Case Presentation
Case Presentation
Case Presentation
Right inguinal swelling for 2 months
History of present ill ness
Noticed swelling in right in inguinal region for 2 months while lifting weight,
initially of tt ball size, gradually increasing , now hen egg size
Swelling present initially while straining and coughing , now seen on upright
position and disappear on lying down
No hx of pain over swelling
No swelling on oppisite side
no hx of fever, weight loss
Hx straining during defecation and passing of hard stool present , but non blood
mixed, non mucus mixed
no straining during micturition or other complain of urination
No hx of chronic cough, chest pain , sob , hemoptysis
Non iv drug user
No hx of trauma
No other lesion on genital region or right leg
No hx of difficulty in walking
no hx of nausea , viomitting , pain abdomen, abdomen distension , water brass ,
heart burn , hematemesis, diarrhea, hematochesia
No hx palpitation, pedel edema , facial pufyness
No hx of hearing , vision , or speech impairment , convulsion , focal motor or
sensory impairment
no hx of petechiae, perpura , joint swelling
Past hx
Hx of DM with controlled sugar level with medication metformin 500mg bd
Modified grahm patch repair done 1 year back for du perforation
Non HTN , TB, STDS ,lymphoma or other surgical intervention
Personal hx
Non alcoholic non smoker, consumes mixed diet
no known drug allergy history
Family hx
No documented hx of dm htn ptb malignancy hernia to parents and brother and
Genaral examination
Setting comfortably on bed, conscious, co operative, Well oriented to
time ,place , person,
wt 65 kg bmi 23.3 kg/m2
bp 110/70 mm hg,
pulse 80 bpm
Respiatory rate 16/min
Temp 98.6’f
No pallor, icterus, edema, cyanosis ,lymph node palpable
On inguino scrotal examination exposure
on standing :
swelling on right inguinal region, pyriform shape tip directining medial and
downward, about 7cm along ligament and 5cm perpendicular to it, smooth, ill
defined margin, expansile on coughing
No reddnes , ulcer, puntum, scar, engorged vein pigmentation on skin over
no visible pulsation
Swelling disappeared on lying down
Penis in midline, no deviation
Scrotum is separated from swelling , b/l equal in size, no deviation, with presence
of b/l testis
No local rise of temperature over swelling
No tenderness over swelling
Getting over swelling absent
Swelling present On inguinal region about 3 cm downward and medial to ASIS ,
oblique toward penis and 10 cm downward and lateral from umbilicus toward mid
inguinal ligament,
of length 7cm along inguinal ligament and 5 cm perpendicular to it,2 cm
height , pyramidal shape directed downward
Smooth surface and margin
Soft consistency
Non transilluminent, non fluctuant
Dull on percussion
Bowel sound present
Finger invagination test not done
Deep ring occlusion test : no bulge medial to swelling,
Ziemann’s test impulse felt in index finger
Abdomen examination:
abdomen flat, umbilicus central, presence of midline scar mark extending 5 cm
down to xiphisternum to 5 cm below umbilicus,abdomen moves with respiration,no
scar pigmentation, pulsation swelling
No local rise of temperature, tenderness, guarding rididity,liver spleen kidney not
Percussion: Tympanic
Auscultation: Bowel sound heard 2 times / min
On digital rectal examination:
no skin tag ,fissure , discharge, sinus, fistula, hemorrhoid, mucosa smooth ,prostate
non tender firm upper margin palpable with size approx. 20 gm
Chest examination :
Inspection b/l symetricat eliptrical chest, no visible scar ,swelling b/l
equal chest movement rr 18/ min, apical impulse below and lateral to
Palpation: b/l equal chest expansion apex beat at 5th ics at mcl
Percussion :resonant, liver dullness from 6th ics at right mcl
Auscultation:b/l vesicular breath sound heard, s1 s2 heard no murmur
66 yrs male with diagnosed and controlled dm with medication presented with c/o of
painless, redicuble swelling in right inguinal region for 2 monthswhich progressively
increased in size,initially appear on straining and coughing but now on standing and
redicued on lying down. He has hx of constipation but no feature of bowel
obstructuion, luts, chronic cough, no other surgical intervention except modified
graham patch repair.
Differential diagnosis
Enlarged lymph node
Cord lipoma
Encysted cord hydrocele
Undisended testis
Psoas abscess
HB : 13.7 GM %
TWBC :7600 / mm3
Platelet 194000 / mm3
RBS: 116 mg%
Urine re :wnl
SEROLOGY : non reactive
PT /INR: 14/1.2
COVID 19 : negative
CXR : no abnormality seen
ECG: sinus rhythm