unit 2
unit 2
unit 2
MIS:-Management Information System
• Management:-Management covers the planning, control, and
administration of the operations of a concern. The top
management handles planning; the middle management
concentrates on controlling; and the lower management is
concerned with actual administration.
• Information:-Information, in MIS, means the processed data that
helps the management in planning, controlling and operations.
Data means all the facts arising out of the operations of the
concern. Data is processed i.e. recorded, summarized, compared
and finally presented to the management in the form of MIS
• System:-Data is processed into information with the help of a
system. A system is made up of inputs, processing, output and
feedback or control
Management Information System
• 'MIS' is a planned system of collecting, storing, and disseminating data in the
form of information needed to carry out the functions of management.
• The MIS has been understood and described in a number of ways. It is also
referred to as:
a) Information system
b) Information and decision system
c) Computer based information system
• MIS can be defined in a number of ways:
1. The MIS is defined as a system which provides information support for
decision making in the organization.
2. MIS is an integrated system of men and machines for providing the
information to support the operations, the management and decision making
functions in the organization.
3. MIS is defined as a system based on the database to the Organization evolved
for the purpose of providing information to the people in the Organization
Basic Objectives
• Capturing Data − Capturing contextual data, or operational information that will
contribute in decision making from various internal and external sources of
• Processing Data − The captured data is processed into information needed for
planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling functionalities at
strategic, tactical and operational level. Processing data means:
a) making calculations with the data
b) sorting data
c) classifying data and summarizing data
• Information Storage − Information or processed data need to be stored for
future use.
• Information Retrieval − The system should be able to retrieve this information
from the storage as and when required by various users.
• Information Propagation − Information or the finished product of the MIS should
be circulated to its users periodically using the organizational network.
Characteristics of Computerized MIS
• It should be able to process data accurately and with high speed,
using various techniques like operations research, simulation,
heuristics, etc.
• It should be able to collect, organize, manipulate, and update large
amount of raw data of both related and unrelated nature, coming from
various internal and external sources at different periods of time.
• It should provide real time information on ongoing events without any
• It should support various output formats and follow latest rules and
regulations in practice.
• It should provide organized and relevant information for all levels of
management: strategic, operational, and tactical.
• It should aim at extreme flexibility in data storage and retrieval.
Components of MIS
1. Executives :The people who utilize MIS. These people are computer professionals who operate
MIS for data processing to achieve organizational goals like planning and decision-making.
2. Hardware :Components of MIS include various input and output devices that helps in feeding
data as well as displaying the information when required. The input devices include the keyboard,
scanners and mouse. The output devices may be the monitor, printer, network devices, and so on.
3. Software :Computer programs which are designed to do a specific task for example, MS Office,
Banking Software’s, Railway’s applications etc., different kinds of software available to process
the data/information in an organization such as ERP (enterprise resource planning) and CRM
(customer relationship management).
4. Organizational Procedures :Procedures are sets of rules or guidelines that an organization
establishes for the use of a computer-based information system. The procedures may vary from
one organization to another. It may also vary from one department to another as per the
For example, the working of production department is different from the working of sales
department. The production department requires information regarding the raw material or
quantity of goods to be produced. So, the production department sets its procedures in such a way
that the MIS system helps in retrieving the information required by the department. In the similar
way, the sales department requires information regarding the quantity of goods sold and the other
expenses that occurred during the sales of the product. Therefore, the sales department sets the
procedures in such a way that they get only that information which is required from the MIS.
Functions of MIS
The main goal to set up an MIS in a company is to utilize the information by its managers for
managerial purpose for decision making.
MIS performs following functions to achieve organizational goal:
1.To collect useful data: MIS executes the data through computer system using the sources of an
organization. The organizational data is stores in computer system or as a paper record by its end
2.Data Processing: Processing data includes converting the storage data into the required
information to take beneficial actions. Data processing includes mathematical and logical operations
like, calculations, sorting, classifying and summarizing the data. The data processing signifies
processing activities as:
• Organize data
• Analysis on data
• Apply statistical, mathematical, operations
• To create predictive modeling
• Research and forecasting
3.Information storage and retrieval: MIS stores data as an organizational record and processed for
future use. The data organizes as a fields, records, files and databases for future use. Information
retrieval comprises to access the stored data as per the requirements of the management users.
• Line Organization
• Line and Staff Organization
• Functional Organization
• Project Management Organization
• Matrix Organization
key Differences Between Formal and
Informal Organization
• The difference between formal and informal organization can be drawn clearly on the following grounds:
1.Formal Organization is an organization in which job of each member is clearly defined, whose authority,
responsibility and accountability are fixed. Informal Organization is formed within the formal organization
as a network of interpersonal relationship when people interact with each other.
2.Formal organization is created deliberately by top management. Conversely, informal organization is formed
spontaneously by members.
3.Formal organization is aimed at fulfilling organization’s objectives. As opposed to an informal organization is
created to satisfy their social and psychological needs.
4.Formal organization is permanent in nature; it continues for a long time. On the other hand, informal
organization is temporary in nature.
5.The formal organization follows official communication, i.e. the channels of communication are pre-defined.
Unlike informal organization, the communication flows in any direction.
6.In the formal organization, the rules and regulations are supposed to be followed by every member. In
contrast to informal communication, there are norms, values, and beliefs, that work as a control mechanism.
7.In the formal organization, the focus is on the performance of work while in the case of an informal
organization, interpersonal communication is given more emphasis.
8.The size of a formal organization keeps on increasing, whereas the size of the informal organization is small.
9.In a formal organization, all the members are bound by the hierarchical structure, but all the members of an
informal organization are equal.
Meaning An organization type in An organization formed
which the job of each within the formal
member is clearly defined, organization as a network of
whose authority, interpersonal relationship,
responsibility and when people interact with
accountability are fixed is each other, is known as
formal organization. informal communication.