verb as in overstate, embellish
Strongest matches
amplify, distort, emphasize, fabricate, falsify, heighten, inflate, magnify, misrepresent, overdo, overdraw, overemphasize, overestimate
Strong matches
boast, boost, brag, caricature, color, corrupt, embroider, enlarge, exalt, expand, fudge, hike, hyperbolize, intensify, lie, misquote, pad, puff, pyramid, romance, romanticize, scam, stretch, up
Weak matches
blow out of proportion, build up, cook up, go to extremes, lay it on thick, loud talk, make too much of, misreport, pretty up, put on
Example Sentences
“California, I think, gets there first in exaggerated forms, but this is a national issue. And, in fact, it’s becoming an international issue.”
Some social media content she’s encountered seemed “very polarizing” or political, and some exaggerated the scope of the disaster or featured complete fabrications, such as that flaming Hollywood sign.
“Fact-checkers have not been biased in their work — that attack line comes from those who feel they should be able to exaggerate and lie without rebuttal or contradiction.”
Helene Tofte, director of international cooperation and climate at the Norwegian Shipowners Association, says that in hindsight the outlook for shipping in the Arctic had been "exaggerated".
It is difficult to exaggerate just how comfortable the lad from Warrington looked on the stage.
From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.