conflict with
verb as in contravene
verb as in differ
Example Sentences
Israel's withdrawal is a key part of the ceasefire which ended a year-long conflict with Shia militant group Hezbollah.
Nato, the EU and the West in general reached an extraordinary level of unity in coming together to help Ukraine defend itself, without getting drawn into direct conflict with Russia.
The alliance has not sent troops to Ukraine or enforced a no-fly zone over the country for fear of being pulled into a direct conflict with Russia.
But that assertion appears to conflict with previous analyses that show dangerous levels of chemicals even after the federal cleanup workers clear a layer of topsoil.
Hezbollah, which is a militant, political and social movement, was severely weakened in the conflict with Israel, although it continues to enjoy significant support among Shia Muslims in Lebanon.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.