shed light on
verb as in clarify
verb as in clear the air
verb as in elucidate
verb as in illume
Example Sentences
Investigative journalist David Bergman, who has been shedding light on Siddiq's connections to Bangladeshi politics for a decade, points out context is everything.
She says the Church "weren't really very forthcoming", but when she learned Stephen Cottrell was Bishop of Chelmsford from 2010 she contacted him hoping he could shed light on the matter.
The "fearless" journalism student – who wanted to shed light on the suffering of the Palestinians – was with her mother, two young nephews and another relative.
A pair of recent studies sheds light on the issue, underscoring the potential risks of ingesting plastic as well as a potential solution to cleaning up the environment.
“Every time I step on the field, it’s a chance to shed light on where I’m from,” Egbuka said.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.