beat back
verb as in repel
Strong matches
Example Sentences
Legal experts said subtle modifications to some of the orders reflected attempts by the Trump administration to beat back legal challenges preemptively.
That’s despite the fact that firefighters were unable to beat back flames in the area, leaving the fire to rampage through unchecked, he said.
Crowley on Friday contradicted that narrative, drawing a connection between reductions to her department’s operations and the struggle to beat back the wildfires.
As he beat back the flames threatening his home, he was grateful it was still standing.
Despite being outspent 8-1, a coalition of progressive groups in Santa Ana helped beat back a recall of a city council member who was opposed by real estate interests and the city’s police union.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.