FBDs Outbreak
FBDs Outbreak
FBDs Outbreak
This pattern raised suspicion that a common ingredient in the meal might
be responsible for the outbreak
They conducted testing on beef patties used in the affected sandwiches.
The results of these tests were negative for E. coli, further confirming that
the source was not the beef but rather the onions.
The FDA and CDC coordinated closely with state agencies to trace the onions'
supply chain, ultimately linking contamination to a Taylor Farms processing
facility and an onion grower in Washington State.
Public Health Challenge
The E. coli O157:H7 strain responsible for the outbreak is known to produces
Shiga toxin, causing symptoms such as severe abdominal pain, bloody diarrhea,
and, cause severe gastrointestinal illness
While many infected individuals recover within a week, a subset of patients can
develop more severe complications, such as hemolytic uremic syndrome
(HUS), a life-threatening condition that can lead to kidney failure
Many of the patients experienced symptoms between September 27 and October 16,
2024, but it is likely that additional cases were still in the process of being diagnosed
at the time of the report.
It was noted that the true number of cases was likely higher than reported, as many
individuals with mild symptoms may not have sought medical care or were not
tested for E. coli.
Public health officials estimated that for every diagnosed case, approximately 26
others might go undiagnosed.
Risk Factors and Vulnerable Populations
E. coli O157:H7 poses a particularly high risk to certain populations, including young chil
the elderly, and immunocompromised individuals. These groups are more susceptible to
developing severe complications, including HUS. As a result, public health communication
surrounding the outbreak emphasized the importance of seeking medical attention if sympt
E. coli infection were observed, particularly for vulnerable individuals
Immediate Actions:
Upon identifying the outbreak, McDonald’s and Taylor Farms voluntarily recalled all
slivered onions from affected batches. Restaurants stopped serving onions in menu items
nationwide as a precautionary measure. Public advisories were issued, warning consumers
about potential exposure.
Traceback Investigations:
Federal and state health agencies collaborated to trace the onions through the supply
chain. Advanced techniques like whole-genome sequencing (WGS) confirmed the
genetic match between the outbreak strain found in patients and the contaminated
Medical Treatment and Monitoring:
Hospitals reported increased admissions for suspected E. coli infections during the
outbreak period. Patients with severe symptoms were treated with supportive care,
including hydration and monitoring for complications like HUS.
Listeria Monocytogenes Outbreak Linked To Deli Meats In The USA
Public health agencies have made efforts to educate consumers about the need to cook
deli meats to an internal temperature of 165°F (74°C), but this advice is not always
followed, particularly if individuals are unfamiliar with the severity of Listeria infection
or if heating deli meats is not considered convenient.