Crafting The Curriculum
Crafting The Curriculum
Crafting The Curriculum
Who teaches? The teacher Quality Education requires quality teachers. Good teachers bring a shining light into the learning environment. They are ideal companions of the learners. With the advances in communication technology, good teachers are needed to sort out the information from the data that surround the learners.
Good teachers are needed to sort out the knowledge from the information but even more important excellent teachers are needed to sort the wisdom from the knowledge. Institutions are as good as its teachers. Hence, the right individuals who are expected to be recruited are those with excellence and relevant preparation.
The Learners The learners are at the center stage in the educative process. They are the most important factors in the learning environment. There is no teaching without them. Hence, teachers should understand and accept the learners diverse background.
Each one of them is a unique individual. They come from different sectors of society of different cultural background, socio-economic profile, orientation and varied experiences, Considering the domain of diversity of learners will allow the individual learner to develop his multiple intelligences at his own pace. Hence , their needs should be addressed and be met thats why teachers are to provide learning opportunities and varied experiences.
To help the learners cope with rapid changes to understand and to succeed in the new work in the workplace, we must design a curriculum oriented to tomorrow. It should be remembered that what students learn will be obsolete in ten years, and half of what need to know to succeed in work and in life has not yet been fully developed and will have to be learned as they go along in the future.
Calculators and typewriters are made obsolete by computers and the next generation will see these being replaced. And so, the value of the educational process lies not just in what they learn, but how they learn, and how good they will be in continuing to learn after they leave school. The teacher is expected to prepare his syllabus or course of study as his vehicle for instruction.
For teachers to teach effectively, they must use appropriate methodologies, approaches and strategies capped with compassionate and winsome nature. Teachers should select teaching methods, learning activities and instructional materials or resources appropriate to learners and aligned to objective of the lessons.
When teachers teach, they formulate objectives to be accomplished by the learners. A curriculum should be clear at the beginning with what knowledge, skills and values should be developed by the learners. These are the guiding posts of the teachers. These are stated on behavioral terms which will guide the actions of the one who teach.
In curriculum, we call this the learning outcomes. These learning outcomes indicate the performance of both the teachers and the learners. Learning outcomes are the product performance of the learners as a result of teaching. Performance is a feature of curriculum that should be given emphasis.
The curriculum is deemed to be successful if the performance of the learners is higher than that the target sets. However, if the performance of the learners is low then it follows that the curriculum has failed. A good curriculum is one that results in high or excellent performance.
Community Partnership Teaching is collaborative undertaking. While teachers are the focal point in the learning process, they must draw upon the resources of their environment and of their partners to be effective. Teacher must establish relationship with parents, NGOs and their stakeholders. Partnership is a means and not an end to be pursued in itself.
An absence of partnership often means a poor definition of education ends, However, as society changes, teachers will have a new beginning, an opportunity to recast their role in their communities, to change their attitudes to their communities, to change the attitude of their communities and societies about them