clash with
verb as in differ
Strongest matches
Example Sentences
On Saturday we'll be getting a band of rain moving in from the south-west which will clash with colder air in the east and bring some wintry precipitation.
However, Makenga began to clash with his superiors - he was arrested by the Rwandan authorities after refusing orders to return to Rwanda, a UN Security Council report said.
That contest was won by Leanne Wood, who Elis-Thomas went on to clash with over the direction of Plaid Cymru.
However, his proposed measures are highly unlikely to come into effect this side of February's snap election and – if they did – could clash with EU law.
Whatever you want to call it, it almost always concerns the day’s headlines, or some personality clash with Trump.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.