3-Ch3 (steps1234)(2)
3-Ch3 (steps1234)(2)
3-Ch3 (steps1234)(2)
It is a Seven-Step Process
1. Identify a broad problem area
2. Define the problem statement
Determining the research objectives
The significance of the research
Literature review
3. Framework and hypotheses
4. Determine measures & operational definitions
5. Data collection
6. Data analysis
7. Interpretation of data & research report
Slide 2-2
Chapter 3
Slide 3-3
The Broad Problem Area
No existing theories
Slide 3-6
Symptoms versus Problems
Slide 3-8
From Problem
Problem to
to Feasible
Feasible Research
Research Topic
Slide 3-9
From Problem
Problem to
to Feasible
Feasible Research
Research Topic
Broad Research Specific
proble proble
m Reading and m
Slide 3-10
Preliminary Information
Information Gathering
Preliminary research helps to find
answers to questions such as:
Slide 3-11
Preliminary Information
Information Gathering
Slide 3-12
Preliminary Information
Information Gathering
In general, the preliminary research
starts by collecting secondary data (early
stages in research)
Slide 3-13
First Review of the Literature
Slide 3-15
Good Problem Statement
Slide 3-16
3: Determining
Determining the
the research
research aim
aim and
Research objective: why of the research
Research objective in applied research:
to solve a specific problem in a work setting;
to change something.
To determine factors that increase employee
commitment to the organization;
Allows manager to increase commitment and hence
to decrease turnover, absenteeism and increase
performance levels.
Slide 3-17
Research aim and objectives
Research aim emphasizes what needs to be achieved
within the scope of the research, by the end of the
research process.
Research objectives divide research aim into several
parts and address each part separately.
Slide 14-18
Research aim and objectives
Research title:
Effects of organizational culture on business profitability: a
case study of Petra university
Research aim: To assess the effects of Petra university
organizational culture on business profitability
Following Research objectives would facilitate the achievement of
this aim:
1. Analyzing the nature of organizational culture at Petra university by
September 1, 2023
2. Identifying factors impacting Petra university organizational culture
by September 16, 2023
3. Analyzing impacts of Petra university organizational culture on
employee performances by September 30, 2023
4. Providing recommendations to Petra university strategic level
management in terms of increasing the level of effectiveness of
organizational culture by October 5, 2023
Slide 14-19
Slide 3-20
Research objectives
Slide 14-21
4: Determining
Determining the
the research
research Questions
1. Exploratory
2. Descriptive
3. Causal
Slide 14-22
Basic Types of Questions
A service provider wants to know why his customers
are switching to other service providers?
Slide 3-23
Basic Types of Questions
2-Descriptive questions: (Qualitative or Quantitative)
Enable the researcher to describe the characteristics
of the variables of interest in a situation.
What is the profile of the individuals who have loan
payments outstanding for 6 months and more?
The profile would include details of their average age,
earnings, nature of occupation, full-time/part-time
employment status, and the like. This might help him
to elicit further information or decide right away on the
types of individuals who should be made ineligible for
loans in the future.
Slide 3-24
Basic Types of Questions
3-Causal questions:
Delineating one or more factors that are
causing a problem.
Will the sales of product X increase if we
increase the advertising budget?
Slide 3-25
Basic Types of Questions
Causal research
Slide 3-26
Questions Example:
Slide 3-27
4: The
The significant
significant of
of the
the research
research (importance)
Slide 3-28
The Research Proposal
Slide 3-29
Research Proposal Contains (1)
Working title.
Background of the study.
The problem statement.
- The purpose of the study.
- Research questions.
The scope of the study.
The relevance of the study.
Slide 3-30
Research Proposal Contains (2)
Slide 3-31