chaper 1.1
chaper 1.1
chaper 1.1
• Commonly used half wave and full wave rectifiers are shown in
Fig. 1. In the half wave rectifier (Fig.1a) the capacitor is charged
to Vmax, the maximum a.c. voltage of the secondary of the high
voltage transformer in the conducting half cycle. In the other
half cycle, the capacitor is discharged into the load. The value of
the capacitor C is chosen such that the time constant CRL is at
least 10 times that of the period of the a.c. supply. The rectifier
valve must have a peak inverse rating of at least 2Vmax. To limit
the charging current, an additional resistance R is provided in
series with the secondary of the transformer (not shown in the
• A full wave rectifier circuit is shown in Fig. 1b. In the positive
half cycle, the rectifier A conducts and charges the capacitor C,
while in the negative half cycle the rectifier B conducts and
charges the capacitor. The source transformer requires a centre
tapped secondary with a rating of 2V. 5
• For applications at high voltages of 50 kV and above, the rectifier valves used are of
special construction. Apart from the filament, the cathode and the anode, they
contain a protective shield or grid around the filament and the cathode. The anode
will be usually a circular plate. Since the electrostatic field gradients are quite large,
the heater and the cathode experience large electrostatic forces during the
nonconduction periods. To protect the various elements from these forces, the anode
is firmly fixed to the valve cover on one side. On the other side, where the cathode
and filament are located, a steel mesh structure or a protective grid kept at the
cathode potential surrounds them so that the mechanical forces between the anode
and the cathode are reflected on the grid structure only.
• In modern high voltage laboratories and testing installations, semiconductor
rectifier stacks are commonly used for producing d.c. voltages. Semiconductor
diodes are not true valves since they have finite but very small conduction in the
backward direction. The more commonly preferred diodes for high voltage rectifiers
are silicon diodes with peak inverse voltage (P.I.V.) of 1 kV to 2 kV. However, for
laboratory applications the current requirement is small (a few milliamperes, and
less than one ampere) and as such a selenium element stack with P.I.V. of up to 500
kV may be employed without the use of any voltage grading capacitors.
• Both full wave and half wave rectifiers produce d.c. voltages less than the a.c.
maximum voltage. Also, ripple or the voltage fluctuation will be present, and this
has to be kept within a reasonable limit by means of filters. 6
• Ripple Voltage with Half Wave and Full Wave Rectifiers
• When a full wave or a half wave rectifier is used along with the
smoothing condenser C, the voltage on no load will be the maximum
a.c. voltage. But when on load, the condenser gets charged from the
supply voltage and discharges into load resistance RL whenever the
supply voltage waveform varies from peak value to zero value. These
waveforms are shown in Fig. 2. When loaded, a fluctuation in the
output d.c. voltage δV appears, and is called a ripple. The ripple
voltage δV is larger for a half wave rectifier than that for a full wave
rectifier, since the discharge period in the case of half wave rectifier is
larger as shown in Fig. 2. The ripple δV depends on (a) the supply
voltage frequency f, (b) the time constant CRL and (c) the reactance of
the supply transformer XL. For half wave rectifiers, the ripple
frequency is equal to the supply frequency and for full wave rectifiers,
it is twice that value. The ripple voltage is to be kept as low as
possible with the proper choice of the filter condenser and the
transformer reactance for a given load RL.
• Fig 2 Input and output waveforms of half and full wave rectifiers
• A) Input sine wave
• B) Output with half wave rectifier and condenser filter
• C) Output with full wave rectifier and condenser filter
• D) Vmax, Vmean and ripple voltage and δV with condenser filter of a full a wave
• Voltage Doubler Circuits:
• Both full wave and half wave rectifier circuits produce a d.c.
voltage less than the a.c. maximum voltage. When higher d.c.
voltages are needed, a voltage doubler or cascaded rectifier
doubler circuits are used. The schematic diagram of voltage
doublers are given in Figs. 3a and b.
• In voltage doubler circuit shown in Fig.3a, the condenser C1 is
charged through rectifier R to a voltage of +Vmax with polarity as
shown in the figure during the negative half cycle. As the
voltage of the transformer rises to positive Vmax during the next
half cycle, the potential of the other terminal of C1 rises to a
voltage of +2Vmax.
• Fig 3 a Simple voltage doubler
• Voltage multiplier circuit using the Cockcroft-Walton principle is shown in Fig.
4b. The first stage, i.e. D1, D2, C1, C2, and the transformer T are identical as in
the voltage doubler shown in Fig. 3. For higher output voltage of 4.6,... 2n of
the input voltage V, the circuit is repeated with cascade or series connection.
Thus, the condenser C4 is charged to 4Vmax and C2n to 2nVmax above the earth
potential. But the volt across any individual condenser or rectifier is only
• The rectifiers D1, D3, ...D2n-1 shown in Fig.4b operate and conduct during the
positive half cycles while the rectifiers D2, D4... D2n conduct during the negative
half cycles. Typical current and voltage waveforms of such a circuit are shown
in Figs.4c and 4d respectively. The voltage on C2 is the sum of the input a.c.
• Vac and the voltage across condenser C1,VC1 as shown in Fig 4. The mean voltage
on C2 is less than the positive peak charging voltage (V ac + Vc1). The voltages
across other condensers C2 to C2n can be derived in the same manner, (i.e.) from
the difference between voltage across the previous condenser and the charging
voltage. Finally the voltage after 2n stages will be Vac (n1 + n2 + ...), where n1,
n2,... are factors when ripple and regulation are considered in the next rectifier.
The ripple voltage δV and the voltage drop ∆V in a cascaded voltage multiplier
• Fig 4e Ripple voltage δV and the voltage drop ΔV in a casacaded
voltage multiplier circuit shown in Fig 4 (b)
• Ripple In Cascaded Voltage Multiplier Circuits:
• With load, the output voltage of the cascaded rectifiers is less than 2n
Vmax, where n is the number of stages. The ripple and the voltage
regulation of the rectifier circuit may be estimated as follows.
• Let
• f= supply frequency,
• q = charge transferred in each cycle,
• Ii = load current from the rectifier,
• t1 = conduction period of the rectifiers
• t2 = non-conduction period of rectifiers, and
• δV = ripple voltage.
• Referring to Fig.3a, when load current I1 is supplied from condenser
C2 to load RL during the non-conducting period, the charge transferred
per cycle from the condenser C2 to the load during the non-conduction
period t2 is q, and is related as follows.
• Referring to Fig 4b, to find an expression for the total ripple voltage,
let it be assumed that all capacitances C1, C2,..., C2n be equal to C. Let
q be the charge transferred from C2n to the load per cycle.
• Here also, it is seen that most of the voltage drop is due to the lowest
stage condensers C1, C2, etc. Hence, it is advantageous to increase
their values proportional to the number of the stage from the top.
• For large values of n (≥5), and terms in Eq 3 will becomes small
compared to and may be neglected; then the optimum number of
stages for the minimum voltage drop may be expressed as