Railroad Safety for Track Installation Employees
Railroad Safety for Track Installation Employees
Railroad Safety for Track Installation Employees
Safety for
This presentation focuses on essential safety
practices for employees involved in railroad
track installation, ensuring their well-being
and the integrity of the railroad infrastructure.
Introduction to Railroad Safety
Personal Communicatio
Proper Lifting Awareness of Emergency
Protective n and
Techniques Surroundings Procedures
Equipment (PPE) Coordination
Emphasize the Demonstrate the Encourage workers Stress the Outline the
importance of correct way to lift to be constantly importance of clear emergency
wearing appropriate heavy objects, such aware of their communication and procedures to be
PPE, such as hard as using proper surroundings, coordination among followed in case of
hats, safety glasses, posture, bending at including the team members to an incident,
high-visibility vests, the knees, and movement of ensure everyone is including the
steel-toed boots, and keeping the back machinery, the aware of the work location of first aid
gloves, to protect straight, to prevent presence of other being performed and kits, emergency
workers from back injuries. workers, and any potential hazards. contact information,
potential hazards potential tripping or and the proper steps
during track falling hazards. for reporting and
installation. responding to
Emergency Procedures
• 1. Immediately stop work and • 4. Provide first aid and • 7. Initiate the incident
assess the situation. medical assistance as reporting and investigation
Recognize the emergency and ensure the needed. process.
safety of all employees. Administer immediate care to any injured Document the details, gather evidence,
individuals until emergency responders and participate in the investigation to
• 2. Activate the emergency arrive. determine the cause and prevent future
plan and notify the
appropriate authorities. • 5. Secure the incident site
and prevent further damage • 8. Provide support and
Call emergency services, inform
supervisors, and follow the established or escalation. resources for affected
protocols. Isolate the affected area, control any employees.
hazardous conditions, and protect Offer counseling, assistance, and any
• 3. Evacuate the area and property. necessary accommodations to those
impacted by the incident.
guide employees to the
designated safe zones. • 6. Cooperate with emergency
Ensure everyone moves to the pre- responders and follow their
identified safe locations promptly and in instructions.
an orderly manner. Provide information, facilitate access, and
assist the authorities in their response
Training and Certification
Complete a 40-hour track installation Pass a written exam and practical skills
training program approved by the Federal assessment to obtain FRA Track Installer
Railroad Administration (FRA) Certification
Undergo annual refresher training on Renew FRA Track Installer Certification
proper track installation techniques and every 2 years by passing a recertification
safety procedures exam
*Based on guidelines from the Federal Railroad Administration (FRA) for track installation employees.
Regulatory Compliance
Outline the process for Describe the steps to Explain the process for Outline the requirements
employees to report safety investigate reported safety implementing corrective for reporting safety
incidents, including what incidents, such as actions to prevent similar incidents to management,
information to gather, who gathering evidence, incidents from occurring in regulatory agencies, and
to notify, and any required interviewing witnesses, and the future, including other stakeholders, as well
documentation. determining root causes. assigning responsibilities as the documentation that
and verifying effectiveness. must be maintained.
Railroad Safety for Track Installation Employees
Situational Awareness
Establish clear communication protocols with
Stay alert and attentive to your surroundings, your team and notify the appropriate
listen for approaching trains, and be prepared authorities before and during any work on the
to move to a safe distance quickly. railroad tracks.