clear up
verb as in explain; resolve
verb as in become improved
Example Sentences
BBC Verify has analysed reports in Russian media, statements from officials and Greenpeace releases from this month that talk about oil being found or cleared up on various beaches.
He added that Thatchers was "thrilled" the court had "got to the core of the issue and cleared up any cloudy judgment".
Several undergraduates on campus reported seeing ash around their dorm buildings and smoke inside residence halls early last week before conditions cleared up as the week ended.
The Pfizer and Moderna jabs, meanwhile, have been linked to rare cases of heart inflammation, which usually clear up without long-term damage.
"If we don't work to clear up this history, to acknowledge our pain," Marta said, "we will always be under the risk of it happening again."
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.