For lawyers and judges, Logic is the science of correct reasoning. They often
use logic to communicate more effectively, construct valid arguments, analyze
legal contracts, and make decisions.
For Instance, programmers use logic to design computer software, electrical
engineers use logic to design circuits for smart phones, and mathematicians
use logic to solve problems and construct mathematical proofs.
In this chapter, you will encounter several facets of logic. Specifically, you will
use logic to:
analyze information and the relationship between statements;
determine the validity of arguments
determine the valid conclusions based on given assumptions; and
analyze electronic circuits.
Logic Statements
and Quantifiers
Historical Note Logic Statements
One of the first Every language contains different types of sentences, such as
mathematicians to make a
serious study of symbolic logic
statements, questions, and commands. For instance,
was Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz
(1646 – 1716). Leibniz tried to “Is the test today?” is a question.
advance the study of logic from a
merely philosophical subject to a “Go get the newspaper” is a command.
formal mathematical subject. He
never completely achieved this
goal; however, several “This is a nice car” is an opinion.
mathematicians of, such as
Augustus De Morgan (1806 – “Denver is the capital of Colorado” is a statement
1871) and George Boole (1815 –
1864), contributed to the of fact.
advancement of symbolic logic as
a mathematical discipline. The symbolic logic that Boole was instrumental in creating
Boole published The applies only to sentences that are STATEMENTS as defined
Mathematical Analysis of Logic in
1848. In 1854 he published the below.
more extensive work, An
Investigation of the Laws of
Thought. Concerning this Statement
document, the mathematician
3. 9 + 2 is a prime number.
4. x+1=5
Simple Statements and Compound Statements
Historical Note
A simple statement is a statement that
One of the best –
known logicians is Charles
Dodgson (1832 – 1898). His
conveys a single idea.
mathematical works include A
Syllabus of Plane Algebraical
Geometry, The Fifth Book of Euclid
A compound statement is a statement that
Treated Algebraically, and
Symbolic Logic. Although Dodgson
was a distinguished
conveys two or more ideas.
mathematician in his time, he is Statement Connective Symbolic Type of
best known by his pen name Lewis
Carroll, which he used when he Form Statement
published Alice’s Adventures in Logic Connectives and Symbols
Wonderland and Through the Not p not ~p Negation
Looking – Glass.
p and q and p^q Conjunction
Queen Victoria of the
United Kingdom enjoyed Alice’s p or q or pVq Disjunction
Adventures in Wonderland to the
extent that she told Dodgson she
was looking forward to reading
if p, then q If…then p→q Conditional
another of his books. He promptly
sent her his Syllabus of Plane
p if and only if if and only if p↔q Biconditional
Algebraical Geometry , and it was q
reported that she was less than
enthusiastic about the latter book.
Write Compound Statements in symbolic Form:
Consider the following simple statements
p: Today is Friday.
q: It is raining.
r: I am going to a movie.
s: I am not going to the basketball game.
Write the following compound statements in symbolic form.
1. Today is Friday and it is raining.
2. It is not raining and I am going to a movie.
3. I am going to the basketball game or I am going to a movie.
4. If it is raining, then I am not going to the basketball game.
Translate Symbolic Statements
Consider the following statements.
p q p^q
Truth Value of a Disjunction
The disjunction p ˅ q is true if and only if p is true, q is true,
or both p and q are true.
Truth table for p ˅ q
p q p^q
Determine the truth value of a statement:
a. 7 ≥ 5.
b. 5 is a whole number and 5 is an even number.
c. 2 is a prime number and 2 is an even number.
Florida is one of the 50
states in the United States,
so this statement is true
and it is a statement.
The sentence “How are
you?” is a question; it is not
a declarative sentence.
Thus it is not a statement.
You may not know whether 9 + 2 is a
prime number; however, you do know
that it is a whole number larger than
1, so it is either a prime or it is not a
prime number. The sentence is either
true or it is false, and it is not both
true and false, so it is a statement.
X + 1 = 5 is a statement. It is
known as an open statement. It is
true for x = 4, and it is false for any
other values of x. For any given
value of x, it is true or false but not