Expo Arbitraje
Expo Arbitraje
Expo Arbitraje
Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun Mercury’s surface is quite similar to that
and the smallest one in the entire Solar of Earth’s Moon. Many of Mercury’s
System. This planet’s name has nothing craters were named after artists or
to do with the liquid metal, since authors who made significant
Mercury was named after the Roman contributions to their respective fields.
messenger god. Despite being closer to Mercury takes a little more than 58 days
the Sun than Venus, its temperatures to complete its rotation, so try to
aren’t as terribly hot as that planet’s imagine how long days must be there!
The slide title goes here!
■ They’re simple
■ You can organize your ideas clearly
■ You’ll never forget to buy milk!
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest planet to the Venus has a beautiful name and is
Sun and the smallest one in the Solar the second planet from the Sun. It’s
System—it’s only a bit larger than hot and has a poisonous atmosphere
the Moon
You can use three columns, why
Mercury Venus
Mercury is the closest planet Venus has a beautiful name
to the Sun and the smallest of and is the second planet from
them all the Sun
Mars Jupiter
Despite being red, Mars is a Jupiter is a gas giant and the
cold place. It’s full of iron biggest planet in the Solar
oxide dust System
Reviewing is a good idea
—Someone Famous
A picture is worth a thousand words
A picture
Images reveal large amounts of
data, so remember: use an
image instead of a long text.
Your audience will appreciate it
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
9h 55m 23s
Jupiter’s rotation period
The Sun’s mass compared to Earth’s
386,000 km
Distance between Earth and the Moon
Some percentages
Mercury Venus Mars
Mercury is the closest Venus has a beautiful Despite being red, Mars
planet to the Sun and the name and is the second is actually a cold place.
smallest in the Solar planet from the Sun It’s full of iron oxide dust
Venus has a beautiful
name and is the
second planet from
the Sun. It’s terribly
hot, even hotter than
Mercury, and its
atmosphere is
Labor law timeline
Mercury is the closest
planet to the Sun
Neptune is the farthest
planet from the Sun
Follow the link in the graph to modify its data and then paste the new one here.
For more info, click here
The hierarchy of duties
Mercury is the smallest
Mercury planet in the Solar System
$25,000 Incentives
Mercury 60%
Our grants
Venus 25%
Venus has a beautiful name and
is the second planet. It’s terribly Mars 30%
hot, even hotter than Mercury
Jupiter 80%
Worker responsibilities
Sweet spot
Frequently asked questions
What is 'whistleblowing'?
Mercury is the smallest one in the Solar System. This planet’s name has nothing to
do with the liquid metal, since Mercury was named after the Roman messenger god
■ Close-up adults shaking hands at the office
■ Signing documents
■ Female logo designer working at her office on a graphic tablet
■ Smiling elegant businessman
■ Portrait of a modern businesswoman
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