESTRADA m Sc ienc e and Tec hnology Sc holarship Ac t of 1994
______14. ARROYO n NSTA was renamed DOST
______15. DUTERTE o The Philippine C lean Air Ac t of 1999
4 Ac ross:
1 1. Antibiotic
7 a 2. Invented by Fe Del Mundo
3 r 3. Invented by Rolando Dela C ruz
5 p 4. Develop by Maria Orosa
5 2 5. Environmentally friendly
1 r t jeepney
6. Greek Hellenistic
3 l r 7. Islamic World
6 8. C hinese Armillary Age
m 4 n a p
1. Stone Age
e y
2. Adaption of iron or steel
a 2 n 7 r
3. Oldest wheel
a 4. Egypt
n 5. India
6 i d l 6. Astrologic al Systems
7. Medieval Europe
8 a g s
STS can be defined as the teaching and learning of science in the context of human
experience (Yager 1992). It emerged from the confluence of a variety of disciplines and
disciplinary subfields, all of which had developed an interest in viewing science and technology
as socially embodied enterprises. It is a discipline that embodies the relationship of science and
technology and how the two shape the society and vice- verse. It considers how social, political
and cultural values affect Scientific research and technological innovation, and how these, in
turn affect society, politics and culture.
STS has its root from united Kingdom first, as Science in society (Lewis 1981) and
second as science in social context (Solomon, 1983). Many attempts were made in the United
State to initiate STS programmed in the Secondary Schools; but STS did not get underway until
1981 with the report of Norris Harm’s Project Synthesis Study (PSS).
The decades that followed saw STS gaining recognition and subsequently its national
professional body – National Association for Science Technology Society (NASTS) was formed.
During this time, several major National Science Foundation (NSF) grants were awarded to
foster STS projects. The first of such grants was awarded to Rusttum Roy in 1985 which
supported a project known as science through STS. Science Technology Society has been called
the megatrend in science education. Others called it a paradigm shift for the field of science
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education. The Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN) called STS the central goal for
science education.
In this unit you are exposed to the meaning of science Technology society and its
historical development.
In this unit we have learnt that Science Technology Society (STS) can be defined as the
discipline that is designed to raise a generation of citizens who understand the nature of things
in the environment: a generation of citizens who are aware of changes taking place around
them; a generation who can adjust to the changes in the environment; a generation who is
equipped to deal with forces that influence the future; a generation who can take the future in
her hands.
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DIRECTION: Write TRUE if the statement is correct and if the statement is false, change the underline
word or phrase to make it correct.
1. STS can be defined as the teaching and learning of science in the context of
human experience.
2. STS is a discipline that embodies the relationship of science and technology and how the
two shape the society and vice- verse.
3. STS considers how social, political and cultural values affect Scientific research and technological
innovation, and how these, in turn affect society, politics and culture.
4. STS has its root from UNITED STATES OF AMERICA as Science in society and as science in social
5. STS was recognized in 1985 by Norris Harm’s Project Synthesis Study (PSS).
6. Science Technology Society has been called the megatrend in technology education.
7. The Science Teachers Association of Nigeria (STAN) called STS the central goal for science
8. National Science Foundation (NSF) grants were awarded to foster STS projects.
9. Rusttum Roy was awarded a project that supports science through STS in 1981.
10. Science – Technology Society (STS) as an interdisciplinary program, emerged
from the confluence of a variety of discipline and disciplinary subfields, all of
which had developed an interest during the 1960s and 1970s.
II. Give 5 definitions of Science Technology Society (STS) in terms of generation of citizens:
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Meaning of Science
Mani ( 1985) defined science as a systematized body of knowledge and a process of inquiry
carried out in order to study the would around us. Holbrooke (1992) defined science as an
intellectual activity through which men seeks to understand nature. Gottlieb (2004) viewed science
as an intellectual activity carried out by human that are designed to discover information about the
natural world in which humans live and to discover the ways in which this information can be
organized into meaningful patterns.
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Science is a process and means by which man investigates his world and gains knowledge
about it. The processes of science relate to those activities carried out by scientists during a
scientific investigation include:
Problem identification
Testing hypothesis
Collection of data
Interpretation of data
Drawing valid conclusion etc.
From the above list, it is evident that scientific processes involveseveral activities in an
effort to obtain valid generalization and to raise the right kinds of questions about
objects and events around us.
Science is an activity of man carried out in order to know more about his
enviroment. This human investigative aspect of science is dynamic since it inolves the action of men
as they penetrate the unknown. This acitivity of man’s effort to increase his
understanding of his natural enviroment has been greatly influenced by the acceptance of
identifiable procedures, belief, and ethical standards. This aspect of the nature of science deals with
the attitude and behaviors of scientist. These include:
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Suspending judgement
Critical mindedness
Open – mindedness
Intense curiosity: A scientist is not a casual observer. He asks question and seeks answers by
carrying out investigations
Rationality: the search for plausible solution is not influenced by supersitious explanation.
The scientist seeks natural events and is cautious not to permit decision to the affected by
personal likes or dislikes, fear, anger or ignorance.
Objectivity: the scientific is not guided by personal feelings and does not let his feeling
interface with the impersonal judgement needed in collecting and interpreting data.
Suspending judgement: the scientist should be reluctant to form a generalization based
upon inadequate evidence. Jugedments are made only after the acculation of sufficient
evidence .
Critical – Mindedness: a scientist is not available consumer of information but rather the
questions the source of information and its reliability.
Open – mindedeness: the scientist does not hold tenaciously to his own ideas. He should
exhibit a willingeness to change his mind in light of new evidence.
Honesty: the scientist expresses a reluctance to compremise with the truth. He consciously
reports all observation in a truthfl manner.
Humility: the scientist as he matures should develop a recognition of his own limitations as
well as the limitations inherent in science itself.
Why Teach Science
The Objective of science teaching are 3 – folds and are derived the nature of science itself.
The objective are:
1. To develop the cognitive or intellectual ability of the students by the product content of
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2. To develop the psychomotor abilities of the student with particulars reference to problem
– solving skills gained through the mastery of science processes
3. T o develop in the students the scienctific mindedness and fovourable outlook towards
science its benefits to mankind.
The Philosophy of science concerns itself with how we come to know what we know
about NATURAL PHENOMENA. It deals with assumption concerning.
4. The nature
5. The Processes and products of scientific investigations.
The philosophy of science regards science as a human enterprises and as such subject to
human weaknesses. Science therefore is not the epitome of truth but a DUBITABLE,
REVISIONARY human enterprises. Hence according to Schwab(1962), science is TENTATIVE
a rhetoric of conclusion.
Science though can be defined differently by differentscientist,all have one single aim. That is
to study the world around us making use of our senses. This study follows the scientific
method which comprises of
Identification of problem
Formulating hypotheses
Conducting experiments
Collection of relevant data
Recording and analysis of
data collected
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Drawing conclusion
In this unit, we have learnt the following:
i) That science can be defined in terms ofproducts of science(bodyof knowledge),processessof
science (Scientific skills), human enterprises.
ii) What the content productsof Science are.
iii) What the processes of science arc.
iv) What the attitudes of science arc.
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II. Enumeration
1-15 = Sc ientific Skills
16-18=Definition of Scienc e
19-20=Philosophy of Science
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In this unit, you will learn the meaning of Technology and its philosophy. The products of
technology are all around us; in what we do in our everyday life. Technology is not static, it is
dynamic. It is transfered from the producer to the receptor and there are different tools that can
be used in the transfer of technology.
What is Technology
Black and Harrison (1985) defined technology as a disciplined process that uses the
resources of matter, energy and natural phenomena to achieve human purpose. It is the practical
application of scientific results for the development of tools, equipment and techniques. Thus, the
invention of the telescope, of techniques of cooking, canning, bottling or preservation, or of
medicaments to reduce body pains are seen as technologies.
Technology employs knowledge, skills and tools to improve human potentials, to solve
practical problems, to modify our environment. It is therefore concerned with the application of
science to obtain practical solution to the myriad of human problems.
The philosophy of technology seeks to classify the objectives of technology and the methods
used by technology, and hands – on activities. It also emphasizes that the training environment
should be a replica of the actual environment where the knowledge acquired can be utilized
(NTI 2011).
The history of technology is as old as mankind. Tools are made and used by archaeologists
more than a million years ago. The discovery and utilization of fire, a simple energy source with
many uses was a turning point in the technological revolution.
Evidence of technology abound around us in the environment. Technology is not only the
modern machines like cars, generators, airplanes, ships , but also things we do and use in our
environment to make work easy. For instance, woman use the grinding stone in the kitchen. Pot
molding is a common technology in Africa.
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Technology Transfer is also referred to as Transfer of Technology (TOT). It is the process of
tranferring skills, knowledge, technologies, methods of manufacturing, sample of
manucturing and facilities among governments or universities and other institutions to ensure that
scientific and technological development are accessible to a wider range of users who can then
further develop and exploit the technology into new products, processes, applications, materials or
In Technology Transfer we have the producer and the receptor system. TOT’s
are needed to move the technology from the produces to the receptors: example of TOT’s are
Marketing tools which may include fact sheets and special publications, magazines articles,
workshops, exhibits, demostrations of new developed products, videotapes, and market surveys.
Other technology transfer tools are aimed at providing incentives to
potential users and commercializes of the technology.
In this unit we have discussed nature, philosophy and history of technology. Also the
Technological products in the environment as well as Transfer of Technology were looked into.
In this unit you have learnt that technology is the practical application of knowledge to the
needs of the society. Also you have learnt that most of the gadgets used in the environment as well as
the ways they are operated are all examples of technology. Technology has to be transferred from the
producer to the receptor if use is going to be made of the technology. Hence the need for tools of
transfer of technology.
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Worksheet 5-sts- technology transfer
Society can be defined as a group of humans living together for self maintenance and self
perpetuating and sharing their own institution and culture (Yager 1992). It could also be defined as
a long – standing group of people shaving cultural aspects such as languages, dress, norms of
behaviours and artistic forms. A formal association of people with similar interest e.g Medical
Society, Science Teachers Society are all examples of societies.
Medicine which takes care of the provision of physical and emotional health care.
Polity as a social institution takes care of maintenance of order and distribution of
Economic systems is the social system that cares for production of goods and
services and ownership of property.
Science as a social institution makes for the understanding of the universe.
Key Concepts:
Key Concepts:
Healthcare as a Social Institution
Healthcare is an institution that provides medical services to individuals and communities. It addresses
physical and mental health needs and is influenced by factors such as access, quality, and cultural beliefs.
Key Concepts:
Key Concepts:
Functions of mass media (entertainment, information, socialization)
Media influence on public perception
Media literacy
Criminal Justice System as a Social Institution
The criminal justice system is a set of institutions and practices that enforce laws, adjudicate legal disputes,
and punish individuals who violate the law. It includes police, courts, and correctional facilities.
Key Concepts:
I. Multiple Choice
1.What is the primary function of the family as a social institution?
A) Economic production
B) Cultural transmission and socialization
C) Religious indoctrination
D) Political advocacy
2. Which term refers to the process by which individuals learn and internalize the values, beliefs, and norms of their
culture through education?
A) Assimilation B) Socialization C) Segregation D) Differentiation
3. In a democracy, how is political power typically distributed?
A) Concentrated in the hands of a few individuals
B) Centralized in a single governing body
C) Divided among the people through elections
D) Inherited within royal families
4. Which economic system is characterized by private ownership of the means of production and market-driven
A) Socialism B) Communism C) Capitalism D) Feudalism
5. What is the term for the process of declining importance and influence of religion in a society?
A) Secularization B) Fundamentalism C) Evangelism D) Sacrament
6. In a universal healthcare system, how is healthcare typically funded?
A) Private insurance companies
B) Individual out-of-pocket payments
C) Government through taxes
D) Charitable donations
7. What term is used to describe the selective presentation of information to shape public opinion?
A) Censorship B) Sensationalism C) Propaganda D) Neutrality
8. Which goal of punishment aims to prevent future crimes by making an example of the offender?
A) Rehabilitation B) Retribution C) Deterrence D) Restitution
9.Which sociological perspective emphasizes the role of religion in promoting social cohesion and stability?
A) Conflict theory B) Functionalism C) Symbolic interactionism D) Feminist theory
10.What term refers to the process by which traditional norms, values, and institutions lose their relevance?
A) Modernization B) Globalization C) Cultural diffusion D) Social disintegration
II. Enumeration
Give at least 3 examples of social institution in the Philippines.
At the time of industrial revolution entrepreneurs used Scientific and technological result for the
development and improvement of production for profit. New Scientific and technological results led
to the creation of new industries, new science and technologies. Competition between nations
became intense and focused on the important of science and technology an source of national power
on economy and security. After world war II Science and technology became an intergral part of
national policy.
Scientific and technological progress has several effects on the society. Some of the changes are
as follows:
i.Materials prosperity – Since industrial revolution science and technology have shown
acceleraed progress in energy, physical materials, information and communications, medicine,
resulting into improvement in people’s health, economic prosperity and living conveniences.
ii.Transport mode:- Progress in energy and material technology has given rise to new tranport
modes, such as railways, automobile, airplane and ships.
iii.Communication – Development of telephone, radio and GSM cellular phone broaden the range
of human activities and scope of human exchange.
iv.Machine tools – Large-volume production of goods and prodution of diverse types of material.
v.Medical technology – resulted in extention of peoples average life span, infant and child
mortality rate reduced leading to rise in world population.
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vi. Globalisation – advocacy that political policies should take worldwide issues into
account before focusing on national or state.
vi. Information Technology (IT) – the internet revolution combined with computer
technology led to information revolution which reduced cost; and time required for information
Despite the advances of science and technology making life more prosperous, there are
issues arising from science and technolgy progress.Some of the issues include:
i. Global warming
v. Nuclear radiations
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1. During industrial revolution, science and technology have shown physical materials.
2. Materials prosperity resulted in reduced mortality rate leading to rise in world population.
3. Globalization advocate that political policies should take worldwide issues into account
before focusing on national or state.
4. Information revolution reduced cost and time required for information distribution.
5. Medical technology resulted in extension of peoples average life span.
6. Progress in energy and material technology has given rise to new tranport modes.
7. Development of telephone, radio and GSM cellular phone broaden the range of human
activities and scope of human exchange.
8. Large-volume production of goods and production of diverse types of elimination of material.
9. Reforestation is one of the issues in the progress of technology.
10. Science and technology has provided service to humanity as a whole.
Science and technology have contributed immensely to the development of agriculture.
With the development of modern agroscience and technology:
The traditional farming method has been replaced by modern mechanised farming.
Improved strians of seeds are introduced. These strains can withstand the attack of
viral or becteria diseases. They can grow to reach maturity within a short period in
places where there is short period of rainfall; produce more yeild during harvest and
are resistant to attack by pests.
Animal production, including the care and processing of poultry and fish and dairy
The most important contribution of science and technology to health is the ability to provide
cures or prevention measures for the different ailments that afflict man (Nutter, 2003). Some of the
contributions of science and technology to health includes;
Development of vaccines to prevent attack by some diseases like missles, small pox
polio, yellow fever
Page 24
X- rays, machine, scaning machine
Biotechnology industry
Science and technolgy has influenced the means of communication. In the olden days messages
took months to reach distance places. Messeengers and horse – riders carried messages. Now there
are numerous means of communication like telephones, wireless, radios, televisions, and so on. On
a telephone you can talk to your friends, relatives at a distant place in few seconds. With the help
wireless apparatus, messages may be conveyed to far off places in no time infact
telecommunication has made the whole world a “global village”. Radios give us news
from all the corners of the world, while on the television screen you can see happings of far off
lands (Nola,B;Robert,O.; Irzik, K. &Gurol, R. 2005).
Scinece and technology have revolutionizedthe area of transportation. In the olden days means of
transportation were by trecking, and horse riding. With advent of science and technology travelling
by land, using cars, buses, trains; by sea using ships and canoes, by air using aeroplanes is now very
easy. Aeroplanes are the fastest means of transportation. Time and distance are no more a problem
to the society becuase of the means of transportation. The world has grown smaller. The credit for
all these achievements goes to science (Popper; 2002).
Page 25
Washing machine
Pressing iron
Cooking pots
Electric kettle
Electric cooker
Gas cooker
Kerosine stove
In this unit we have learnt that the benefits of Science and technology sourround us in our
everday life. The clothes we wear, what we eat how we move from one area to the other, the shoe
we wear, the biro we write with, everything around us are all products of Science and technology.
This unit has exposed you to some of the benefits of Science and technology. It has discussed the
benefits of Science and technology to the society. These benefits are seen in the areas of agriculture,
health, communication, transportation, house hold appliances, industry.
Page 26
Give 5 examples of science and technology development on the following:
4. Mention some eminent scientist and their contributions in the field of health.
2. Meaning of Health
Health is the level of functional or metabolic effeciency of a living organism. The world
Health Organisation(WHO) defined health in its broders sense in its 1948 constitution
as a “state of complete physical mental, and social well- being and not merely the absence of
disease or infirmity”. Health today can be improved through surgery and medication,
modern technologues in the prevention of disease. It is increasingly recognised that health is
maintained and improved through the advancement and application of health science.
Health care scienc, is an applied science that deals with the application of science, technology,
engineering and mathematics to the delivery of health care.
1. Preventive health
2. Public health
3. Curative health
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The Science and act of preventing disease, prolonging life and promoting health through the
organised efforts and informed choices of society, organizations, public and private,
communicaties and individuals is called public health.
Health science is the branch of science that is focused on health. There are two main
approaches to health science.
i. The study and research of the body and health related issues to understan
how humans (and animals) function
ii. The application of that knowledge to improve health and to prevent and
cure diseases.
Health science builds on many subjects including biology, Biochemistry, Physics, Chemistry,
epidemiology, Pharmacology and Medical sociology and strives to better understand and improve
human health through them.
Organized intervention to improve human health using health science are thus achieved
based on principles and procedures developed through the health sciences produced by practioners
trained in medicine, nursing pharmacy etc.
Disease transmissible, (as from person to person) by direct content with an discharges or by
indirect means (as by a vector). They can be transmitted by skin contact, through body fluids, in
contaminated food or drink, via airborne particles containing microrganisms. Animals or insect
bites are also agents of transmission. Colds , preumonia, AIDS, Flu, hepatitis, cholera, maleria, etc are
all communicable diseases
Page 30
ACTIVITY: List 10 Communicable diseases and describe how they are transmitted
A non- communicable disease is a medical condition or diseases that can be defined as non-
infections non –transmissible among people for example hypothension, diabetics, cancer etc.
The world Health Organisation (WHO) reports non – communicable diseases to be by far the
leading cause of death in the world representing over 60% of all deaths. Risk factors such as a
person’s background, lifestyle like smoking, sedentary life, genetics and environment
are known to increase the likelyhood of certian non- comuncable diseases. Many of these diseases
are also caused or exacebated by the advantages of Science and technology, like use of more refined
foods and oils, increased consumption of salt, sedentary life style with excessive watching of
television, use of remote controls which reduce physical activity.
Science and technology has made a lot of changes and progress in the way man relates with
his health and diseases. It hasprovided the basis of all researches in medicine. The impact of science
and technology has made many land mark achievements in medicine e.g
Willem J. Kolff (1950 ) a medical researcher, invented the artificial kidney dialysis machine
Herbert Boyer and Stanley Cohen (1973) invented the technique of DNA cloning which
allowed genes to be transplanted between different biological species.
Louis Pastuer proved that certian diseases are caused by infected agents, and
development a vaccine for rabies.
Robert Koch provided the study of infectious diseases with a Scientific basis which
is known as Koch’s postulates.
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Edward Jenner, Jonas Salk and Albert Sabin development effective vaccines for
smallpox and polio.
To a large extent, advances in science and technology have contributed to the management of non
– communicable diseases like heart, and kidney transplants and dialysis, cardiac bypass surgeries,
various drugs in management of cancer, diabetic cardiovascular diseases like hypentension and high
The develoment of drugs has led to cure of several disease conditions and improved the
management of various diseases. New investigations in diagnosis of diseases, biochemical
immunological and imaging techniques are evolving daily. Surgical techniques are developing
through science and technology for management of various conditions e.g use in organ transplant,
prothesis etc.
Page 32
Appointment reminder and notification of laboratory results can be handle
electronically, resulting in greater efficiency and reduced human error.
Accountability systems provide an audit trail that can help to eliminate security
breaches and, at the very least, track user activites to ensure their appropriateness,
authorization, and ethicality
Disadvantages of HIT:
Possibility for mis – diagnosis due to “norms" and statistical probabilities, tendencies
to rely on computer programs and tables rather than human skills.
In this unit you have learnt the contributions science and technology have made in the area
of health and diseases.
In this unit, you have been exposed to the meaning of health and diseases; the types of
health care, types of diseases; and the impact of sciences and technology on health and diseases.
Also some of the contributions of some Scientists were discussed as well as advantages and
disadvantages of health information technology in medicine.
Page 33
I. Identify the following:
1. A medical researcher, invented the artificial kidney dialysis
2.He provided the study of infectious diseases with a Scientific basis
which is known as Koch’s postulates
3.Developed effective vaccines for smallpox and polio.
4.Descovered the world’s first antibiotic Penicillin
5. Developed the first broad spectrum synthetic antibacterial drugs.
6. A medical condition or diseases that can be defined
7. Developed the leukemia – fighting drug 6- mercaptopurine.
8. Invented the technique of DNA cloning which allowed genes to be
transplanted between different biological species.
9. Develop a vaccine for rabies.
10. A medical condition or diseases that can be defined as non-
infections non –transmissible among pe
11. Health is the level of functional or metabolic efficiency of a
living organism.
12. An abnormal pathological condition that causes pain, dysfunction,
distress, social problems or death to the affected person.
13.Disease transmissible, (as from person to person) by direct content
with discharges or by indirect means (as by a vector).
II. Enumeration
1-3- 3 types of health care
4-9-Advantages and Use of HIT
10-11 Disadvantages of HIT
1. Meaning And Type of Pollution
Pollution is the introduction of conteminants into the natural environment that cause
adverse change.
Types of Pollution
Air Pollution
Water Pollution
Light Pollution
Noise Pollution
Radioactive Pollution
Thermal Pollution
Soil Pollution
The development of Science and implementation of technology has led to the
development of machines which utilize hydrocarbons as fuel and release a lot of toxic fumes
into the atmosphere like car, manufacturing plants and factories and mining apparatus. The
introduction of particulates, biological molecules, or other harmful materials
into the earth’s atmosphere result in air pollution. The effects of air pollution are felt to a
large extent by the populace leading to disease, death to humans damage to other living
organisms such as food crops. According to the 2014 WHO report, air pollution in 2012
caused the deaths of around 7 million people worldwide. An air pollutant is a substance in
the air can have adverse effects on human and the ecosystem.
Major pollutants produced by human activity includes:
Sulphur oxide (SO2) is produced by volcanoes and in various industrial processes. Coal and
petroleum often contain sulphur compounds, and their combusion generates sulphur dioxide.
Page 36
Nitrogen oxide, particularly nitrogen dioxide, are expelled from high temperature
commbustion, and are also produced during thunderstorms by electric discharge. They can be
seen as a brown haze dome above or a plume downwind of cities.
Volatile organise compounds – VOCs are well- known outdoor air pollutant. They are
categorized as either methane (CH4) or non- methane (NMVOCs). Methane is an extremely
efficient green house gas which contributes to enhance global warming.
Particulates, some particulates occur naturally, originating from volcanoes, dust storms,
forest and greenland fires, living vegatation, and sea spray. Human activites, such as the burning
of fossil fuels in vehicles, power plants and various industrialprocesses also generate significant
amounts of aerosols. Increased level of fine particles in the air are linked to health hazards such
as heart disease, altered lung function and lung cancer.
Persistent free radicals connected to airborne fine particles are linked to
cardiopulmonary disease.
Toxic metals, such as lead and mercury, especially their compounds.
Chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) – harmful to ozone layer; emitted from products are currently
banned from use. These are gases which are released from air conditioners, refigwrators,
aerosol sprays, etc. CFC’s on being released into the air rises to stratosphere.
Here they come in contact with other gases and damage the ozone layer. This allows harmful
ultraviolet rays to reach the earth’s surface. This can lead to skin cancer,
disease to eye and can even cause damage to plant.
Page 37
The discharge of waste generated by human activities directly or indirectly into water bodies
(e.g lakes, rivers, oceans, aquifers and groundwater) results in water pollution. The major water
pollutants are sewage and toxic effiuent from indutries. It has been suggested that water pollution is
the leading worldwide cause of deaths and diseases. Natural phenomena such as volcanoes, algae
blooms, storms, and earthquakes also cause major changes in water quality and the ecological
status of water. A major source of water pollution in Nigeria is poor sewage disposal results in run-
off and point source contamination of water bodies. Contaminatants may include organic and
inorganic susbtances.
Organic water pollutants include:
Insecticides and herbicides, a huge range of organohalides and other chemical compounds
Petroleum hydrocarbons, including fuels (gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuels, and fuel oil) and
lubricants (motor oil), and fuel combustion by products, from storm water runoff
Volatile ogranic compounds, such as industrial solvents, from improper storage.
Chlorinated solvents, which are dense non- aqueous phase liquids, may fall to the
bottom of
reserviors, since they don’t mix well with water and are denser.
Polychlorinated biphenly (PCBs)
Various chemical compound found in personal hygiene and cosmetic products
Drug pollutant invloving pharmaceutical drugs and their metabolites
Disinfection by- products found in chemically disinfected drinking water, such as
Food processing waste, which can include oxygen – demanding substances, fats and
In organic water pollutants include:
Acidity caused by industrial discharges (especially sulfur dioxide from power
Page 39
Ammonia from food processing waste
Chemical waste as industrial by – products
Fertilizers contaning nutrients – nitrates and phosphates – which are found in storm
water runoff from agriculture, as well as commercial and residents use
Heavy metals from motor vehicles (Via urban storm water runoff) and acid mine
Silt (sediment ) in runoff contruction sites, logging or land clearing sites. Macroscopic
pollutant – large visible items pollutant the water – may be termed “
floatables” in an urban storm water context, or marine debris when found on
the open seas,
and can includes such items as:
Trash or garbage (e.g paper, plastic or food waste) discarded by people on the ground,
along with accidental or intentional dumping of rubbish, that are washed by rainfall into
storm drains and eventually discharged into surface waters
Shipwrecks, large derelict ships
effects of water pollutant include:
Water is rendered unsafe for
consumption, leading to water
Water borne diseases e.g
cholera, and other diarrhoeal
Poisoning like mercury, arsenic
Loss of ecological life:
Planktons, fish etc.
Worsening of poverty as people who depend on water for their livehood lose their
source of income e.g fishermen
In the sourthern parts of Nigeria, oil spills from oil companies and ship are a major source of
water pollution.
This is the increase of temperature caused by human activity.e.g
Warmer lake water as a result of the use of the lake water to cool manufacturing
Increased temperature in areas with lots of concrete, vehicles and air Page 40
This results in loss of aquatic life, discomfort and disruption of plant life.
The degradation of the earth’s surface caused by a misuse of resources and
disposal of waste. Eg.
Oil spills etc
It destroys
the natural
habitat of
animals and
plants apart
from creating
an eyesore
6. OTHER PROBLEMS: thoughscience and technology is seen as the source of
development of a society, it may yet be the source of problems. Apart from waste
generated by science and technology other problems exists eg:
Development in science and technology is inequitably distributed and developing
countries are not catching up on beneficial global trends like agriculture and
renewable energy
As a result of soil degradation and global warming causing disrupted weather
conditions, hubger and famine is persisting in several places notably sub-saharan
Poverty persists in many places notably the developing countries
The world is a global village as a result of information technology, however there is
also the risk of spread of negative trends
Technology has helped to produce sophisticated weapons of mass destruction
Science and technology has been benefitial to the society but at the same time the misuse or
the side products of science and technology can be of disadvantage to the society.
In this unit we have learnt the types of pollution and their effects
-Air pollution
pollution Page 41
I. Identify the following:
1.It is produced by volcanoes and in various industrial processes.
2.Well- known as an outdoor air pollutant.
3. It is an extremely efficient green house gas which contributes to
enhance global warming.
4.It is harmful to ozone layer; emitted from products are currently
banned from use.
6. It was emitted from agricultural processes.
7. It was produced by nuclear explosions, nuclear events, war
explosives, and natural processes such as the radioactivity decay of
8.It is often contain sulfur compounds, and their combustion generates
sulfur dioxide.
9.It is also a building block for the synthesis of many pharmaceuticals.
10. Considered as toxic metals.
II. Enumeration
1-7- types of pollution
8-11- examples of air pollutants
12-15- examples of water pollutants
Methods of Waste Disposal
Garbage accumulation has never been much of a concern in the past, but
due to globalization and industrialization, there is a need for a more efficient
waste disposal method. Following are some of the methods that are used
In this process, the waste that cannot be reused or recycled are separated
out and spread as a thin layer in low- lying areas across a city. A layer of soil is
added after each layer of garbage. However, once this process is complete,
the area is declared unfit for construction of buildings for the next 20 years.
Instead, it can only be used as a playground or a park.
Incineration is the process of controlled combustion of garbage to reduce it
to incombustible matter such as ash and waste gas. The exhaust gases from
this process may be toxic, hence it is treated before being released into the
environment. This process reduces the volume of waste by 90 per cent and is
considered as one of the most hygienic methods of waste disposal. In some
cases, the heat generated is used to produce electricity. However, some
consider this process, not quite environmentally friendly due to the generation
of greenhouse gases such as carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.
Waste Compaction
The waste materials such as cans and plastic bottles are compacted into
blocks and sent for recycling. This process prevents the oxidation of metals
and reduces airspace need, thus making transportation and positioning easy.
Biogas Generation
Biodegradable waste, such as food items, animal waste or organic industrial
waste from food packaging industries are sent to bio- degradation plants. In
bio- degradation plants, they are converted to biogas by degradation with the
help of bacteria, fungi, or other microbes. Here, the organic matter serves as
food for the micro- organisms. The degradation can happen aerobically (with
oxygen) or anaerobically (without oxygen). Biogas is generated as a result of
this process, which is used as fuel, and the residue is used as manure.
All organic materials decompose with time. Food scraps, yard waste, etc.,
make up for one of the major organic wastes we throw every day. The process
of composting starts with these organic wastes being buried under layers of
soil and then, are left to decay under the action of microorganisms such as
bacteria and fungi.
This results in the formation of nutrient- rich manure. Also, this process
ensures that the nutrients are replenished in the soil. Besides enriching the
soil, composting also increases the water retention capacity. In agriculture, it
is the best alternative to chemical fertilizers.
Vermicomposting is the process of using worms for the degradation of
organic matter into nutrient- rich manure. Worms consume and digest the
organic matter. The by- products of digestion which are excreted out by the
worms make the soil nutrient- rich, thus enhancing the growth of bacteria and
fungi. It is also far more effective than traditional composting.
1: What is vermicomposting?
A) Burning waste materials B) Decomposing waste using worms
C) Burying waste in designated areas D) Recycling plastic bottles
2: In which waste disposal method is waste buried in designated areas?
A) Incineration B) Composting C) Landfill D) Waste compaction
3: What does incineration involve?
A) Burying waste underground B) Burning waste at high temperatures
C) Recycling paper products D) Converting waste into biogas
4: What is the primary purpose of composting?
A) Reducing waste volume B) Generating electricity
C) Creating nutrient-rich soil D) Producing biogas
5: Waste compaction is a method used for:
A) Burning waste materials B) Reducing the volume of waste
C) Decomposing organic matter D) Recycling plastic bottles
6: Biogas generation involves the production of energy from:
A) Burning waste materials B) Decomposing waste using worms
C) Landfill gases D) Organic waste through anaerobic digestion
7: What is the downside of landfill as a waste disposal method?
A) Air pollution B) Soil contamination C) Greenhouse gas emissions D) All of the
8: Which waste disposal method produces nutrient-rich soil conditioner?
A) Incineration B) Landfill C) Composting D) Waste compaction
9: What is the main environmental concern associated with incineration?
A) Soil contamination B) Air pollution C) Water pollution D) Noise
10: What type of waste is particularly suitable for vermicomposting?
A) Plastic bottles B) Metal cans C) Food scraps D) Glass containers
11: What is the purpose of waste compaction?
A) Creating biogas B) Reducing the volume of waste
C) Recycling plastic bottles D) Composting organic matter
12: What is a potential benefit of biogas generation?
A) Greenhouse gas emissions B) Energy production C) Air pollution D) Soil
13: What is a drawback of relying solely on landfill for waste disposal?
A) Energy production B) Recycling efficiency C) Greenhouse gas emissions D) Soil
14: What does vermicomposting use to decompose organic waste?
A) Bacteria B) Fungi C) Worms D) Insects
15: In which waste disposal method does organic waste undergo anaerobic digestion to produce
A) Incineration B) Waste compaction C) Biogas generation D) Landfill
During normal conditions in the Pacific ocean, trade winds blow west along the equator, taking warm
water from South America towards Asia. To replace that warm water, cold water rises from the depths —
a process called upwelling. El Niño and La Niña are two opposing climate patterns that break these
normal conditions. Scientists call these phenomena the El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) cycle. El
Niño and La Niña can both have global impacts on weather, wildfires, ecosystems, and economies.
Episodes of El Niño and La Niña typically last nine to 12 months, but can sometimes last for years. El Niño
and La Niña events occur every two to seven years, on average, but they don’t occur on a regular
schedule. Generally, El Niño occurs more frequently than La Niña.
El Niño
During El Niño, trade winds weaken. Warm water is pushed back east, toward the west coast of the
El Niño means Little Boy in Spanish. South American fishermen first noticed periods of unusually warm
water in the Pacific Ocean in the 1600s. The full name they used was El Niño de Navidad, because El
Niño typically peaks around December.
El Niño can affect our weather significantly. The warmer waters cause the Pacific jet stream to move
south of its neutral position. With this shift, areas in the northern U.S. and Canada are dryer and warmer
than usual. But in the U.S. Gulf Coast and Southeast, these periods are wetter than usual and have
increased flooding.
El Niño causes the Pacific jet stream to move south and spread further east. During winter, this
leads to wetter conditions than usual in the Southern U.S. and warmer and drier conditions in
the North.
El Niño also has a strong effect on marine life off the Pacific coast. During normal conditions, upwelling
brings water from the depths to the surface; this water is cold and nutrient rich. During El Niño,
upwelling weakens or stops altogether. Without the nutrients from the deep, there are fewer
phytoplankton off the coast. This affects fish that eat phytoplankton and, in turn, affects everything that
eats fish. The warmer waters can also bring tropical species, like yellowtail and albacore tuna, into areas
that are normally too cold.
La Niña
La Niña means Little Girl in Spanish. La Niña is also sometimes called El Viejo, anti-El Niño, or simply "a
cold event." La Niña has the opposite effect of El Niño. During La Niña events, trade winds are even
stronger than usual, pushing more warm water toward Asia. Off the west coast of the Americas,
upwelling increases, bringing cold, nutrient-rich water to the surface.
These cold waters in the Pacific push the jet stream northward. This tends to lead to drought in the
southern U.S. and heavy rains and flooding in the Pacific Northwest and Canada. During a La Niña year,
winter temperatures are warmer than normal in the South and cooler than normal in the North. La Niña
can also lead to a more severe hurricane season.
La Niña causes the jet stream to move northward and to weaken over the eastern Pacific. During
La Niña winters, the South sees warmer and drier conditions than usual. The North and Canada
tend to be wetter and colder.
During La Niña, waters off the Pacific coast are colder and contain more nutrients than usual.
This environment supports more marine life and attracts more cold-water species, like squid
and salmon, to places like the California coast.
Climate Variability: Oceanic Niño
The Oceanic Niño Index (ONI) is NOAA's primary index for tracking the ocean part
of ENSO, the El Niño-Southern Oscillation climate pattern.
The ONI is the rolling 3-month average temperature anomaly—difference from
average—in the surface waters of the east-central tropical Pacific, near the
International Dateline.
Index values of +0.5 or higher indicate El Niño. Values of -0.5 or lower indicate La
Location of the parts of the tropical Pacific used for monitoring sea surface
temperature. The sea surface temperature in the Niño3.4 region, spanning from
120˚W to 170˚W longitude, when averaged over a 3-month period, forms NOAA’s
official Oceanic Niño Index (the ONI). NOAA image by Fiona Martin.
NOAA considers El Niño conditions to be present in the ocean when the ONI in that
area, known as the Niño-3.4 region, is +0.5 or higher, meaning surface waters in the
east-central tropical Pacific are 0.5 degrees Celsius (0.9 degrees Fahrenheit) or more
warmer than average. Oceanic La Niña conditions exist when the ONI is -0.5 or lower,
indicating the region is 0.5 degrees Celsius or more cooler than average.
Sea surface temperature across the tropical Pacific Ocean in December 1997 (top),
during a strong El Niño, and in December 1988 (bottom) during a strong La Niña. The
ONI only tracks the temperatures in the Niño3.4 region, but during strong events, the
entire central and eastern tropical Pacific will generally become warmer or cooler than
average. Maps by NOAA, based on data from NOAA's Physical Science Lab.
El Niño brings warmer-than-average waters to the central and eastern tropical Pacific,
sometimes all the way to the coast of South America. At the surface, the prevailing
easterlies (the trade winds) slow down, or sometimes even reverse. Over the warm
waters in the central-east tropical Pacific, rainfall increases, but it decreases over
Indonesia and the western Pacific.
La Niña brings cooler-than-average waters to the central and eastern tropical Pacific,
again, sometimes all the way to South America. The prevailing easterlies (the trade
winds) intensify. over the cooler-than-average waters of the central-east tropical
Pacific, rainfall decreases, but it increases over Indonesia and the western Pacific.
Neutral means neither El Niño nor La Niña conditions are present in both the ocean
and the atmosphere. Sometimes "neutral" genuinely means that conditions in the
ocean and the atmosphere are near average. But other times, the conditions for El
Niño or La Niña have actually been met in the ocean, but not in the atmosphere. This
state is also considered to neutral because unless the ocean and atmosphere are fully
in sync (experts say "coupled"), ENSO can't reach its full, climate-disrupting potential.
Monitoring ENSO
ENSO is a seasonal-scale climate pattern, not something that changes from day to day
or week to week. To calculate the ONI, scientists from NOAA's Climate Prediction
Center calculate the average sea surface temperature in the Niño 3.4 region for each
month, using in-ocean measurements from a variety of sources, including
autonomous floats, moored buoys, and ship cruises. They blend the observations into
a single monthly average and then average it with values from the previous and
following months. This running three-month average is compared to a 30-year
average. The observed difference from the average temperature in that region—
whether warmer or cooler—is the ONI value for that 3-month "season."
ENSO shifts irregularly back and forth between El Niño and La Niña every two to seven
years. Each phase triggers predictable disruptions of temperature, precipitation, and
winds in the tropical Pacific Ocean. These changes disrupt the large-scale air
movements in the tropics, which triggers a cascade of global side effects. During El
Niño winters, northwestern North America is more likely to experience warmer-than
average temperatures and the southeastern U.S. is more likely to receive more rain
than average. La Niña often brings the opposite. In addition, La Niña conditions are
generally more favorable for the formation of Atlantic hurricanes. Because the mid-
latitudes are farther removed from the "main event" in the tropical Pacific, however,
the impacts in the United States are not as consistent, and they can be overpowered
by other climate influences.
The term Global Warming refers to the increase in the average temperature of global surface
air and oceans as a result of natural events and human activities. The term is used to describe a
gradual increase in the average temperature of the Earth’s atmosphere and its ocean,
a change that is believed to be permanently changing the earth’s climate.
The greenhouse effect is the rise in temperature on earth as certian gases in the
atmostphere trap the Earth’s radiated energy.
Energy from the sun drives the Earth’s waether and climate, and heats
the Earth’s
In turn, the Earth’s radiates same energy back into space
Some atmospheric gases(Water vapour, carbon dioxide etc.) trap some of the radiated
energy, retaining heat somewhat like the glass panels of a greenhouse, hence the term “
Green house effects”.
These gases are therefore refered to as greenhouse gases
(HFCS) industrial gas Perfluorocarbons(PFC2)
Industrial gas Sulpur hexafluoride (SF6) industrial
Page 44
in car, factories and electricity production. Carbon dioxide is the gas most responsible for global
Different greenhouse gases have different heat – trapping abilities. A molecule of methane
produced more than 20 times the warming of molecule of carbon dioxide. Nitrogen (IV) oxide
has 300times more heat – trapping abilities than CO2, While the fluorocarbons (HFCS, PFCO, SF6) have heat –
Greenhouse gases (GHGS)in the atomsphere are like a blanket that keeps the earth warm. This protective
blanket helps make the planet habitable. But over the past 200years, humans have greatly
increased the level of GHGs in the atmosphere by burning fossil fuels like oil and coal. This is like throwing
In a similar way, greenhouse gases are essential for the planet, as many of these gases are
actually life – enabling, for without them, heat would escape into space and the
earth’s average temperature would be a lot colder. However, if the greenhouse effects
becomes stronger, then more heat gets trapped, than needed, and the earth becomes less
habitable for humans, plants and animals (UNEP. 2010).
The major cause of global warming is an increase in the amount of longlived greenhouse
gases in the earth’s atmosphere. Carbon dioxide is the major cause, as we burn
fossil fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas for energy, or create postures and plantation,
carbon dioxide accumulates and overloads the atmosphere.
Certain waste management and agricultural practices aggravate the problem by releasing
other potent global warming gases, such as methane and nitrogen (iv) oxide.
The problems of global warming is making hot days hotter, rainfall and flooding heaveir,
hurricanes stronger and droughts more severe. This intensification of weather and climate
extremes is the most visible impact of global warming in our everday lifes. It
Page 45
also causes dangerous changes to the landscape of the world, adding stress to wildlife
species and their habitat (Meyer, 2010)
The effects of an increase in global temperature include a rise in sea levels and change in
the amount and pattern of precipatation, as well as a probable expeansion of susbtropial
desserts. Other likely effects of the warming include more frequent extreme weather events
including heat, waves, drought and heavy rainfall, ocean acidification, and species
extinctions due to shifting temperature regimes. Effects significant to humans include the
threat to food security from decreasing crop yields and the loss of habitat.
The major problem of Global Warming is the heat trapping by the greenhouse gases in the
atmosphere. The following techniques and approaches are needed to bring down the emission of
these greehouse gases (West 2010)
Page 46
The energy used to power, heat and cool homes, businesses and industries is the
single largest contributor to global warming. Increase in energy efficency must be
seen as a crucial part of reducing carbondioxide emissions and minimising
depependence on fossil fuels.
7. Renewable Energy
Renewable energy sources such as from water, wind solar biomass, geothermal
are available around the world will play a key role in replacing the world
dependence on fossil fuel based energy source such as coal, oil and nature gas which
are non – renewable and are the causes of emission of greenhouse gases.
8. Managing Forest by Preventing
Deforestation and encouraging planting of trees i.e afforestation reduce waste.
The production of garbage contributes to global warming both directly and
indirectly. decomposing wastes in landfills produces methane and other greenhouse
gases. Recycline of wastes like metals, plastics, glass and paper lowers greenhouse
gas emission since recycled items take far less energy to manufacture than items
produced from scratch.
9. Greening Transportation
Emission of Carbon dioxide from vehicles is at a faster rate. Reducing the
numbers of vehicles on the roads by using mass transportating system, using low-
carbon fuels will deliver huge results.
In this unit you learnt about one of the problems that is affecting the enviroment
and hence the humanlife; the Global Warming. As an intergrated science teacher you
need to educate the puplis you will be teaching to have a knowledge of what it is and
how to avoid activities that will aggrevate it.
In this unit you learnt the meaning of global warming; the causes of global warming
which is as a result of forces caused by human activities in his quest for energy for industrial
and agricultural practices. The production of greenhouse gases using
Page 47
1: What is the primary cause of global warming?
A) Depletion of the ozone layer B) Human activities releasing greenhouse gases
C) Changes in Earth's orbit D) Natural variations in the climate
B) Human activities releasing greenhouse gases
2: What is the greenhouse effect?
A) Cooling of the Earth's surface B) Trapping of heat by the Earth's atmosphere
C) Depletion of the ozone layer D) Increase in the Earth's albedo
3: Which of the following is a greenhouse gas?
A) Oxygen (O2) B) Nitrogen (N2) C) Carbon dioxide (CO2) D) Argon (Ar)
4: What is a major source of methane (CH4) contributing to global warming?
A) Deforestation B) Livestock digestion C) Burning fossil fuels D) Industrial processes
5: How does deforestation contribute to global warming?
A) By releasing oxygen B) By absorbing carbon dioxide
C) By reducing the number of trees to absorb CO2 D) By increasing the Earth's albedo
6: What is a consequence of the melting of polar ice caps due to global warming?
A) Decreased sea levels B) Increased freshwater availability
C) Rising sea levels D) Expansion of polar bear habitats
7: What is one of the effects of global warming on weather patterns?
A) Increased predictability of storms B) Reduced frequency of extreme weather events
C) More intense and frequent heatwaves D) Decreased rainfall in all regions
8: How does global warming impact ecosystems?
A) Promoting biodiversity B) Having no impact on ecosystems
C) Disrupting habitats and endangering species D) Enhancing the resilience of ecosystems
9: Which renewable energy source is often considered a solution to mitigate global warming?
A) Coal B) Natural gas C) Solar power D) Oil
10: What is carbon sequestration?
A) The release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
B) The storage of carbon in underground reservoirs
C) The extraction of carbon from fossil fuels
D) The combustion of biomass
11: How does the use of energy-efficient appliances contribute to mitigating global warming?
A) By increasing greenhouse gas emissions B) By reducing energy consumption and emissions
C) By depleting the ozone layer D) By promoting deforestation
12: What is the primary purpose of the Paris Agreement?
A) Promoting deforestation B) Reducing global greenhouse gas emissions
C) Increasing reliance on fossil fuels D) Ignoring the impacts of climate change
13: What is a carbon footprint?
A) The amount of carbon stored in trees
B) The total amount of greenhouse gases emitted by an individual or organization
C) The energy output of a renewable power source
D) The impact of climate change on carbon-based life forms
14: How can afforestation contribute to combating global warming?
A) By increasing carbon emissions B) By reducing biodiversity
C) By providing habitats for wildlife D) By absorbing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere
15: Which international body monitors and reports on the state of global warming and climate change?
A) World Health Organization (WHO)
B) United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
C) Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)
D) International Monetary Fund (IMF)
1. · Definition of Deforestation
Deforestation in simple term means the felling and clearing of forest cover or tree plantations in
order to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban use. It involves permanent end of forest
cover to make that land available for residential, commercial or industrial purpose.
Deforestation can also be defined as clearing of virgin forests, or intentional destruction or
removal of trees and other vegetation for agricultural, commercial, housing, or firewood use
without replanting (reforesting) and without allowing time for the forest to regenerate itself.
Deforestation according to Cambridge Dictionaries simply means the cutting down of trees in a
large area, or the destruction of forests by people. It is destroying large areas of tropical rain forest.
2. Causes of Deforestation
There are so many causes of Deforestation. The following are some of the identified causes of
Deforestation, viz:
Commercial Agriculture
Cattle Ranching
Palm oil production
Subsistence Farming
Logging for Timber
Infrastructure Building
Charcoal Production
Firewood Collection
Forest fires release greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and clouds of soot that can disrupt
normalrainfall patterns, although natural fires have always played a part regenerating forest
soils and vegetation it rarely result in permanent deforestation of an area.
However, the spread of agriculture, poor logging practices and urban expansion make forests
more vulnerable to uncontrolled fires that result in forest degradation.
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Commercial Agriculture
Commercial agriculture is the largest driver of deforestation, involving forest clearing for
cropland, pasture and tree plantation.
It has been forecast that sugarcane and soya alone will be responsible for a 20 million
expansion of agricultural land in Brazil over the next 40 years (more than twice the size of
Hungary). (Source: Reuters)
Cattle Ranching
Rising living standards worldwide have increased local and global demand for meat, driving
deforestation as ranchers and agriculture businesses demand grazing pasture and also land to
grow feed for livestock (such as soybean).
Brazil has become one of the largest exporters of beef in the world. According to the Global Canopy
Programme, 75% of deforestation in Brazil is linked to the cattle industry, with the cattle herd in
the Amazon growing by 140% from 1990 to 2003. (Source: Reuters)
Palm oil Production
Soaringglobal demand for palm oil as a cheap raw material for products ranging from cooking oil,
margarine, cereals, and baked goods to soaps and cosmetics has led to Indonesia having some of
the highest rates of deforestation in the world. Plantations have been financed by the sale of
timber from cleared forests.
Indonesia and Malaysia supply the vast majority of the world's palm oil, although plantations are
now also springing up in parts of Africa. Palm oil grown on cleared peat lands and turned into
biofuels has a carbon footprint five times as big as diesel, reports the Global Canopy Programme.
(Source: Reuters)
Subsistence Farming
Farming by smallholders is related to about 33% of deforestation and deforestation in Africa is
still largely driven by small-scale subsistence farming.
Deforestation is driven by cultivation of staple crops like maize, manioc, rice and small-scale
cultivation of cash crops like coffee, cocoa, and cotton while forest degradation occurs when
livestock are grazed in wooded areas. (Source: Reuters)
Logging for Timber
Legal arid illegal loggings are major causes of forest degradation, accounting for more than 70%
of total forest degradation in Latin America and Asia. In Brazil and Indonesia, some 80 to
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90 percent of timber extraction is deemed illegal.
According to the WWF, up to 28 percent of the EU's timber imports could be illegal. Well-
regulated, selective logging, however, need not trigger deforestation. Expanding plantation
forestry can also provide an alternative to illegal timber. (Source: Reuters)
Many forested areas are rich in minerals and therefore vulnerable to deforestation. The Congo
Basin, for instance, contains vast untapped reserves of gold, coltan (used in mobile phones),
diamonds, uranium, manganese, and copper.
Mining accounts for about 7% of deforestation in developing nations with Asia and Africa more
affected than Latin America. Apart from clearing trees to make way for the mine itself, mining may
also use sizeable amounts of timber or charcoal, contributing to forest degradation through direct
use and localized population expansion (Source: Reuters)
Infrastructure Building
Infrastructure projects such as roads are linked to about 10% of total deforestation in the
developing world.
Road construction perhaps contributes the most to eventual levels of deforestation and
degradation because roads encourage urbanization (itself responsible for a further 10% of
deforestation) and the spread of agriculture into forests, particularly in remote areas where
property rights are unclear or poorly regulated. (Source: Reuters)
Charcoal Production
Charcoal production primarily occurs in the forests of sub-Saharan Africa, where poverty drives
many to cut down trees for fuel for cooking. Charcoal production is one of the two main drivers of
forest degradation in Africa. Together with fuelwood collection it accounts for about 48% of
degradation. Charcoal made from old-growth hardwood trees is the most valuable because it burns
hotter and longer. (Source: Reuters)
Firewood Collection
Firewood collection and charcoal production are the largest drivers of forest degradation in
Africa, together linked to about 48% of total degradation.
Together with population growth and rapid urban expansion, this can have a devastating effect on
forests in poor countries. Wood meets 80 percent of all the Democratic Republic of Congo's energy
needs and has been the main cause of deforestation in the area. In Sudan's Darfur region
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a sudden influx of refugees had a catastrophic effect on local forests according to the UN. (Source:
3.3 Effects of Deforestation
The following are some of the effects of Deforestation:
1.Climate imbalance: Deforestation also affects the climate in more than one way. Treesrelease
water vapor in the air, which is compromised with the lack of trees. Trees also provide the
required shade that keeps the soil moist. This leads to the imbalance in the atmospheric
temperature further making conditions for the ecology difficult. Flora and fauna across the
world are accustomed to their habitat. This haphazard clearance of forests has forced several of
these animals to shift from their native environment. Due to this several species are finding it
difficult to survive or adapt to new habitats.
2. Increase in Global Warming: Trees playa major role in controlling global warming. The
utilize the greenhouse gases, restoring the balance in the atmosphere. With constant deforestation
the ratio of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere has increased, adding to our global warming
3.Soil Erosion: Also due to the shade of trees the soil remains moist. With the clearance of tree
cover, the soil is directly exposed to the sun, making it dry.
4.Floods: When it rains, trees absorb and store large amount of water with the help of their roots.
When they are cut down, the flow of water is disrupted and leads to floods in some areas and
droughts in other.
5.Wildlife extinction: Due to massive felling down of trees, various species of animals are lost.
They lose their habitat and forced to move to new location. Some of them are even pushed to
extinction. Our world has lost so many species of plants and animals in last couple of decades.
3.4 Solutions to Deforestation
6. The best solution to deforestation is to curb the felling of trees, by employing a series of
and laws to govern it. Deforestation in the current scenario may have reduced however it would
too early to assume. The money-churner that forest resources can be is tempting enough for
deforestation to continue.
2.Clear cutting of forests must be banned. This will curb total depletion of the forest cover. It is a
practical solution and is very feasible.
3. Land skinned of its tree cover for urban settlements should be urged to plant trees in the
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vicinity and replace the cut trees. Also the cutting must be replaced by planting young trees to
replace the older ones that were cut. Trees are being planted under several initiatives every year,
but they still don't match the numbers of the ones we've already lost.
Deforestation can also be seen as removal of forests leading to several imbalances ecologically and
environmentally. What make deforestation alarming are the immediate and long term effects it is
bound to inflict if continued at the current pace. Some predictions state that the rain forests of the
world will be destroyed completely if deforestation continues at its current pace.
Deforestation or clearance occurs due to several reasons, to get an overview we could include the
need of money, both in terms of profitability as well as providing for one's family in most scenarios,
along with lack of or no forest laws, need for land space for housing etc among a long list of other
uses. Mainly blamed on agricultural or pastoral use, farmers fell trees for increasing space for
cultivation and/or as fodder land for grazing and surviving livestock. The whole concept of 'slash
and burn' agriculture is used to indicate this same process where farmers employ the above chain
of actions for their purposes.
Deforestation has reached an alarming rate in many countries around the world but three areas hit
the most by deforestation are Amazon rainforest, Africa, and Indonesia. In these three areas
condition is no longer just alarming, it hasreacheda critical zone. Deforestation is oneof the biggest
environmental evils that have happened on this planet, and if current trends continue with
somewhere around 16 million hectares of forests disappearing each year, our planet will head into
an environmental disaster in years to come.
About half of the forests that once covered the earth are already gone, and we are definitely not
doing enough to protect the ones that remain. Our forests and rainforests mean so much to us but
most people still do not understand how important forests really are. What we definitely need is a
very quick solution to stop deforestation. This solution maybe forests funding, or something else
but the forests must be saved.
In this unit, we have learnt that:
1. Deforestation simply means the felling and clearing of forest cover or tree plantations in
order to accommodate agricultural, industrial or urban use. It involves a permanent end of
forest cover to make that land available for residential, commercial or industrial
Page 56
2. Fire, commercial Agriculture, Cattle ranching amongst others are causes of Deforestation
3. Some of the major effects of Deforestation are climate imbalance, global warming, soil
erosion, floods and wild life extinction
4. Deforestation could be curbed by banning of clear cutting of trees among others.
Page 57
1: Which activity is a major cause of deforestation involving intentional burning of forests?
A) Commercial Agriculture B) Cattle Ranching C) Logging for Timber D) Fire
2: What is a leading cause of deforestation driven by the need for large-scale crop production for profit?
A) Mining B) Subsistence Farming C) Commercial Agriculture D) Infrastructure Building
3: What is a primary driver of deforestation involving clearing land for grazing livestock on a large scale?
A) Palm Oil Production B) Logging for Timber C) Cattle Ranching D) Charcoal Production
4: Which industry is often associated with deforestation due to the demand for land to cultivate palm
trees? A) Palm Oil Production B) Firewood Collection
C) Infrastructure Building D) Subsistence Farming
5: What is a traditional farming practice that, when done on a large scale, contributes to deforestation?
A) Logging for Timber B) Mining C) Subsistence Farming D) Charcoal Production
6: Which activity involves the extraction of trees for wood and paper products, contributing to
A) Infrastructure Building B) Mining C) Logging for Timber D) Firewood Collection
7: What industry is known for causing deforestation due to the need for land to extract minerals?
A) Mining B) Fire C) Charcoal Production D) Commercial Agriculture
8: What cause of deforestation involves clearing land for the construction of roads, buildings, and other
structures? A) Infrastructure Building B) Firewood Collection
C) Cattle Ranching D) Palm Oil Production
9: Which activity contributes to deforestation as a result of cutting down trees for the production of
charcoal? A) Logging for Timber B) Infrastructure Building
C) Charcoal Production D) Mining
10: What cause of deforestation involves the gathering of wood for domestic use, leading to the
depletion of forests?
A) Fire B) Commercial Agriculture C) Subsistence Farming D) Firewood Collection
11: What activity involves the clearing of forests for the extraction of minerals and resources, impacting
A) Palm Oil Production B) Mining C) Logging for Timber D) Subsistence Farming
12: What is a major cause of deforestation linked to the need for land to build roads and expand urban
A) Cattle Ranching B) Infrastructure Building C) Charcoal Production D) Fire
13: What cause of deforestation is associated with the cultivation of oil palms for various products?
A) Logging for Timber B) Palm Oil Production C) Commercial Agriculture D) Firewood Collection
14: Which cause of deforestation involves cutting down trees for the production of wood for heating and
A) Firewood Collection B) Subsistence Farming C) Cattle Ranching D) Mining
15: What activity involves clearing forests for the construction of roads, buildings, and other structures
for human use?
A) Logging for Timber B) Fire C) Infrastructure Building D) Commercial Agriculture
In the unit you will be intorduced to the concept of energy, and the different forms of energy.
We use energy in our everyday life to do work. Some energy sources are renewable while some
are non- renewable. All these concepts will be looked into in this unit.
After studying this unit, you should be able to:
Explain the concept of energy
List the different forms of energy
Describe the different types of energy sources
List the advantages and disadvantages. Of the different types of energy sources
Advance reasons why there should be conversation of energy.
Energy exists freely in nature. It is one of natural resources on earth. Some of them exist
infinitely (never runout; called RENEWABLE), the rest have finite amounts ( they took millions of
years to form, and will run out oneday; called NON- RENEWABLE ).
In a layman’s terms, energy is the amount of force or power when applied which can
move one object from one posistion to another. It is the capicity of a system to do work. Energy
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exists in everybody whether they are human beings or animals or non- living things e.g jet, machines
Energy can have many forms. The different forms of energy are: Kinetic
Potential Energy
Light Energy
Sound Energy
Gravitational Energy
Elastic Energy
Electromagnetic Energy
Nuclear Energy
Heat Energy
According to the law of conservation of energy, any form of energy can be converted into
another form and the total energy will remain the same. For example, a laborer, when he pushes a
pile ofbags, his potential energy stored inside him is converted into kinetic energy. When a wood is
burnt, its chemical energy is converted into heat energy. When you charge your mobile phone, the
electrical energy is converted into the chemical energy which is stored inside the
battery’s molecules.
Renewable energy is the energy which is generated from natural sources i.e sun wind, rain,
tides and can be generated again and again as and when required. It cannot be depleted. They are
available in abundance and by far they are the cleanest sources of energy available on this planet.
Renewable energy resources are
1. Hydropower, tidal power and wave power energies generated by the movement of water
2. Wind and radiant energy from geothermal heat (used for geothermal power)
3. Solar energy from the sun. The supply of solar energy is an inexaustible energy resorce in
relation to human time scales.
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The potential wave energy on coast lines can provide 1/5 of world demand.
Hydroelectric power can supply 1/3 of total global energy needs
Geothermal energy can provide 1.5 more times the energy needed globally
There is enough wind to power the planet 30times over,
wind power could
power all of humanity’s needs alone
Solar power can supply humanity’s need4,000 times over, but currently
only about 0.1% world energy needs is being supplied by solar.
1. The sun, wind, geothermal, ocean energy are availble in abundat qualitity and are free
to be used
2. Renewable energy sources have low carbon emissions, therefore they are considered as
green and enviromental friendly
3. Renewable energy sources help in stimulating the economy, and creating job
4. You don’t have to rely on any third country for the supply of renewable
5. Renewable sources can cost less than comsuming the local electricity supply
6. It is not easy to set up a pant as the initial costs are quite high.
7. Solar energy can be used during the day time and not during night or raining
8. Geothermal energy which can be used to generate electricity has side effects as it can
bring toxic chemicals beneath the earth surface onto the top and create enviromental
changes.Also it releases carbon monoxide in the air, which combines with oxygen, thus
reducing the percentage of oxygen in the area. Carbon monoxide has the capability to
suffocate as it deprives oxygen from its surroundings to form carbon dioxide
4. Hydroelectirc sources provide pure forms of energy but building dams across the rivers
which is quite expensive can affect natural flow and affect wild life.
5. To use wind energy requires strong winds, therefore suitable sites to operate them has
to be located. They can affect bird population as they are quite high
Page 61
This is also called FINITE RESOURCE. This is a resource that does not renew itself at a sufficient rate
for sustainable economic extraction in meaningful human time–frames. An example is carbon–
based organically – derived fuel. The original organic material, with the aid of heat and pressure,
becomes a fuel such oil or gas. Examples are fossil fuels (such as coal, petroluem, and natural gas )
and uranium. Fossil fuels are mainly made up of carbon. Fossil fuels were formed over 300 million
years ago, when the earth was a lot different in its landscape. It had swampy forests and very
shallow seas. This time is referred to as “ CARBONIFEOUS PERIOD”.
Caol : Most power stations on earth require huge reserves of coal to produce electricity
continuously without break. When coal is burnt, it produces heat that is used to convert the water to
steam. The steam is then used to move the turbines which produces electricity. Coal contains
excessive amount of carbon. When it is burnt to produce power, it combines with oxygen to
produced carbon dioxide which is one of the gas responsible for global warming.
Oil: Wide usage of oil related products has resulted in massive AIR POLLUTION.
Oil is a major source of fuel that is used in vehicles. Due to the process of combustion, harmful gases
like carbon dioxde are released into the atmosphere when oil is burnt. Oil is transported from one
nation to the other using pipeline or ships. Bursting of the pipelines or leakage in ships lead to oil
spill which affect both animals and plants that are inside or around the sea.
Naural Gas: Natural gas is a mixture of gases including methane, ethane, propane and butane. They
burn completely in oxygen and leave no ashes with the release of energy. It causes no pollution and
is one of the cleanest form of fossil fuel.
Nuclear Energy: Nuclear power plants use Uranium as a fuel as a source of energy. The energy can
be released either through nuclear fission or nuclear fusion. Nuclear fission is the most used to
produce nuclear energy.
U- 235 element is bombaded with slow moving neutrons which break the atom and releases energy.
The atoms that got split are then again hit by other neutrons to produce mass amount of
Page 62
energy. Nuclear power does not produce any greenhouse emissions, but produces some sort of
nuclear wastes called RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS. These elements emit strong radiation that can
affect human life.
Energy conservation will result in increased enviromental quality, personal financial security and
higher savings. It will also lower energy costs by preventing future resource depletion.
Page 63
This unit exposed you to the sources of energy and why some are renewable and cannot be
exhausted and others are non- renewable and can be exhausted.
In this unit, we have learnt that there are different sources of energy. The non-renewable
sources are cheap but they can depleted with time and cause serious problems to the enviroment.
While the renewable energy source cannot be depleted and has the capacity to produce more
energy. At present because of the cost of its operation, not much of it is being utilised.
Page 64
1: What is renewable energy?
A) Energy derived from fossil fuels
B) Energy that cannot be replenished
C) Energy from sources that are naturally replenished
D) Energy from nuclear reactions
2: Which of the following is a renewable energy source?
A) Coal B) Natural Gas C) Solar D) Oil
3: What is the primary advantage of renewable energy sources over non-renewable sources?
A) Lower cost B) Limited availability C) Environmental sustainability D) Higher energy density
4: Which energy source is considered non-renewable and releases carbon dioxide when burned for
A) Solar B) Wind C) Coal D) Hydroelectric
5: What is a significant drawback of relying on non-renewable energy sources?
A) Unlimited availability B) High environmental impact C) Low cost D) Infinite lifespan
6: What is an example of a non-renewable energy resource extracted from the Earth's crust?
A) Geothermal energy B) Wind energy C) Natural gas D) Biomass
7: Which renewable energy source is harnessed from the Earth's internal heat?
A) Solar B) Wind C) Geothermal D) Hydroelectric
8: What is a key characteristic of renewable energy technologies?
A) High greenhouse gas emissions B) Limited geographic availability
C) Short operational lifespan D) Ongoing technological advancements
D) Ongoing technological advancements
9: Which non-renewable energy source is often used for heating homes and generating electricity?
A) Oil B) Wind C) Nuclear D) Biomass
10: What is a potential environmental impact of non-renewable energy extraction and production?
A) Increased biodiversity B) Land degradation
C) Improved air quality D) Enhanced ecosystem resilience
11: Which renewable energy source is generated by harnessing the kinetic energy of moving air?
A) Geothermal B) Wind C) Solar D) Biomass
12: What is a significant benefit of using renewable energy sources?
A) Increased air pollution B) Energy independence
C) Accelerated resource depletion D) Higher greenhouse gas emissions
13: What is an example of a biomass energy source?
A) Solar panels B) Hydropower C) Wood pellets D) Natural gas
14: Which renewable energy source is based on the conversion of sunlight into electricity?
A) Wind B) Hydroelectric C) Solar D) Biomass
15: What is a primary advantage of renewable energy in combating climate change?
A) Increased dependence on fossil fuels
B) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions
C) Limited energy availability
D) Higher environmental impact
Almost all electrically powered devices we use such as generator, motors, fans, microware
oven and many others use principles of electromagnetism in their design and function.
Electromagnetism is the branch of science that deals with electricity and magnetism and the
interaction between them.
If we place the thumb and first two fingers of the right hand so that they are all at right
angles to one another:
d)It was also found that a combination of two out of the three phenomena above (flux,
current and motion) generate the third phenomena
Page 66
ii. A conductor forced to move in a magnetic field generates electricity.
This is the principles of design and operation of any electricity generating plant.
Refrigeration is a process in which work is done to move heat from one location to another.
The work of heat transfer or cooling is traditionally driven by mechanical work, but can also be
done by using electricity through a machine called refrigrator.
When ever a volatile liquid drops on any surface, the liquid molecules will want to escape into air
(Vaporise). The liquid molecules will require some energy to vaporise. The liquid will search round
for some heat from the environment to be able to vaporise. The molecule will collect all available
heat on the surface it drops to be able to escape. Where the heat is removed the area becomes cold.
This shows that evaporation causes cooling , this theory of evaporation causes cooling is the basis
for designing and functioning of refrigrators, freezer and in local pot we use in keeping water for
In the refrigrator, there is a liquid which is made to want to evaporate. Before the liquid
particles evaporates it sources for heat energy from its enviroment. The evaporating liquid will
absorb the heat around to make the sorrounding area cold. This phenomena of evaporation requires
the absorbtion of heat from the enviroment is the theory and principles for the design of refrigrator.
Evaporation thus causes cooling.
Page 67
Electromagnetic laws are the basic for the design of motors and electric generators.
Evaration requires some energy to occur which causes cooling.
-It was also observed that a conductor containing eletric current placed in a magnetic
field experiences a mechanical force which makes it more.
-Evaporation causes cooling in the principles for the design of a refrigrator and
Page 68
1: What is electromagnetism?
A) The study of electric currents B) The study of magnetism
C) The interaction between electric currents and magnetic fields D) The study of static electricity
2: What is a magnetic field?
A) The force exerted by a magnet B) The space around a magnet where magnetic forces are felt
C) The movement of charged particles D) The strength of an electric current
3: What is the relationship between an electric current and a magnetic field, according to Ampere's Law?
A) They are unrelated B) They are inversely proportional
C) They are directly proportional D) They repel each other
4: How is an electromagnet created?
A) By wrapping a wire around a non-magnetic material B) By passing an electric current through a coil of wire
C) By exposing a metal to a magnetic field D) By heating a magnetic material
5: What is Faraday's Law of Electromagnetic Induction?
A) The force between two charged particles
B) The creation of an electric current in a wire loop due to a changing magnetic field
C) The behavior of magnets in a vacuum
D) The resistance of a material to the flow of electric current
6: What is the unit of measurement for magnetic flux?
A) Ampere B) Tesla C) Coulomb D) Ohm
7: How does the direction of an induced current in a wire relate to the change in magnetic flux, according to Lenz's Law? A) It is in
the same direction as the change in magnetic flux
B) It is opposite to the change in magnetic flux
C) It is perpendicular to the magnetic flux
D) It is unrelated to the change in magnetic flux
8: What is the purpose of a transformer in electrical systems?
A) To convert electrical energy into mechanical energy B) To increase voltage in an electric circuit
C) To convert magnetic energy into electrical energy D) To store electrical charge
9: What is the force experienced by a charged particle moving in a magnetic field called?
A) Electric force B) Gravitational force C) Magnetic force D) Centrifugal force
10: What is the relationship between the strength of a magnetic field and the distance from the magnet, according to Gauss's
Law for Magnetism?
A) Inversely proportional B) Directly proportional C) Exponentially proportional D) Unrelated
11: What is the primary purpose of a refrigeration system?
A) Heating B) Cooling C) Generating electricity D) Purifying water
12: What is the function of the evaporator in a refrigeration system?
A) To compress refrigerant B) To expand refrigerant
C) To absorb heat from the space being cooled D) To release heat to the external environment
13: Which substance is commonly used as a refrigerant in refrigeration systems?
A) Oxygen B) Nitrogen C) Ammonia D) Carbon dioxide
14: What is the role of the compressor in a refrigeration cycle?
A) To absorb heat B) To circulate refrigerant C) To release heat D) To compress the refrigerant
15: What is the purpose of the condenser in a refrigeration system?
A) To evaporate refrigerant B) To compress refrigerant
C) To release heat to the external environment D) To absorb heat from the space being cooled
16: What is the function of the expansion valve in a refrigeration system?
A) To absorb heat B) To compress refrigerant
C) To release heat D) To expand and cool the refrigerant
17: In a refrigeration cycle, what happens in the evaporator coil?
A) Refrigerant is compressed B) Heat is absorbed from the space being
C) Heat is released to the external environment D) Refrigerant is condensed
18: What is the purpose of the thermostat in a refrigeration system?
A) To regulate the flow of refrigerant B) To control the temperature of the space being cooled
C) To compress the refrigerant D) To release heat
19: What is the typical purpose of a defrost cycle in a refrigeration system?
A) To cool the space B) To prevent ice buildup on the evaporator coil
C) To compress refrigerant D) To release heat
20: What is a common application of refrigeration technology?
A) Space heating B) Food preservation C) Electricity generation D) Water purification
1. Science and politics
Politics is the process by which a group of people make decision. It consists of social
relations involving authority and power.
Issues on Science and politics
Nationsthe world over pay particular attention to science and technology to improve their
level of scientific and technological development by making efforts to produce the
manpower that can efficiently and successfully apply the capabilities of science and
technology to the development of its people and the quality of life of her citizens.It is on this
basis that a country is adjudged to be scientifically and technologically developed. It is the
level of development that has given rise to the classification of the nations of the world into
the first, second and third world countries. Nigeria falls in the group of the third world
Social Economic forces
The scientific and technological strength of a nation have bearing on the level of support
the scientist receive from the government and private organization in terms of funding most
super powers like the United State, Great Britain spend large proportion of their budgets on
Scientific researchers and applications.
Public Policy and Science Development
Many Governments of nations make policies that they feel can enhance the wellbeing of the people
they govern. For example, in the education sector, considering the importance attached to science
and technology, policies are made to encourage students to study Science. Sometimes the
Government intentionally publishes false or misleading scientific information to down play the
seriousness of certain issues.
Racism and Science Development
Racism is a factor that has affected the growth and development of Science. Sometimes
important research findings have been suppressed simply because it is coming from Africa.
3.2 Science And War
Hornby (2006) defined war as a state of opened, declared armed hostile conflict between
states or nations. It is one of the outcome of issues in politics and also one of the
Page 70
negative effects of Science and technology. Wars are fought by using weapons developed
using the knowledge of Science and technology. Fundings of the researches for the
production of weapons are being provided by the government.
Effect of war on the development of Science and Technology
1. Research Findings
A large fraction of funding for science is for the purpose of war. Because of this, many
research areas and application of science are oriented to war.
2. Direction of technological change
War influences not only specific scientific projects but also the whole direction of
technological innovation.
3. Criteria for important scientific problems
Due to the high degree of military funding for science and the military influence on
the direction of technological innovation, what are seen as improtant scientific can
become oriented to military interests. For example, nuclear physics, genetic engineering
and plasma physics hold part of their prestige to their potential role in war.
Effects of Modern War on Society
Modern wars are more deadly and destructive. They work havoc on an alarming large
scale. The loss of life and property is so enormous.
Weapons of War
Science and technology has developed new and horible weapons which has changed
the way war is being fought.
Page 71
4.0 Conclusion
This unit examined the ways politics and war have affected the development of Science and
technology. The growth and development of Science and technology in any society depend on the
support received from the government of the day, and the type of policies been made.
1. Summary
In this unit, you learnt that: politics and war affects the development of science and technology.
The different ways include:
Page 72
Multiple-Choice Test:
1. Which category of weapons involves the use of substances that can cause harm to living organisms
and the environment?
a. Rockets b. Guns c. Chemical and Biological d. Nuclear
2. What type of weapon is designed to release energy through a chain reaction of nuclear fission?
a. Atomic bomb b. Rockets c. Missiles d. Guns
3. Which weapon relies on the fusion of hydrogen isotopes to release a tremendous amount of energy?
a. Hydrogen bomb b. Missiles c. Rockets d. Guns
4. What is a guided projectile that can carry a warhead and be propelled in varying ways?
a. Guns b. Missiles c. Nuclear
5. Which term is commonly associated with unguided projectiles that are propelled by engines or
a. Rockets b. Guns c. Chemical and Biological d. Nuclear
6. What is the primary source of energy in a nuclear weapon?
a. Fusion b. Fission c. Combustion d. Chemical reaction
7. Which type of weapon is often handheld and relies on projectile-based technology?
a. Missiles b. Hydrogen bomb c. Atomic bomb d. Guns
8. In terms of destruction, which weapon is considered more powerful, an atomic bomb or a hydrogen
bomb? a. Atomic bomb b. Hydrogen bomb
c. They have similar destructive power d. It depends on the target
9. Which of the following weapons is primarily associated with space exploration?
a. Rockets b. Missiles c. Guns d. Chemical and Biological
10. What is the main purpose of chemical and biological weapons in warfare?
a. Destroying infrastructure b. Targeting enemy soldiers
c. Causing harm to the environment d. Affecting living organisms
11. Which weapon can be described as a self-propelled, guided device that carries a payload?
a. Guns b. Rockets c. Missiles d. Nuclear
12. What is the primary mechanism of propulsion for rockets?
a. Chemical reaction b. Fission c. Fusion d. Combustion
13. Which weapon category involves the use of firearms for combat?
a. Rockets b. Nuclear c. Atomic bomb d. Guns
14. What is the primary difference between nuclear weapons and other types of weapons?
a. They use radioactive materials b. They are more expensive
c. They have greater range d. They rely on chemical reactions
15. Which of the following weapons is known for its indiscriminate and widespread impact on the
environment and civilians?
a. Guns b. Missiles c. Chemical and Biological d. Rockets
Environmental Education (EE) can be defined as an organised effort to teach about how
natural environments function and, particularly, how human being can manage their
behaviour and ecosystems in order to live sustainably (Bortosh 2003). According to
UNESCO, Tbilisi Declaration, (1978) EE is a learning process that increases people’s
knowledge and awareness about the environment and associated challenges, develops the
necessary skills and expertise to address the challenges, and fosters attitude, motivations,
and commitment to make informed decision and take responsible action. It is a form of
Science, Technology, Society (STS) education, but places greater emphasis on the
enviromental consequences of scientific and technology developments.
First Period: Nature study Movement, from late 19th century. The nature study movement
used tables and moral lessons top help students develop an appreciation of nature and
embrace the natural world.
This emerged as a result of the Great Depression during the 1920s and 1930s.
Conversatismeducation dealt with the nature world in a drastically different way from
Nature study because it focused on rigorous Scientific training rather than natural history.
It was a major Scientific management and planning tool that helped solve social, economic,
and Environmental problems.
Page 74
modern environmental education moverment forward (Venlataraman2008). Ultimately on
April 22, 1970 a national teach – in about environmental problems paved the way for the
modern Environmental Education Movement. Later that same year, President Nixon passed
the National Environmental Education Act, which was intended to incorporate
Environmental Education into K- 12 Schools then, in 1971, the National Association to
improve environmental literacy by providing resources to teachers and promoting
environmental education programs.
The Declaration of the United Nation Conference on the Human Environment. The
document was made up 26 principles to inspire and guide the people of the world in the
preservation and enhancement of the human environment.
This was built upon the stockholm declaration and adds, goals, objectives, and guiding
principles of environmental education programmes. It defines an audience for
environmental educational which includes the public.
This Declaration noted the important role of environmental education in the preservation
and improvement of the world’s environment, as well as in the sound and
balanced development of the world’s communites. The conference laid out
the role, objectives, and characteristic of enviromental education and provided several
goals and principles for environmental education.
Page 75
Environmental education in the Philippines
2. Eco-Schools Program:The Eco-Schools Program is a global initiative that has been adopted in the
Philippines. It encourages schools to integrate environmental education into their curriculum and
operations, fostering a culture of sustainability among students and teachers.
3. Bantay Kalikasan (Nature Watch):Bantay Kalikasan is an environmental program led by the ABS-CBN
Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation. It focuses on community-based environmental protection and education,
emphasizing reforestation, waste management, and sustainable livelihood.
5.DENR Environmental Education and Public Awareness Campaigns:The DENR regularly conducts
environmental education campaigns and public awareness initiatives. These campaigns aim to inform
the public about environmental issues, conservation efforts, and individual actions to promote a
sustainable environment.
6. Green TV: Green TV is an environmental education initiative that uses television as a platform to
educate the public on environmental issues and sustainable practices. It provides informative programs
to raise awareness and inspire positive actions.
7. Earth Day Network Philippines: Earth Day Network Philippines is actively involved in promoting
environmental education and awareness through various activities and events. It collaborates with
schools, communities, and government agencies to organize programs that highlight the importance of
environmental stewardship.
8. Philippine Native Plants Conservation Society, Inc.: This organization focuses on the conservation of
native plant species in the Philippines. It conducts educational programs and workshops to inform the
public about the importance of preserving indigenous flora for biodiversity and ecosystem health.
9. Green Convergence for Safe Food, Healthy Environment, and Sustainable Economy: Green
Convergence is a coalition of environmental organizations advocating for sustainable development. It
engages in educational campaigns to promote sustainable agriculture, environmental protection, and a
green economy.
10. Environmental Science for Social Change: This organization is dedicated to promoting environmental
science and sustainable practices. It conducts educational programs, workshops, and research to
empower communities with the knowledge needed for environmentally responsible decision-making.
These initiatives collectively contribute to building a more environmentally conscious and sustainable
society in the Philippines by raising awareness, providing education, and encouraging active participation
in environmental conservation efforts.
1: What government agency in the Philippines is actively involved in promoting environmental
A) Department of Education (DepEd) B) Department of Agriculture (DA)
C) Department of Trade and I ndustry (DTI ) D) Department of Health (DOH)
2: Which global initiative promoting environmental awareness has been adopted in the Philippines and
encourages schools to integrate environmental education?
A) Eco-Schools Program B) Green Revolution
C) Sustainable Cities I nitiative D) Nature Watch Program
3: Which organization is known for its focus on biodiversity conservation in the Philippines, including
educational programs and workshops?
A) Greenpeace Philippines B) Earth Day Network Philippines
C) Haribon Foundation D) ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation
4: What does DENR stand for in the context of environmental education in the Philippines?
A) Department of Energy and Natural Resources
B) Department of Environmental and Natural Resources
C) Department of Ecology and Natural Resources
D) Department of Earth and Nature Resources
5: Which TV program serves as a platform for environmental education in the Philippines, offering
informative content on environmental issues and sustainable practices?
A) Nature Watch B) Green TV C) Eco-Show D) Earth Awareness
6: What is the main focus of the Green Convergence for Safe Food, Healthy Environment, and
Sustainable Economy?
A) Energy conservation B) Sustainable agriculture
C) Wildlife protection D) Air quality improvement
7: What role does Earth Day Network Philippines play in the context of environmental education?
A) Biodiversity research B) Organizing tree-planting events
C) Promoting sustainable energy D) Conducting environmental education programs
8: Which organization is involved in the conservation of native plant species in the Philippines and
conducts educational programs on biodiversity?
A) Green Convergence B) ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya
C) Philippine Native Plants Conservation Society, I nc. D) Environmental Science for Social Change
9: What is the primary purpose of the ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation's Bantay Kalikasan
program? A) Environmental education in schools B) Reforestation and waste management
C) Promoting renewable energy D) Conservation of marine ecosystems
10: Which organization focuses on promoting environmental science and sustainable practices in the
A) Greenpeace Philippines B) Earth Day Network Philippines
C) Environmental Science for Social Change D) Haribon Foundation
11: I n the Philippines, what is the primary purpose of the Environmental Science for Social Change
A) Sustainable agriculture B) Conservation of native plants
C) Promotion of environmental science D) Reforestation and waste management
12: What does the term "Bantay Kalikasan" translate to in English?* *
A) Nature Watch B) Green Revolution C) Earth Guardians D) Environmental Stewardship
13: Which type of awareness does the Eco-Schools Program aim to foster in schools?
A) Cultural awareness B) Financial literacy C) Environmental awareness D) Health awareness
14: What is the primary goal of the Department of Environmental and Natural Resources (DENR) in
promoting environmental education?
A) Resource extraction B) Pollution control C) Sustainable development D) I ndustrial growth
15: Which organization is actively involved in community-based environmental protection,
emphasizing reforestation, waste management, and sustainable livelihood?
A) Greenpeace Philippines B) Earth Day Network Philippines
C) ABS-CBN Lingkod Kapamilya Foundation D) Green Convergence
Page 82
in the real world. It is a movement that gives less attention to possession of conceptual
understanding of pure science abstract ideas and emphasizes more the ability to make
decisions relating to the technological applications of scientific ideas, of socio- scientific
issues facing society. These are being recognized as crucial learning comportments. (Shamos
As pact of the Science – Technology – Society (STS) movement, the NSTA
(1991)suggested that a scientifically and technologically literate person needs four
1) Intellectual (High Order Thinking Skills)
2) Attitudinal
3) Societal
4) Interdisciplinary
Hence according to Norris & Philips (2003) scientific literacy can be used to include the
a. Knowledge of the substantive content of science and ability to distinguish from on-
It can be seen from the above list that scientific literacy involves much more then the mere
acquisition of the scientific knowledge. It also entails a process of making science as a way of
living and behaving
Page 83
The goals of scientific literacy according to Yager (1992) is to develop in the citizenry the
abilities to use concept from science and ethical values in solving everyday problems and
making responsible decisions in everyday life, including work and leisure. That is:
Engage in responsible personal and civic actions after weighing the possible
consequences of alternate options.
Distinguishing between scientific evidence and personal opinion and between
reliable and unreliable information
defend decisions and actions using rational arguments based on evidence
Remain open to new evidence and tentativeness of scientific knowledge.
Value scientific research and technology problem solving
Offer explanation of natural phenomena which may be tested for their validity
Locate, collect, analyze and evaluate source of scientific and technological
Use these sources in solving problems making and taking actions
In order to help fill the growing need for scientifically and technologically literate society, it
is important to stimulate interest in science and technology knowledge at an early age.
In Africa, response to the development of scientific and technological capacities has been
through the introduction of science curriculum and technical vocational education curriculum in the
national education system. While primary and secondary education levels have often been
responsible for laying the foundation in science and technology and providing opportunities for
awareness creation and exploration higher education institutions have been responsible for training
and producing middle and higher level scientific and technological manpower for national
Page 84
Nigeria has Ministry of Science and Technology with the mandate to promote scientific and
technological growth.
Beyond formal education, science and technology can be learnt through the media many of us
depend on the news media to keep abreast of advances and breakthroughs, to explain the science
behind eruption volcanoes or the engineering involved in containing massive oil spills.
There are a number of reasons why scientific and technological literacy is important. The
society we live in depends on technology and the scientific knowledge that makes it possible.
Science and technology under our economy, our ability to support our growing
population, and new developments to keep us healthy and our military strong is needed.
The future of the youths depends on their knowledge of science and technology in a
world where employers seek well – educated, well – rounded individuals in the
engineers, doctors etc. There is the need for scientific literacy.
Our ability to survive as a species depends on understanding the threats to our
ecosystem and the choices, we make to mitigate these threats such as global warming,
desertification, deforestation, pollution and many more requires the need for scientific
Scientific and technological literacy is a must for science education. Science education must
try to address the appreciation of the nature of science and the relevance of the science being
acquired. That is enhancing scientific literacy through science education by using appropriate
approach of teaching science in the classroom hence the Science – Technology – Society (STS)
In this unit you have learnt the aims of science education as it is stipulated in the national
policy on education. Also Science- Technology – Society (STS) approach of teaching science in the
classroom is looked at; and the end product of which is scientific and technological literacy is
discussed. The meaning, goals, and importance of scientific literacy are discussed as well as ways
of promoting scientific and technological literacy
Page 85
1: What does scientific literacy encompass?
A) Memorization of scientific facts B) Knowledge of the risks and benefits of science
C) Awareness of scientific controversies D) Ability to perform complex scientific experiments
2: What is one aspect of scientific literacy related to the ability to distinguish science from non-
science? A) Memorization of scientific formulas B) Critical thinking skills
C) Ability to recite scientific theories D) Knowledge of historical scientific events
3: What is an essential component of understanding science and its implications?
A) Memorization of scientific laws B) Ability to apply scientific knowledge
C) Knowledge of ancient scientific discoveries D) Recitation of scientific terminology
4: What does independence in learning science involve?
A) Relying solely on textbooks for information B) Seeking information from diverse sources
C) Avoiding scientific discussions with others D) Memorizing scientific concepts without questioning them
5: What does the ability to think scientifically primarily involve?
A) Memorizing scientific experiments B) Following scientific procedures without deviation
C) Applying the scientific method to solve problems D) Reciting scientific theories verbatim
6: How does scientific literacy contribute to problem-solving?
A) By limiting solutions to established scientific methods B) By promoting creativity and critical thinking
C) By relying solely on expert opinions D) By memorizing solutions to common problems
7: What is knowledge needed for intelligent participation in science-based issues characterized by?
A) Blind acceptance of scientific findings B) Relying solely on personal opinions
C) I nformed decision-making based on scientific evidence D) Avoidance of scientific discussions
8: Understanding the nature of science includes recognizing its relationship with:
A) Art and literature B) History and culture C) Mathematics only D) Philosophy and religion
9: What does scientific literacy involve regarding science's wonder and curiosity?
A) Disregard for the emotional aspects of science B) Memorization of scientific wonders
C) Appreciation of the curiosity-driven nature of science D) Rigid adherence to scientific principles
10: I n the context of scientific literacy, what is a crucial aspect of the ability to think critically about
A) Accepting scientific information without questioning B) Relying solely on expert opinions
C) Evaluating evidence and questioning assumptions D) Avoiding exposure to scientific controversies
11: What is one key element of the ability to deal with scientific enterprise?
A) Memorization of scientific laws and theories B) I gnoring scientific advancements
C) Adaptability to changing scientific paradigms D) Refusal to engage with scientific discussions
12: How does scientific literacy contribute to knowledge of what counts as science?
A) By disregarding alternative perspectives B) By fostering openness to diverse scientific disciplines
C) By relying solely on traditional scientific views D) By limiting scientific knowledge to specific fields
13: What is an essential aspect of the ability to use scientific knowledge in problem-solving?
A) Memorizing scientific formulas B) Applying a rigid set of procedures
C) Creativity and flexibility in approach D) Avoiding experimentation
14: What is the primary goal of scientific literacy regarding participation in science-based issues?
A) Encouraging blind acceptance of scientific views
B) Facilitating informed and meaningful contributions
C) Discouraging public engagement with scientific matters
D) Relying solely on scientific experts for decision-making
15: What does scientific literacy involve regarding the application of scientific knowledge?
A) Blind application without critical thinking
B) Memorization of scientific facts for application
C) Pragmatic and critical application in real-world scenarios
D) Avoidance of practical applications of scientific concepts